P. 16
Wednesday 18 september 2019
Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photo Walk is in Aruba
ple. Photo Walks are created by urday, October 5th, 2019 from
Walk Leaders in cities all over the 9.00AM to 11.30AM. Meeting point
world. Walkers meet up at a pre- will be at Starbucks, across from
designated location to spend a Seaport Casino, the walk will end
few hours socializing, capturing im- at Iguana Joe's Caribbean Bar &
ages, and sharing with like-minded Grill
people. At the end of the Photo
Walk, most groups convene at lo- After meeting at the Starbucks
cal restaurants or taverns to share across from the Seaport Casino,
their images and experiences over we will walk to the Wilhelmina Park
food. then back to Marina and on to the
Aruba Flea Market Stalls. We will
About George Vaselakos continue to the Aruba Streetcar
The Walk Leader for Aruba is and the shops at its start and then
George Vaselakos form Chicago, the shops along its route. We will
USA. Again this year as he is sched- end at the trolley start a block from
ORANJESTAD — Photographer global and social photography uled to be in Aruba on the date the restaurant for lunch.
Scott Kelby announces the official event, has grown immensely in size of the Worldwide Photo Walk, he
date of his 12th Annual Worldwide and popularity since the inaugural decided to sponsor the walk in The event is free, but pre-registra-
Photo Walk®, the world’s largest walk in 2007. Last year, more than Aruba. He is an amateur photog- tion is required. Register at world-
photo walk. The event is happen- 24.000 photographers of all walks rapher, but one who loves photog-, locate your
ing October 5, 2019 in thousands of life and skill level converged to raphy immensely. So, put him in a city, and complete the free sign
of cities all over the world. Aruba is explore their corners of the world beautiful island like Aruba, and it is up form.
part of this event. through photography and social a match made in heaven.
community. For more information please con-
The Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo About the Walk tact George at george@georgeV-
Walk, dubbed the world’s largest The concept of a Photo Walk is sim- The walk will take place on Sat-
Honoring of Emerald
Ambassadors at the
Marriott Ocean Club
EAGLE BEACH — Recently, Marouska Heyliger of the
Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor
Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Emerald Ambassa-
dors of Aruba. The symbolic honorary title is presented on
behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token of apprecia-
tion to the guests who visit Aruba for more than 35 years
The honorees were James and Joanne Vilardi from
California and John and Cheryl Campi from New
They all love coming to the island for its beautiful blue
water beaches, perfect weather and safety of the island.
Heyliger together with the representatives of the Marriott
Ocean Club presented the certificates to the honorees,
and also handed over some presents and thanked them
for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination
and as their home away from home.q