Page 11 - AM190821
P. 11

Diaranson, 21 augustus 2019                                  AWEMainta                                                                      11

          Request for Expression of Interest for an Inmate tracking system for the Correctional Facility of Aruba (KIA)

         Due to the specific nature of the required security works/services in the scope of national security and law enforcement tasks
         entrusted to the Government, the urgency factor, the intricate nature of and rapid technological advancements in the field of
         such security works/services, the Ministry of Justice, Security and Integration of Aruba (MJSIA) is hereby requesting comprehen-
         sive expressions of interest from experienced and qualified parties, that can swiftly provide an Inmate tracking system  for the
         Correctional Facility of Aruba, through leasing.

         The following relevant requirements are applicable:
                1.      The Inmate tracking system should have a flexible and easily scalable capacity to monitor an average of 250 up to
                        300 subjects, from a central location to be determined.
                2.      The Inmate tracking system to be applied must comply with the conformity requirement (“conformiteitsvereiste”).
                        It must therefore comply with industry standards, requirements and overall best practices, applicable to similar
                        systems functioning in comparable correctional facilities and as can be reasonably expected. It should in essence be
                        an easily scalable system that can track via e.g. high-frequency/GPS, in combination with ankle bracelets or wrist
                        bands and readers, the location and movements of subjects, as well as perform automated headcounts of subjects,
                        logging cell and security checks through fixed sensors, etc. etc. The Inmate tracking system to be applied shall
                        function in a cost effective manner as can be reasonably expected, consisting of relevant core equipment (hard-,
                        software and wireless connectivity system, bracelets or wristbands, etc. etc.) with a proven track record to monitor
                        and track subjects real time, be highly resilient to tampering, promptly alert if the subject attempts to or leaves the
                        relevant area or premises, or tries to tamper with or block the reception of signals, be able to track a subject beyond
                        premises, and require minimal routine maintenance.
                3.      The respondents must be able to provide all the relevant features, have sufficient financial support, equipment, and
                        organization to ensure that they can satisfactorily execute the required services if awarded.
                4.      The expression of interest should include the monthly cost to lease the system consisting of hardware, software,
                        wireless connectivity equipment and the tracking devices. Said monthly cost to lease should be all-inclusive,
                        thereby including aforementioned costs as well as the setup and maintenance cost and all expected taxes, fees or
                        charges to be incurred by the respondent in respect of the goods, services and works to be provided.
                5.      The proposals captioned in the expression of interest shall have a validity of at least 120 days as of the date
                        of submittal and indicate the expected total import duties on the system components.
                6.      The respondents shall warrant to be authorized as to applicable rights, such as copy, patent or other rights,
                        pertaining to the system proposed to be leased and/or related services proposed to be provided in said scope.
                7.      The duration of the intended lease will be of 5 years, with option for renewal subject to applicable government
                        procurement regulations.
                8.      Due to the fact that the MJSIA is striving to procure for a new correctional facility, it must be taken into
                        consideration that the Inmate tracking system should be able to be moved and applied in the new facility without
                        major cost, other than those which could be reasonably expected.

                The general relevant criteria to define a recommendation for selection will be:
                •       Compliance with the aforementioned basic requirements.
                •       Total cost of leasing in light of budget constraints.
                •       Experience of respondent, system reliability and quality of equipment.
                •       Time of operational activation.

         Alternative/Hybrid solutions
         In light of the intricate nature of the works/services, the special requirements, the rapid technological advancements in the scope
         thereof, as well as budgetary constraints, expressions of interest to provide a hybrid solution for an Inmate tracking system may
         be filed as well, taking into account the aforementioned requirements and relevant criteria.

         Companies that have experience in the relevant field and can meet the aforementioned requirements and relevant criteria are
         requested to send their expression of interest in one (1) electronic copy in Adobe Portable Document Format (“PDF”) no later
         than September 30, 2019, 20:00 Atlantic Standard Time (UTC/GMT -4 Hours) to:

         Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this REOI, and general principles of procurement law deemed applicable, this
         REOI is subject to the following conditions, all of which the respondent irrevocably accepts by his submission of a proposal in
         response to this REOI: MJSIA reserves the right to cancel this REOI at any time with or without cause. MJSIA reserves the right to
         reject any or all submissions submitted in response to this REOI. In the event of such rejection, the respondent(s) shall be notified
         by electronic mail. MJSIA reserves the right to do a comparative evaluation on any submissions received and to evaluate them
         based on considerations which MJSIA determines would yield the best value. The criteria found in this REOI are not an exhaustive
         list. In assessing a Submission, MJSIA may consider any other factor considered appropriate and relevant by MJSIA in its discre-
         tion. This REOI does not commit the MJSIA to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal in response or pursuant to
         this REOI. Proposals received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of expressions of interest will not be considered. MJSIA
         shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to waive any irregularity, informality, or non-conformance with these instructions in any
         submission received by MJSIA or to reject any submission containing any such irregularity or non-conformity.

         Upon receipt of the expressions of interest, a special advisory committee, in proper consultation with representatives of law
         enforcement agencies and departments, as well as technical experts, will review the expressions of interests by respondents and
         advice the MJSIA. The MJSIA will than determine the path forward and the special advisory committee will communicate this to
         the respondents. The special advisory committee may, at its discretion, choose to hold a questions and answer session with
         respondents, require additional information from respondents and/or choose to inspect facilities and/or equipment prior to
         advising the MJSIA.
         Minister of Justice, Security and Integration of Aruba
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