Page 14 - aruba-today-20190507
P. 14

                        Tuesday 7 May 2019

            Episode XVII

            Shamans                                                                                Each week we share the most interesting and revealing
                                                                                                   articles regarding Aruba, a destination to be explored,we
                                                                                                   can find,and so doing uncover amazing and informative
                                                                                                   stories along the way.
              Boratios, Beykes, Boitius, Whitch docter are some of the titels people use to identify
              those who practice the art of traditional healing. Locally they where known as Curan-
              deros or Curiosos, “ titles” which may have come from the inquisitive nature of those
              who practice the natural way of healing with assistance of spiritual powers of plants.

                                                  The journey
            What is a Curioso? A Curioso is a spiritual  Native American Shamanism.
            healer  of  a  group  or  tribe  who  adhere  There are two kinds of spiritual leaders or
            to the belief in ancient practices like the  guides in prehistoric Caribbean Era:  they
            Caquietian  Boratios  Shamanism.  The  be-  were called “Beyke” and “Boitiu”.
            lief and practice incorporates a range of  Beykes are ceremonial leaders and teach-
            beliefs,  customs,  ceremonies  and  rituals  ers of groups. The beyke’s responsibility is
            regarding  communication  with  the  spiri-  to  organize  and  lead  group  ceremonies                       The spirits
            tual world in which their religious leader, a  which are necessary to maintain the bal-  in  the  spiritual  realms  that  like in the case of Aruba’s
            Curioso or Curandero enters a supernatu-    ance and connection between the peo-       are identified as the “Three  Curiosos  and  Curanderos
            ral realm particularly when the tribe is fac-  ple  and  the  Divine  Consciousness  of  the   Cosmic Levels” of shaman-  who  had  incorporated  or
            ing  adversity  or  need  to  obtain  solutions  Great  Spirit.  The  goal  is  to  learn  and  be-  ic  geography;  the  Upper  adapted  Roman  Catholic
            to problems affecting their community in-   come an expert in the tradition so that he   World,  the  Middle  World  believes  which  they  took
            cluding sickness.                           or she can then teach and be a vehicle     and the Lower World. Some  over from the Spaniards to
                                                        for  the  evolution  and  blossoming  of  the   of the power that the boitiu  their existing natives’ prac-
            The  doctrine  associated  with  Curanderia  group.                                    brings  back  from  the  spirit  tices.  Many  items  such  as
            or  Curiosos  incorporates  the  ancient  role  The  boitiu,  on  the  other  hand,  is  an  ex-  realm  is  used  to  heal.  The  crucifix,  rosary,  candles
            of Shamans, which is probably one of the  plorer. The boitiu’s job is to go into realms   boitiu  is  what  many  know  and  images  or  statues  of
            oldest  beliefs  man  created  which  origins  where  not  everyone  can  go.  The  boitiu   as a “shaman”.         saints where used in order
            dates back to the Stone Age.                does this through a technique called “jour-                             to supplanting their natural
            The  term  “Shaman”  is  derived  from  the  neying”.  The  journey  takes  the  boitiu  to   We  must  note  that  Sha-  spirits  in  order  to  maintain
            Sanskrit word “sraman” meaning a worker  places where she or he can gain spiritual     manism is not a specific re-  basic traditions.
            or toiler.                                  power or wisdom and then bring it back to   ligion but a doctrine based
                                                        the community. These places are located    on  a  belief  that  physical  The  role  of  the  Curioso  or
                                                                                                   nature  might  be  brought  Curandero.
                                                                                                   under  the  control  of  man,  The  healer  uses  appropri-
                                                                                                   in the person of a Shaman.  ate  words,  objects  and
                                                                                                   The Shaman is believed to  rituals to protect men from
                                                                                                   have a spiritual connection  evil spirits - his role is that of
                                                                                                   with  animals,  supernatural  opponent to the bad spirits
                                                                                                   creatures and all elements  and of guardian to the or-
                                                                                                   of  nature.  The  Shaman  dinary man. The role of the
                                                                                                   helps members of the tribe  Curioso  Curandero  differs
                                                                                                   to  identify  personal  Ani-  from tribe to tribe as there
                                                                                                   mal  Totems  that  are  spirit  are some regional and trib-
                                                                                                   guides  who  walk  through  al variations to their beliefs
                                                                                                   life  with  them  and  some-  in  Shamanism.  There  are,
                                                                                                   times appear in dreams or  however, several common
                                                                                                   Vision Quests or on a Spiri-  roles  that  are  shared  by
                                                                                                   tual Journey in the form of  every Shaman, Healer, Cu-
                                                                                                   an animal.                   rioso or Curandero.
                                                                                                   Shamanism  is  mixed  with
                                                                                                   other  beliefs  such  as  Ani-
                                                                                                   mism,   Totemism,   Ritual-         Continued on Page 15
                                                   The spirits                                     ism  and  Fetishism  beliefs
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