P. 12

             Wednesday 18 september 2019

            Brazil's environmental workers tell of decline before fires

            By DIANE JEANTET                                                                                                    in the field. On-the-ground
            Associated Press                                                                                                    operations  carried  out  by
            RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — As                                                                                            Ibama  agents  from  Janu-
            fires  burn  across  the  Brazil-                                                                                   ary  through  April  declined
            ian Amazon, the vast state                                                                                          58% from the same period
            of  Amazonas  has  been                                                                                             last  year,  according  to  of-
            among the hardest hit, with                                                                                         ficial  data  obtained  by
            more than 6,600 blazes re-                                                                                          the Brazilian group Climate
            corded  in  August,  2  1/2                                                                                         Observatory.  The  decline
            times more than the same                                                                                            began  under  the  previous
            month a year ago.                                                                                                   government in 2018, when
            Yet   official   documents                                                                                          operations were down 23%
            seen  by  The  Associated                                                                                           but accelerated this year.
            Press show that Brazil's gov-                                                                                       Prosecutors  in  the  north-
            ernment  has  begun  legal                                                                                          eastern  state  of  Para,
            procedures  to  transfer  all                                                                                       which  borders  Amazonas,
            employees  out  of  three  of                                                                                       are  investigating  the  link
            the state's four federal en-                                                                                        between the decline in Ib-
            vironmental  protection  of-                                                                                        ama's activities and the rise
            fices,  which  are  in  charge                                                                                      in fires this year, which have
            of defending the rainforest                                                                                         broken  out  at  a  pace  not
            from  deforestation,  land                                                                                          seen since 2010.
            grabbing and illegal fires.  In this Aug. 27, 2019 file photo, Kayapo indigenous members of PREVFOGO, a group that combats   Federal  prosecutor  Ricar-
                                         and helps to prevent fires, pause after working on the Bau indigenous reserve in Altamira in Brazil's
            It's  part  of  a  broader  ero-  Amazon where fires are burning.                                                   do  Negrini  said  authorities
            sion of the Brazilian Institute                                                                    Associated Press  failed  to  act  when  his  of-
            of the Environment and Re-                                                                                          fice warned of reports that
            newable  Natural  Resourc-   areas  and  faster  response  speech expected to focus  Bolsonaro has also accused  farmers in Para had called
            es, known by its Portuguese  times in the country's most  on  the  Amazon,  which  he  non-governmental  groups  for  "a  day  of  fire"  to  ignite
            initials  as  Ibama,  whose  extensive state. larger than  says was "ignored" by previ-  of  inefficiency  and  trying  multiple blazes Aug. 10.
            field  operations  appear  Texas, California and Mon-     ous administrations.         to stifle Brazil's economy by  Ibama  told  prosecutors  it
            to  have  declined  sharply  tana combined.               His  administration  argues  preventing development in  wasn't  able  to  intervene
            since  the  early  part  of  this  Ibama   agents   often  that the lack of economic  the region.                   because  police  forces  in
            year.  The  agency's  fund-  plunge  deep  into  the  jun-  opportunities and cumber-  The president also is no big  the  state  had  been  refus-
            ing for discretionary spend-  gle  aboard  helicopters  or  some red tape in the Ama-  fan  of  Ibama  and  its  en-  ing to offer security. Ibama
            ing  and  enforcement  op-   boats,  wearing  bulletproof  zon  region  contributes  to  forcement  actions,  com-  agents  have  sometimes
            erations  this  year  faces  a  vests and carrying arms to  rampant  illegal  deforesta-  plaining that an "industry of  been  met  with  gunfire
            24% cut, a significant blow  confront  illegal  loggers  or  tion. It says the region can  fines" has slowed econom-  when  confronting  illegal
            to  what  two  experts  de-  ranchers who cut away the  be  protected  while  allow-   ic  development  in  Latin  loggers and miners.
            scribed as an already small  forest  and  then  set  fires  to  ing far more development  America's largest nation.  Negrini  said  he  found  that
            budget.                      clear the land.              than  conservationists  be-  "I  will  no  longer  allow  Ib-  state  police  had  declined
            The    budget     decrease  The  sharp  increase  in  fires  lieve is safe.            ama to distribute fines right,  to  escort  Ibama  agents
            came  as  part  of  a  wider  this  year  has  roused  glob-  Bolsonaro  has  sent  troops  left and center," Bolsonaro  for months despite a long-
            austerity push by President  al  concern  because  the  to aid in fighting the blazes  said  before  taking  office.  standing tradition of coop-
            Jair Bolsonaro, who took of-  Amazon  rainforest  acts  as  and  banned  fires  to  clear  There is a personal edge to  eration  between  the  two
            fice Jan. 1 and is seeking to  a  bulwark  against  climate  land  in  the  Amazon  for  60  the  issue:  He  was  fined  by  bodies.  Documents  seen
            rein in spending by Brazil's fi-  change. Its lush vegetation  days.                   the  agency  years  ago  for  by  AP  show  that  police
            nancially strapped govern-   absorbs heat-trapping car-   But   the   president   has  fishing in a protected area.  forces  denied  six  requests
            ment.  But  critics  note  that  bon dioxide and the mois-  fiercely  resisted  efforts  to  Bolsonaro and Environment  from  Ibama  in  June  and
            he  has  also  complained  ture  given  off  by  its  trees  treat  the  Amazon  as  a  Minister Ricardo Salles have  July.
            that environmental regula-   affects rainfall patterns and  global issue, notably clash-  also  talked  of  ending  Ib-  In  the  documents,  police
            tions  hinder  development  climate across South Amer-    ing  with  French  President  ama's  legal  authority  to  say  the  lack  of  an  official
            in the Amazon.               ica and beyond.              Emmanuel  Macron,  who  burn heavy equipment be-          cooperation    agreement
            Ibama  staffers  say  the  re-  Boslonaro told reporters he  told  his  Brazilian  counter-  ing used by illegal loggers.  prevented  them  from  join-
            gional offices are critical to  would  attend  the  upcom-  part during the peak of the  Critics  say  the  top-level  ing such operations, though
            their jobs, giving them clos-  ing  U.N.  General  Assembly  fires: "We cannot allow you  skepticism   and   budget  Negrini  said  that  had  not
            er  knowledge  of  problem  in  September  to  deliver  a  to destroy everything."     cuts are having an impact  been an issue in the past.q
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