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P. 16
Tuesday 7 May 2019
Bohemian Restaurant: Eclectic Surprise with French Core
PALM BEACH — Avant-garde from intimate, hip and offbeat ambi-
France, nonconformist in style and ance. Catchy Rumba Gitana and
ethnic in cuisine. That is what the dramatic Spanish ballads combine
new kid in town is about. Bohemian with the passionately prepared
Restaurant is different, unconven- dishes to tickle your taste buds to
tional and a rebel with a cause. The the max. Fridays and Saturdays
cause is to make you feel king in DJ’s play from 10 PM as Bohemi-
this hidden garden with outstand- an offers the whole concept from
ing dishes that connect you to the food to after drinks. The cool bar
European liaisons of Aruba. accommodates a daily happy
hour at 5 PM by the way. Satur-
A garden full of strong trees and day’s soul-touching singer Sanghi-
dressed up in New York-style indus- ta with guitarist Martin perform live
trial-look elements creates a cos- from 7 PM on.
mopolitan vibe while at the same
time the tropical breeze and out- Bohemian Restaurant is a differ-
side dining connect to the Carib- ent swing, European flair and out-
bean. Waiters with French barrettes side dining, a place from the same
and pant suspenders service you owner as the for years already suc-
with a happy and loose style with cessful Casa Tua restaurants. They
on the background the sounds of know their dance well, but this time
underground chill music varied they lift it to a different level.
with French classics.
Free Parking available at the park-
On Wednesdays Bohemian offers ing lot in front of Barcelo Resort. q
a special night with live Flamenco
singer Angela Baidez. From 7 PM
Spanish Paella and much more is Make your reservations through their
on the menu, of course with pair- website: https://bohemianaruba.
com. Call them at 00 297 280 8448.
ing wines. The beautiful garden of Facebook: Bohemian.
Bohemian will be filled with lights,
good food and live music in an
Memorial for Holocaust Victims in Aruba
ORANJESTAD — Members of the people were attacked during the
Jewish community memorialized service in the synagogue on the
the six million victims of the Holo- last day of Passover. Also the 257
caust during the Second World War victims of the recent terrorist at-
at a service in the Synagogue Beth tacks in Sri Lanka were part of the
Israel, led by Rabbi Daniel Krip- reflection of the evening at Beth Is-
per. The ceremony, called Yom rael. The Rabbi explained that the
Hashoah, took place on May 2nd, yearly ceremony remembers a his-
2019 and was also attended by the toric epic of a bad kind, but that
Minister of Finance, Economic Af- unfortunately he still takes note of
fairs and Culture, Xiomara Maduro, the existence of Neo-Nazi groups
Parliamentarian Mervin Wyatt-Ras and other anti-Israel organizations
and representatives of different in the world. He feels sad to see
churches. that not only synagogues are the
targets of attacks, but also Chris-
The service had an extra dimension tian churches, many times in coun-
because of the recent happening tries where they are a minority and
that took place at a synagogue in an easier target. “Terrorism will not
Poway, California in the U.S., where stop,” speaks the Rabbi. “These
terrifying acts are often done in the share ideals.” David Cybul, mem-
name of God, but God preaches ber of the Jewish community, de-
peace, harmony and solidarity.” clared that this evening not only
The Rabbi wishes that the Yom the six million Jewish victims are
Hashoah or Holocaust and Hero- remembered as also the civilians,
ism Memorial that is honoring the militaries, Catholics, Christians,
victims of the past, also links to Muslims, Gypsies, black people
the current times and the act of and many more that found death
violence in the sense of a protests of the in total 72 million victims dur-
and contra-movements of hope ing World War II. The ceremony
and peace. Therefore he was very contained a spiritual part and
pleased to see representatives of showed the documentary “Defiant
other religions present during the Requiem.” More information about
ceremony. “All of us can relate to the synagogue can be found at:
the present attacks and terrorism Facebook Beth Israel Synagogue
dangers, we are here to unite and Aruba.qq