P. 30

             Wednesday 18 september 2019
            'Downton Abbey' film is stately but too safe

            By LINDSEY BAHR              debut  with  their  own  little
            Associated Press             arc  and  some  lavish  cos-
            The  "Downton  Abbey  "  tume changes. But Michael
            movie isn't exactly a movie.  Engler's  direction  doesn't
            It's  more  like  another  sea-  bring  any  cinematic  gran-
            son of the popular "Master-  deur to this continuing story
            piece  Classic"  show  that's  of  a  family  and  their  ser-
            been  condensed  to  90  vants.  And  Fellowes'  script
            minutes instead of 8 hours.  has  the  impossible  task  of
            Written by series creator Ju-  giving every character their
            lian  Fellowes,  almost  every  own mini plot, as if focusing
            character who made it out  in  on  one  or  a  few  would
            of  the  six  season  run  alive  have had fans of the other
            is back for their big screen  members of the very large

                                                                      This image released by Focus features shows Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Talbot, center left,
                                                                      and Matthew Goode as Henry Talbot in a scene from "Downton Abbey."
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

                                                                      ensemble  up  in  arms.  To-  Butler Mr. Carson (Jim Car-  ones  who  don't  have  all
                                                                      gether  it  makes  "Downton  son),  when  she  feels  like  that  much  going  on  are
                                                                      Abbey"  the  movie  a  fairly  his  successor  Thomas  Bar-  the Granthams themselves,
                                                                      shallow  experience:  All  set  row  (Robert  James-Collier)  Cora (Elizabeth McGovern)
                                                                      dressing and nostalgia and  isn't  equipped  to  handle  and Robert (Hugh Bonnev-
                                                                      some  delicious  Dowager  this  high  profile  occasion.  ille).
                                                                      Countess one-liners.         It's  one  of  many  construc-  That's not to say that there
                                                                      For  "Downton"  devotees,  tions  that  will  leave  you  aren't   good   moments.
                                                                      the   crumbs    might   be  wondering whether fan ser-    There are, in fact, many, es-
                                                                      enough.  For  anyone  else  vice has gotten in the way  pecially for those who miss
                                                                      just  dropping  in,  however,  of  believable  storytelling.  the voyeurism of the fancy
                                                                      "Downton  Abbey"  doesn't  Yes,  it  brings  Carson  back  dress  evenings  with  the
                                                                      exactly stand on its own.    to  Downton  and  allows  family and their helpers. As
                                                                      The tidy reason for this big  Thomas to go off on his own  in the series, the Dowager is
                                                                      reunion is that King George  adventure  in  town,  but  it's  always  a  standout  and  at
                                                                      V  and  Queen  Mary  have  hard to deny that this is one  84, Maggie Smith is as fierce
                                                                      decided  to  spend  a  night  overstuffed movie.          and fiery as ever in bringing
                                                                      at Downton Abbey as part  Consider  just  some  of  the  her to life. And it is always
                                                                      of  a  royal  tour.  It's  1927  subplots  floating  around:  lovely  spending  time  in
                                                                      and  the  aristocratic  class  Daisy  (Sophie  McShera)  such  lush  surroundings.  But
                                                                      is  continuing  to  question  gets  to  question  her  en-  the movie could have ben-
                                                                      their  place  in  a  moderniz-  gagement;  The  long-wid-  efited on a little focus and
                                                                      ing Britain, but there are just  owered   Branson   (Allen  not  so  much  fan  service,
                                                                      enough of the old traditions  Leech) gets a possible love  especially considering how
                                                                      left  that  the  news  of  this  interest  and  anarchy  sub-  good  all  of  the  ensemble
                                                                      royal  visit  sends  the  estate  plot;  Anna  (Joanne  Frog-  actors  are  in  these  roles.
                                                                      into a tizzy. When the royal  gatt) solves a mystery; The  Perhaps that's why Fellowes
                                                                      entourage  descends,  the  Dowager  debates  inheri-      couldn't choose just one.
                                                                      downstairs  staff  is  horrified  tance with her cousin Lady  Besides,  if  the  camera
                                                                      to  learn  that  they'll  be  sit-  Maud  Bagshaw  (Imelda  movements  and  swelling
                                                                      ting on the sidelines for the  Staunton); Poor Edith (Lau-  music cues are any indica-
                                                                      visit.  The  royals  travel  with  ra  Carmichael)  gets  some  tion,  there  is  only  real  star
                                                                      cooks,  footmen,  butlers,  good and bad news (can't  anyway:  Downton  Abbey
                                                                      valets and dressers and this  let her be too happy!); And  itself.  "Downton  Abbey,"  a
                                                                      group  is  especially  dismis-  Lady Mary, well, she gets a  Focus  Features  release,  is
                                                                      sive of the provincial Down-  hand in most things, except  rated PG by the Motion Pic-
                                                                      ton employees.               her  own  relationship  since  ture Association of America
                                                                      Lady Mary (Michelle Dock-    her  husband  Henry  (Mat-   for  "thematic  elements,
                                                                      ery)  even  decides  to  en-  thew Goode) is absent for  some  suggestive  material,
                                                                      list  the  help  of  their  retired  most  of  the  film.  The  only  and language."q
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