P. 20

             Wednesday 18 september 2019

             Beckham puts on show in MetLife return, Browns top Jets 23-3

            By DENNIS WASZAK Jr.                                                                                                rored visor, saying it was re-
            AP Pro Football Writer                                                                                              flective. He returned with a
            EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP)                                                                                          clear visor on his helmet.
            —  Odell  Beckham  Jr.  felt                                                                                        Seibert's  48-yarder  gave
            right  at  home  again  —  in                                                                                       the Browns a 6-0 lead with
            the  end  zone  and  on  the                                                                                        6:15  left  in  the  opening
            highlight reels.                                                                                                    quarter  as  Cleveland  out-
            With  an  89-yard  touch-                                                                                           gained  New  York  101-4  in
            down  catch  and  a  spec-                                                                                          the first quarter.
            tacular  one-handed  grab                                                                                           "We've got to take a hard
            in his return to MetLife Sta-                                                                                       look  at  this  and  figure
            dium,  the  Browns  wide  re-                                                                                       out  what's  going  on,"  Jets
            ceiver  helped  lift  Cleve-                                                                                        coach Adam Gase said.
            land past the short-handed                                                                                          NOW WHAT?
            and  banged-up  New  York                                                                                           Siemian  was  sidelined  af-
            Jets 23-3 on Monday night.                                                                                          ter throwing a long incom-
            "We  got  the  ball  in  (No.)                                                                                      plete  pass  to  Ryan  Griffin.
            13's  hands,"  Browns  wide                                                                                         Cleveland's  Myles  Garrett
            receiver Jarvis Landry said,                                                                                        slammed into him, and fell
            "and let him go."                                                                                                   on top of him. Siemian ap-
            Beckham, traded from the                                                                                            peared to roll his left ankle
            Giants in March, helped the                                                                                         as Garrett, who was penal-
            Browns  (1-1)  bounce  back                                                                                         ized for roughing the pass-
            from a 30-point loss to Ten-                                                                                        er, sent him to the turf.
            nessee  in  their  opener  to                                                                                       Siemian  was  on  crutches
            top the Jets (0-2) and give   Cleveland Browns' Odell Beckham (13) catches a pass in front of New York Jets' Nate Hairston (21)   and his left foot in a walking
            Freddie Kitchens his first win   during the first half of an NFL football game Monday, Sept. 16, 2019, in East Rutherford, N.J.   boot in the locker room. He
            as Cleveland's coach.                                                                              Associated Press   will  have  an  MRI  on  Tues-
            It  all  came  after  Beckham                                                                                       day.
            called  out  Jets  defensive  comments. "No, everybody  ago, I was on the practice  our game to lose."              Falk replaced Siemian with
            coordinator    Gregg   Wil-  has  the  right  to  their  own  squad and then tonight I'm  Beckham   helped    the  7:58  left  in  the  half  and
            liams  last  Thursday,  saying  opinion.  He's  a  phenome-  standing in front of you guys  Browns take a 3-0 lead on  helped  the  Jets  get  their
            the coach — then with the  nal coach, he's got a great  after playing in a game."      their first possession on Aus-  first  points  on  a  46-yard
            Browns — instructed players  defense, but I'm done talk-  The  Jets  couldn't  get  any-  tin  Seibert's  23-yard  field  field  goal  by  Sam  Ficken,
            to hurt him in a preseason  ing about it, you know? We  thing  going  on  offense,  goal — a drive highlighted  the  team's  fourth  kicker
            game in 2017. Williams de-   won, so I just tried to make  and the Browns blew open  by  a  spectacular  33-yard,  since July. Siemian finished
            nied  Beckham's  accusa-     plays to help the team."     the  game  late  in  the  third  one-handed grab that got  3 of 6 for 3 yards, while Falk
            tions and jokingly asked re-  Beckham  finished  with  six  quarter.                   Cleveland down to the Jets  was  20  of  25  for  198  yards
            porters: "Odell who?"        catches  for  161  yards  and  Falk  led  the  Jets  on  their  4.                     as the Jets lost their seventh
            Williams,   who   led   the  the TD from Baker Mayfield,  longest  drive  of  night  to  It was reminiscent of Beck-  straight at home, dating to
            Browns  to  a  5-3  record  as  who  couldn't  believe  Wil-  that point — 60 yards — but  ham's  highlight-reel,  one-  last season.
            their interim coach last sea-  liams' comments.           Le'Veon Bell could only get  handed  reception  for  the  STATS
            son,  also  chided  reporters  "He  said  that?  Jesus,"  the  1  yard  on  a  fourth-and-2  Giants  on  "Sunday  Night  Mayfield,  who  beat  the
            for  giving  Beckham  atten-  Browns  quarterback  said,  pass,  turning  the  ball  over  Football" as a rookie in 2014.  Jets last year in his NFL de-
            tion  and  wouldn't  call  him  shaking  his  head.  "Next  on downs at the Browns 11.  On this one, Mayfield found  but during a Thursday night
            one  of  the  NFL's  most  dy-  question.  Not  a  dynamic  On the next play, Mayfield  Beckham  down  the  right  game  that  ended  Cleve-
            namic players.               football player? OK."        hit  Beckham  with  a  slant  sideline,  and  the  receiver  land's 19-game winless skid,
            "Everything fuels me," Beck-  New York lost quarterback  pass, and the receiver out-   stuck  out  his  right  hand  to  was 19 of 35 for 325 yards,
            ham  said.  "Good  com-      Trevor Siemian to an ankle  ran  the  Jets'  defenders  all  snare the ball behind Nate  including  the  TD  to  Beck-
            ments,  bad  comments,  I  injury  in  the  second  quar-  the  way  to  the  end  zone  Hairston,  starting  in  place  ham, and an interception.
            feel all of that. I just want to  ter,  and  Luke  Falk  —  pro-  for  an  89-yard  TD  that  put  of  Trumaine  Johnson  —  in  ... Garrett had three of the
            be the very best that I can  moted  from  the  practice  Cleveland up 23-3 with 3:32  nearly the same spot as his  Browns'  four  sacks.  ...  Bell
            and  be  the  leader  I  am  squad  earlier  in  the  day  remaining in the third quar-  big catch five years ago.  had 68 yards rushing on 21
            supposed to be."             —  played  the  rest  of  the  ter.                       And,  yes,  Beckham  was  carries  and  10  catches  for
            Well, Williams clearly knows  game. Siemian was starting  "That  did  it  and  that  was  wearing   his   expensive  61 yards for the Jets.
            who  Beckham  is  now.  The  in  place  of  Sam  Darnold,  huge  for  us,"  said  running  watch  —  despite  the  NFL  EMOTIONAL RETURN
            coach  was  seen  shouting  who's sidelined for at least  back  Nick  Chubb,  who  telling him last week not to.    Browns defensive end Chris
            angrily on the sideline after  a few weeks while recover-  had a 19-yard TD run. "We  Beckham  then  had  to  Smith  played  after  his  girl-
            Beckham's touchdown.         ing from mononucleosis.      took  all  the  momentum  come  out  of  the  game  friend, Petara Cordero, was
            "Who?"     Beckham     said  "Yeah,  it's  been  a  weird  away  from  them  with  that  briefly  because  officials  killed in a car accident last
            when asked about Williams'  week,"  Falk  said.  "A  week  long  run.  After  that,  it  was  made him change his mir-  week.q
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