Page 31 - AHATA
P. 31

                 Friday 28 September 2018

            Tourism also has its limitations and economic diversification

                                                                                                   dustry.                      and CEO of Broadsuite Me-
                                                                                                                                dia Group and Sam Sheffer
                                                                                                   It  is  very  important  to  see  a  well-known  Youtuber  &
                                                                                                   how Aruba has developed  Technologist.  Sheffer  used
                                                                                                   itself in the industry through  to work for big technology
                                                                                                   digital  transformation.  It  is  companies such as Engad-
                                                                                                   time to reflect on the tour-  get, The Verge and  Mash-
                                                                                                   ism product that has more  able.
                                                                                                   than  60  years  of  existence
                                                                                                   and as is the case with any  These   speakers    talked
                                                                                                   product,  no  matter  that  it  about  the  impact  online
                                                                                                   is a destination, it does not  media  has  on  a  tourist
                                                                                                   only  have  its  maturity  but  when they need to decide
                                                                                                   has its challenges too.  Ac-  where will be their next va-
                                                                                                   cording to Tjin Asjoe-Croes  cation  destination.  They
                                                                                                   the model we are following  also  gave  ideas  and  sug-
                                                                                                   with the goal for tourism to  gestions  to  the  public  on
                                                                                                   become  an  economical  different facilities and digi-
                                                                                                   pillar  by  continiously  ex-  tal instruments that can be
                                                                                                   panding and developing it,  useful to make the tourism
                                                                                                   has been reached.            product better.  Seeing the
                                                                                                                                limitations  Aruba  has,  be-
                                                                                                   We  must continue putting  ing  a  small  island,  we  can
                                                                                                   attention  into  it,    in  order  say that we are a few steps
                                                                                                   for it to be sustained. This is  ahead compared to other
                                                                                                   limited in expansion of vol-  tourist destinations in the re-
            ORANJESTAD – Aruba Tour-     Digital Transformation: How  theme  regarding  this  day  ume but by taking the nec-   gion. The speakers admired
            ism  Authority  (ATA)  gave   it impacts our lives.       was  in  line  with  the  World  essary  steps  to  insure  the  the idea of ATA to put Wi-
            special  attention  on  World                             Tourism  Organisation    that  tourism  to  continue  being  Fi  in  different  parts  of  the
            Tourism Day through a con-   Director  of ATA, Ronella Tjin  reflects on the digital trans-  the  industry  with  the  high-  island  to  make  it  a  more
            ference  named:  Tourism  &  Asjoe-Croes  declared  the  formation in the tourism in-  est economic income and  pleasant and more acces-
                                                                                                   contribute to the quality of  sible stay for the tourist. By
                                                                                                   life for our people. Also very  doing  this,  the  tourist  will
                                                                                                   important is for it to contin-  promote  Aruba  instantly
                                                                                                   ue to be a satisfying indus-  from their  point of view. This
                                                                                                   try for our visitors.        is certainly the  best way to
                                                                                                                                get  free  marketing.    ATA
                                                                                                   ATA  tries  to  illustrate  that  also  put  “beacons”    that
                                                                                                   tourism  not  only  consists  way they can record which
                                                                                                   of  economics  but  aspects  are  the  most  visited  plac-
                                                                                                   such as social, environmen-  es  by  the  tourists.  Through
                                                                                                   tal  protection and culture.  these “beacons” ATA aims
                                                                                                   All these aspects goes han-  in the future to be able to
                                                                                                   di-in-hand with the tourism.   give  immediate  informa-
                                                                                                   And the all need proper at-  tion  to  the  tourist  via  mes-
                                                                                                   tention.  If not, at the end  sages that will inform them
                                                                                                   of the day you will have a  about events happening in
                                                                                                   product that will not be at-  the areas they are. This will
                                                                                                   tractive  to  the  visitor.  This  elevate the experience for
                                                                                                   will  have  a  negative  out-  the  tourist  by  giving  them
                                                                                                   come to our quality of life.  more options and that way
                                                                                                   Eventhough  it’s  our  eco-  they  will  ccontribute  more
                                                                                                   nomic pillar, tourism has its  to  our  economy  during
                                                                                                   limitations  and  economic  their  stay.    Both  speakers
                                                                                                   diversification  is  important.  stated that we need to be
                                                                                                   ATA  forecasts  a  continu-  more  innovative  in  order
                                                                                                   ous increase in our tourism  to secure our leadership in
                                                                                                   industry  and  they  are  tak-  tourism.
                                                                                                   ing  the  necessary  steps  to
                                                                                                   make this possible through  The  Minister  of  Transport
                                                                                                   the following:               Chris Romero, was present,
                                                                                                                                representing the Minister of
                                                                                                   Innovation                   Tourism. The Minister of ed-
                                                                                                   During   the   conference  ucation  Rudy Lampe and
                                                                                                   ATA had two guest speak-     other members of the Par-
                                                                                                   ers  that  were  the  perfect  liament  were  also  present
                                                                                                   examples  to  explain  more  at the conference.
                                                                                                   about  the  digital  transfor-
                                                                                                   mation in the tourism indus-  This  report  was  done  by
                                                                                                   try. The Main speakers were  Benjamin Romero.q
                                                                                                   Daniel Newman, co-found-
                                                                                                   er  of  Futurum  Research
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