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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 7 May 2019

            South Africa's populist party takes aim at ruling ANC

            By MOGOMOTSI MAGOME                                                                                                 sages  about  inequality  in
             Associated Press                                                                                                   South  Africa,  especially  in
            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —                                                                                               the workplace. He works as
            With  revolutionary  rheto-                                                                                         a waiter in a trendy down-
            ric,  bright  red  outfits  and                                                                                     town district.
            left-wing  policies,  the  Eco-                                                                                     "White  workers  earn  more
            nomic  Freedom  Fighters                                                                                            than  black  workers  even
            have  shaken  up  South  Af-                                                                                        though we have the same
            rica's  political  landscape,                                                                                       skills and do the same work,"
            becoming  a  potent  chal-                                                                                          Thobejane said. "Malema is
            lenge  to  the  ruling  African                                                                                     not  afraid  to  speak  about
            National Congress.                                                                                                  such  things,  and  that  en-
            Firebrand   leader    Julius                                                                                        courages  me  because  he
            Malema,  38,  has  a  knack                                                                                         is  the  only  politician  who
            for catching headlines and                                                                                          seems  to  understand  our
            appealing to South Africa's                                                                                         everyday struggles."
            youth.  Although  the  EFF                                                                                          Whites make up just under
            has little chance of winning                                                                                        10% of South Africa's popu-
            power  in  the  Wednesday                                                                                           lation but still hold much of
            elections , the party's pop-                                                                                        the country's wealth, while
            ulist  stance  has  pulled  the                                                                                     blacks make up nearly 80%
            governing ANC to the left.                                                                                          of the population of 57 mil-
            At  his  final  rally  Sunday,                                                                                      lion.
            Malema said his party is de-  Leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, Julius Malema, addresses supporters during   Political   analyst   Ralph
            manding a bigger share of    an election rally at Orlando Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, Sunday, May 5, 2019.     Mathekga, a researcher at
            South  Africa's  wealth  from                                                                      Associated Press  the  University  of  the  West-
            the country's white minority.                                                                                       ern  Cape's  Center  for  Hu-
            "White people, all we want  their  new  party  as  the  be-  The EFF's militant, rebellious  ic  consequences  of  such  manities  Research,  attrib-
            is to join you at the dinner  ginning of a realignment of  stance  in  parliament  and  policies  in  countries  like  uted  the  EFF's  popularity
            table  and  eat  with  you,"  the country's politics.     the  courts  is  partly  cred-  Venezuela   and   Zimba-  to  the  "drama  and  excite-
            said Malema to thousands  But eight months later, the  ited with the removal from  bwe, Malema's rhetoric has  ment" it brings. He expects
            of  supporters  in  Soweto's  EFF secured 6% of the vote  office  last  year  of  former  struck  a  chord  with  many  the EFF to grow its electoral
            Orlando Stadium. "If you do  in  the  2014  national  elec-  president  Jacob  Zuma  af-  black  South  Africans  who  support  to  at  least  10%  in
            not want us to sit with you  tions, making it the country's  ter persistent allegations of  remain poor 25 years after  Wednesday's vote.
            at the table, then we have  third biggest political party  corruption.                 the  end  of  apartheid,  the  "They  exposed  South  Afri-
            no  choice  but  to  destroy  with  29  representatives  in  Under  Malema's  charis-  harsh  system  of  racial  dis-  can  politics  as  being  very
            the table."                  parliament. Two years later  matic  leadership,  the  EFF  crimination.                stale. Theirs is a mix of street,
            It's a classic Malema quote,  in  municipal  elections  the  is a divisive element with its  Malema   draws   capac-  populist  and  intellectual
            dramatically   vowing    to  EFF was central to ushering  populist  brand  of  politics.  ity crowds when he speaks  politics,"  Mathekga  said.
            threaten the existing order.  in  a  new  era  of  coalition  Malema,  a  former  ANC  and many young South Af-     "Their leaders are intellectu-
            As  South  Africans  prepare  politics,  exposing  the  ANC  youth  leader  who  was  ex-  ricans see him as represent-  al, educated elites but they
            to  vote  on  Wednesday  in  as  vulnerable  after  nearly  pelled  from  the  party  for  ing  their  struggles,  while  appeal to ordinary people
            what  is  expected  to  be  a  a quarter-century in power.  criticizing   then-president  those who do not subscribe  because they bring drama
            hotly  contested  national  The EFF members wear red  Jacob Zuma, has become  to his brand of politics see  and excitement."
            election,  the  EFF  is  once  workers'  overalls  in  parlia-  one  of  the  most  influential  him as a radical who should  The rise of the EFF, despite
            again  a  potential  game-   ment,  saying  the  outfits  politicians among South Af-  never come close to a po-    being  a  leftist  party,  has
            changer.  Various  polls  in-  show  they  represent  the  rica's restless youth.      sition of power.             similarities  to  the  emer-
            dicate  the  party  may  in-  interests  of  South  Africa's  The EFF loudly promises that  Thapelo   Thobejane,   a  gence of right-wing move-
            crease its share of the vote  working  class.  With  shout-  if elected it will expropriate  31-year-old  resident  of  the  ments in parts of the world
            to at least 12%, cutting fur-  ing,  singing  and  other  dis-  white-owned  land  without  teeming  Alexandra  town-  that  have  seen  the  elec-
            ther into the ANC's support.  ruptive antics, the EFF rep-  compensation and nation-   ship  in  Johannesburg,  said  tion of populist leaders like
            When a group of rebellious  resentatives  have  been  alize  South  Africa's  mines  he  supports  the  EFF  and  Donald Trump in the United
            youths  broke  away  from  thrown  out  of  parliament  and banks.                     Malema  because  he  can  States and Jair Bolsonaro in
            the  ANC  in  2013,  few  saw  several times.             Despite  the  dire  econom-  relate  to  the  party's  mes-  Brazil.q
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