P. 25

BUSINESS                 Wednesday 18 september 2019

            Once ridiculed, index funds now hold the reins in US stocks

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  They're                                                                                         that invest in a mix of large
            simple, cheap and now the                                                                                           U.S. stocks beat their aver-
            most popular way for many                                                                                           age index-fund rival.
            people to invest in the U.S.                                                                                        Index  funds  have  a  head
            stock market: index funds.                                                                                          start in the race for returns
            Last  month,  for  the  first                                                                                       because  of  their  lower  ex-
            time,  the  number  of  dol-                                                                                        penses.  Higher  fees  mean
            lars invested in funds track-                                                                                       actively  managed  funds
            ing the S&P 500 and other                                                                                           have   to   perform   that
            U.S. stock indexes eclipsed                                                                                         much better just to match
            those in funds run by man-                                                                                          the  performance  of  index
            agers  trying  to  beat  those                                                                                      funds.  The  average  ex-
            indexes, according to pre-                                                                                          pense ratio for stock index
            liminary  data  from  Morn-                                                                                         funds  was  0.08%  last  year,
            ingstar.  With  $4.27  trillion                                                                                     which  means  they  held
            in assets at the end of Au-                                                                                         onto  $8  of  every  $10,000
            gust, U.S. stock index funds                                                                                        invested, according to the
            edged past the $4.25 trillion                                                                                       Investment  Company  Insti-
            in  funds  run  by  stock-pick-                                                                                     tute. The average expense
            ing managers.                                                                                                       ratio for actively managed
            The  figures  don't  yet  in-                                                                                       stock  funds,  meanwhile,
            clude  data  from  several                                                                                          was  nearly  10  times  that
            dozen funds, so they could                                                                                          at  0.76%.  Of  course,  the
            change  as  more  funds  re-  Trader Gregory Rowe monitors stock prices at the New York Stock Exchange, Monday, Sept. 16,   rush  to  index  investing  has
            port.  But  even  if  the  pre-  2019.                                                                              raised concerns of its own.
            cise  moment  didn't  occur                                                                        Associated Press  If  index  funds  get  control
            last month, industry watch-                                                                                         of  too  much  of  the  stock
            ers  say  it's  likely  inevitable  and  shoving  them  into  in-  four  decades  ago,  when  prefer the potential of bet-  market,  they  could  distort
            that  index  funds  will  usurp  dex funds for more than a  the  first  index  mutual  fund  ter?                   prices because money will
            actively  managed  funds'  decade.                        for  individual  investors  hit  Turns  out  that  average  is  flow  into  stocks  based  on
            top  billing.  That's  because  "This milestone has been a  the market to ridicule. Why  pretty  good  when  most  how big a proportion they
            investors  have  been  con-  long  time  coming,"  Morn-  would  anyone  be  satis-    funds  fall  short  of  it.  Over  are of indexes, rather than
            sistently  pulling  dollars  out  ingstar said in a report.  fied  with  average  returns?  the  last  10  years,  only  8%  how valuable investors see
            of actively managed funds  It's  a  far  cry  from  roughly  Wouldn't  investors  always  of actively managed funds  them as a company. q

            World's top brewer revives listing plans, halves IPO size

            Associated Press             for  between  27  and  30                                                              years.
            HONG  KONG  (AP)  —  AB  Hong  Kong  dollars  each                                                                  "You can say the conditions
            InBev,  the  world's  larg-  ($3.45-$3.83),  raising  up  to                                                        are  more  challenging  but
            est  brewer  that  produces  $4.8  billion.  This  was  lower                                                       when we listen to potential
            Budweiser and Corona, on  than the 40-47 Hong Kong                                                                  investors, we believe there
            Tuesday revived plans to list  dollar  price  range  it  pro-                                                       is  solid  excitement  about
            its  Asian  business  in  Hong  posed earlier.                                                                      this  business  and  this  IPO...
            Kong but halved the size of  It  said  the  revised  offering                                                       there  is  very  strong  inves-
            its  initial  public  offering  to  includes an "upsize" option                                                     tor  interest  to  make  this
            $4.8 billion.                that will  allow the compa-                                                            transaction  happen,"  he
            The  move  comes  two  ny to sell up to 38 percent                                                                  added.q
            months  after  it  temporarily  more  shares  if  demand  is
            shelved  plans  to  raise  $9.8  strong. That could take the   From left, Frank Wang, Executive Director, Jan Craps, Executive
            billion  in  what  would  have  total sale up to $6.6 billion.  Director and CEO and Guilherme Castellan, Chief Financial Of-
                                                                      ficer of Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Limited pose with
            been  the  world's  biggest  The  company  said  Singa-   products in Hong Kong Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019.
            IPO  this  year,  citing  mar-  pore's  sovereign  wealth                                          Associated Press
            ket  conditions  due  to  pro-  fund  GIC  Private  Limited
            longed,  sometimes  violent  will be its cornerstone inves-  the unrest and that the re-  The  unrest  has  hit  Hong
            protests for democratic re-  tor,  taking  up  $1  billion  or  vised  valuations  will  make  Kong's  economy,  which  is
            forms in Hong Kong.          22 percent of the IPO.  The  the  IPO  more  attractive.  facing  its  first  recession  in
            It still will be the biggest IPO  listing,  planned  for  Sept.
            in  the  semi-autonomous  30,  follows  the  company's
            Chinese  territory  and  will  recent sale of its Australian
            provide  a  shot-in-the-arm  business  to  Japanese  rival
            for  the  government  as  it  Asahi  Group  for  ($11.3  bil-
            seeks  to  assuage  inter-   lion) to pay down debts.
            national  jitters  over  the  "We believe now is the right
            months-long  unrest  that  moment to do this IPO. We
            showed no signs of ending.   see keen interest in the mar-
            The company's Asia-Pacific  ket," said Budweiser APAC's
            subsidiary, Budweiser Brew-  Chief Executive Jan Craps.
            ing  Company  APAC  Lim-     He said the company views
            ited, said it will offer nearly  Hong  Kong  as  the  best
            1.3  million  shares  for  sale,  place for the listing despite
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