P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 18 september 2019
            'Handmaid's Tale,' 'Mrs. Maisel' guest stars capture Emmys

            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  drama  guest  star  Em-
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — A trio                                                                                           mys.
            of  Emmy-honored  actors                                                                                            In his acceptance speech,
            are  winners  again  for  their                                                                                     Whitford  struck  a  political
            guest  performances  in  TV                                                                                         note  as  he  thanked  Mar-
            series, joined by an awards                                                                                         garet Atwood for the titular
            newcomer.                                                                                                           novel that is the basis of the
            Bradley Whitford and Cher-                                                                                          dystopian "The Handmaid's
            ry  Jones  received  trophies                                                                                       Tale."
            for  their  "The  Handmaid's                                                                                        Atwood  is  "giving  us  per-
            Tale" roles at Sunday's cre-                                                                                        spective in this disorienting
            ative arts Emmy ceremony.                                                                                           moment  as  we  are  inun-
            Jane Lynch and Luke Kirby                                                                                           dated  and  undermined
            won  on  the  comedy  side,                                                                                         by  a  misogynistic,  radi-
            both  for  "The  Marvelous                                                                                          cal,  right-wing  ideology,"
            Mrs. Maisel."                                                                                                       he  said.  "She  understands
            "Game of Thrones" led with                                                                                          three  things:  Despair  is  not
            10 Emmys in technical and                                                                                           an  option.  Our  children
            other  categories  at  the                                                                                          can't afford it. Action is the
            two-night  weekend  cer-                                                                                            antidote to despair."
            emony,  which  is  the  pre-                                                                                        Lynch,  who  added  to  her
            cursor  to  the  main  Emmy                                                                                         four  previous  Emmys  for
            Awards that will air Sept. 22                                                                                       series including "Glee" and
            on Fox.                      Jane Lynch poses in the press room with the award for outstanding guest actress in a comedy   "Hollywood  Game  Night,"
            "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel"   series for "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" on night two of the Creative Arts Emmy Awards on Sunday,   said  she  based  her  por-
            was the top comedy series    Sept. 15, 2019, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.                               trayal of a 1950s comic on
            winner, with six awards.                                                                           Associated Press  the  women  she  grew  up
            Jones, who previously won                                                                                           watching.  "I  went  right  to
            for  "24,"  heaped  praise  tions,  and  saluted  Cicely  Jane Pittman'. is one of the  Whitford  has  an  Emmy  for  the source: Phyllis Diller, To-
            backstage on fellow nomi-    Tyson, nominated for "How  things that made me want  "The  West  Wing"  and  one  tie  Fields,  Moms  Mabley,"
            nee Phylicia Rashad ("This Is  to Get Away with Murder."  to be an actress, and I tell  for  "Transparent"  —  the  Lynch  said.  "Back  then,  in
            Us"), calling it "absurd" that  "I  got  to  tell  Ms.  Tyson  to-  her  that  every  time  I  see  latter  for  guest  actor  in  a  order for a woman to be in
            Rashad  has  yet  to  win  an  night  that  watching  the  her and she always rolls her  comedy,  making  him  the  comedy,  she  had  to have
            Emmy despite four nomina-    'Autobiography    of   Miss  eyes," Jones said.           first  actor  to  win  comedy  a gimmick.q

            Steve Martin's bluegrass award faces uncertain future

            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                     couldn't  even  pretend  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    do." Martin hopes some en-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  One                                                                                             tity might take over admin-
            morning  last  week  in  Bos-                                                                                       istrating  the  prize.  Furtado,
            ton,  Victor  Furtado  woke                                                                                         a  student  at  the  Berklee
            up  to  a  mailman's  knock.                                                                                        College  of  Music,  hopes  it
            He was handed a little un-                                                                                          somehow  continues  but  is
            marked package.                                                                                                     still  grateful  if  he's  the  last
            "I opened it up here in my                                                                                          recipient.
            apartment  and  kind  of                                                                                            "That was just another add-
            looked  at  it  for  a  second,                                                                                     ed  layer  of  amazement,
            hoping  somebody  would                                                                                             being  that  it  might  be  the
            wake me up. I was shocked,                                                                                          last  one.  That  they  ended
            completely blown away."                                                                                             up choosing me for it is just
            Inside  was  word  that  the                                                                                        such an honor," he said.
            19-year-old   Virginia-bred                                                                                         Martin  and  his  wife,  Anne
            musician  had  won  the                                                                                             Stringfield,  dreamed  up
            Steve Martin Prize for Excel-                                                                                       the  prize  after  Martin  no-
            lence  in  Banjo  and  Blue-                                                                                        ticed  that  some  master
            grass, which comes with a                                                                                           musicians  were  still  paying
            $50,000  prize  and  a  sculp-                                                                                      off their banjos. "I thought,
            ture.                                                                                                               'That's  got  to  change.'"
            "I  feel  so  honored  to  be                                                                                       The  first  draft  of  the  prize's
            considered," he said.                                                                                               statement  of  purpose  was
            But  the  award  was  some-                                                                                         written  on  the  back  of  a
            what    bittersweet   since   In this Sept. 2, 2015 photo, Steve Martin poses for a portrait with his banjo in New York.  cocktail napkin. It's the only
            Furtado  —  the  youngest                                                                          Associated Press  prize of its kind and has an
            recipient of the prize given                                                                                        impressive monetary value.
            out  every  year  since  2010  overwhelmed by the sheer  our great board members,  grass channel, you listen to  "The one way in America —
            — may also be the last. The  number  of  qualified  musi-  of  so  many  great  play-  the  banjo  player  and  go,  or anywhere — to bring no-
            prize is in danger of disap-  cians  as  bluegrass  goes  ers. In the '60s, when I was  'Who's  that?'  And  you've  toriety is with money," said
            pearing.                     through a flowering.         first  learning,  great  players  never  even  heard  of  him  Martin. "It had to be 'Wow!'
            Martin said that he and the  "It became very difficult to  were rare," said Martin.    and they're playing incred-  It had to really mean some-
            prize  board  members  are  keep  pace,  even  with  all  "Now, if you listen to a blue-  ibly  sophisticated  stuff  I  thing to someone."q
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