P. 10

             Wednesday 18 september 2019
            Authorities: Separate attacks in Afghanistan kill 48

            KABUL,  Afghanistan  (AP)                                                                                           Local television footage of
            —  Separate  attacks  by                                                                                            the attack showed twisted
            suicide  bombers  —  one                                                                                            wreckage and charred re-
            targeting  President  Ashraf                                                                                        mains  of  military  and  po-
            Ghani's election rally and a                                                                                        lice vehicles that were ap-
            second that ripped through                                                                                          parently  positioned  near
            the  center  of  the  Afghan                                                                                        where the powerful blast
            capital  —  killed  at  least                                                                                       Firdaus  Faramarz,  spokes-
            48  people  and  wounded                                                                                            man  for  the  Kabul  police
            scores more Tuesday in the                                                                                          chief,  said  the  attack  in
            deadliest  single  day  since                                                                                       the  heart  of  the  Afghan
            a  peace  agreement  with                                                                                           capital  took  place  near
            Taliban  insurgents  was  de-                                                                                       Massood Square, a deeply
            clared dead.                                                                                                        congested  intersection  in
            The  Taliban  claimed  re-                                                                                          the center of Kabul. NATO
            sponsibility  for  both  blasts,                                                                                    and  U.S.  compounds  are
            saying  an  explosives-lad-                                                                                         located nearby as are sev-
            en  motorcycle  targeted                                                                                            eral  Afghan  government
            Ghani's  election  rally  be-                                                                                       ministries.
            ing  held  on  the  outskirts                                                                                       Zabihullah  Mujahid,  a  Tal-
            of  Charakar  in  northern                                                                                          iban  spokesman,  released
            Parwan  province.  Ghani                                                                                            a  statement  to  the  me-
            was present but unhurt, his                                                                                         dia  saying  Taliban  suicide
            campaign  chief  said.  In   Afghan police inspect the site of a suicide attack, in Parwan province of Afghanistan, Tuesday,   bombers were behind both
            that  explosion,  26  people   Sept. 17, 2019.                                                                      attacks.
            were  killed,  according  to                                                                       Associated Press  In Parwan, Mujahid said the
            Nasrat  Rahimi,  spokesman                                                                                          bomber targeted presiden-
            for the Interior Ministry. Four  more were wounded.       explosives at the entrance  have  no  will  and  desire  tial  guards  who  were  pro-
            among the dead were Af-      The violence comes as Af-    to  the  rally,  according  to  for  peace  and  stability  in  tecting Ghani and the rally,
            ghan military personnel, he  ghanistan  faces  presiden-  Hamed  Aziz,  a  spokesman  Afghanistan  and  that  all  along  with  other  members
            said.  Another  42  people  tial  elections  on  Sept.  28  form  Ghani's  campaign  their movements are noth-      of the security forces. Four
            were  wounded,  many  of  —  a  vote  the  Taliban  ve-   office. But Aziz said the ex-  ing but deceit," Ghani was  military   personnel   were
            them women and children.     hemently  oppose.  The  in-  plosion occurred some dis-   quoted as saying in a state-  among the dead.
            In  the  second  bombing,  surgent  group  has  warned  tance  from  where  Ghani  ment released by the presi-      Campaigning  for  the  Af-
            just hours later in the heart  Afghans not to vote in the  was addressing a crowd of  dential palace.               ghan  elections  resumed
            of  Kabul  not  far  from  the  election  and  said  their  about 2,200.               There  were  many  women  last  week  after  President
            U.S.  Embassy,  the  Taliban  fighters  would  target  elec-  Ghani  condemned  both  and  children  among  the  Donald  Trump  declared
            said  they  were  targeting  tion  campaigns  as  well  as  attacks.                   casualties  in  the  bombing  that  the  U.S.-Taliban  talks,
            an Afghan army base. They  polling stations.              "By continuing their crimes,  near  Ghani's  rally,  said  Dr.  which have been going on
            killed  22  people,  govern-  The bomber who attacked  the  Taliban  have  once  Qasim Sangin, a local offi-        for months in the Gulf Arab
            ment  officials  said.  Scores  Ghani's rally detonated his  again  proven  that  they  cial.                       state of Qatar, are over.q

            Arrest warrant for Lebanese-American who worked for Israel

            By BASSEM MROUE                                                                        southern Lebanon that was  Israel's creation in 1948.
            Associated Press                                                                       run  by  an  Israeli-backed  Human  rights  groups  have
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  A  Leba-                                                              militia, known as the South  said in the past that Khiam
            nese  judge  issued  an  ar-                                                           Lebanon  Army,  until  Israel  prison was a site of torture
            rest  warrant  Tuesday  for  a                                                         ended an 18-year occupa-     and detention without trial
            Lebanese  American  who                                                                tion of the area in 2000.    before  it  was  abandoned
            confessed he'd worked for                                                              Outside the court, scores of  in 2000. Israel denies the al-
            Israel during its occupation                                                           people  gathered,  includ-   legations.
            of  Lebanon  for  nearly  two                                                          ing former Khiam prison de-  Hundreds  of  former  Leba-
            decades,  Lebanese  judi-                                                              tainees, some of whom de-    nese members of the militia
            cial officials said.                                                                   manded the death penalty  had  fled  to  Israel,  fearing
            The officials said acting mili-                                                        for Fakhoury.                reprisals  if  they  remained
            tary investigative judge Na-                                                           "First  of  all  we  want  the  in  Lebanon.  Others  stayed
            jat  Abu  Shakra  postponed                                                            military court to deliver the  and  faced  trial,  receiving
            the  questioning  of  Amer                                                             death  sentence  by  hang-   lenient sentences.
            Fakhoury  at  the  Military                                                            ing for Amer Fakhoury and  Fakhoury  was  living  in  Do-
            Court in Beirut pending per-  A former inmate of Khiam prison holds a placard in Arabic that   all  those  like  him,  whether  ver,  New  Hampshire  and
            mission from Lebanon's Bar   reads, "no to American intervention in the Lebanese judiciary,"   they are inside Lebanon or  local  media  reported  that
                                         during a sit-in near military court in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday,
            Association  for  an  Ameri-  Sept. 17, 2019.                                          outside,  who  are  trying  to  the  family  owns  a  restau-
            can lawyer to attend.                                                 Associated Press  erase their history and to re-  rant there. New Hampshire
            The  officials  said  Fakhoury                                                         turn to Lebanon," said Firyal  Gov.  Chris  Sununu  once
            told  the  judge  he  wants  questioning.  No  date  has  Fakhoury  was  detained  Hammoud,  former  inmate  went to their restaurant for
            the  American  lawyer  to  been  set  for  the  next  ses-  after  returning  to  his  na-  of Khiam prison. "We do not  a  grape  leaves-making
            be  present  and  since  she  sion,  said  the  officials  who  tive Lebanon from the U.S.  accept  less  than  a  public  contest  and  talked  about
            had no permission from the  spoke on condition of ano-    earlier  this  month.  He  had  death sentence."          their shared Lebanese heri-
            Bar  Association,  the  judge  nymity  in  line  with  regula-  worked  as  a  senior  war-  Lebanon  and  Israel  have  tage,  according  to  local
            decided  to  postpone  the  tions.                        den at the Khiam Prison in  been officially at war since  media.q
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