P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 18 september 2019
            Trump's Cabinet has had more ex-lobbyists than Obama or Bush

            WASHINGTON (AP) — In less  bor secretary, Pat Pizzella, is  posed to register.         partner  in  the  Washington  duct or wrongdoing.
            than three years, President  an ex-lobbyist and Trump's  Shortly  after  taking  office,  office of the Gibson, Dunn  Obama  chose  Pizzella  for
            Donald  Trump  has  named  pick to run the department,  Trump  signed  an  execu-      &  Crutcher  firm,  where  he  a GOP seat on the Federal
            more  former  lobbyists  to  Eugene  Scalia,  also  is  an  tive order that revoked an  ran  up  a  string  of  victories  Labor  Relations  Author-
            Cabinet-level  posts  than  ex-lobbyist.  Scalia's  con-  Obama  directive  prohibit-  in  court  cases  on  behalf  ity and he was an assistant
            his  most  recent  predeces-                                                                                        Labor secretary during the
            sors  did  in  eight,  putting  a                                                                                   George  W.  Bush  adminis-
            substantial amount of over-                                                                                         tration.
            sight in the hands of people                                                                                        Two  Trump  Cabinet  of-
            with  ties  to  the  industries                                                                                     ficials,  Interior  Secretary
            they're regulating.                                                                                                 David  Bernhardt  and  En-
            The  Cabinet  choices  are                                                                                          vironmental     Protection
            another  sign  that  Trump's                                                                                        Agency  Administrator  An-
            populist  pledge  to  "drain                                                                                        drew  Wheeler,  have  been
            the  swamp"  is  a  catchy                                                                                          accused  by  congressional
            campaign slogan but not a                                                                                           Democrats  and  public  in-
            serious attempt to change                                                                                           terest  groups  of  failing  to
            the way Washington works.                                                                                           honor their ethics pledges.
            Instead of staring down "the                                                                                        Both Bernhardt and Wheel-
            unholy alliance of lobbyists                                                                                        er,  backed  by  the  U.S.
            and donors and special in-                                                                                          Chamber  of  Commerce,
            terests"  as  Trump  recently                                                                                       have  played  leading  roles
            declared, the influence in-                                                                                         in  the  administration's  roll-
            dustry has flourished during                                                                                        back   of   environmental
            his administration.                                                                                                 regulations. They also both
            The  amount  spent  in  2019                                                                                        worked at the agency they
            on  lobbying  the  U.S.  gov-                                                                                       now  lead  during  prior  ad-
            ernment  is  on  pace  to                                                                                           ministrations.
            match or exceed last year's    In this July 8, 2019, file photo President Donald Trump listens as then-Secretary of the Interior Da-  Interior's  inspector  general
            total of $3.4 billion, the most   vid Bernhardt speaks during an event on the environment in the East Room of the White House in   launched  an  investigation
            since  2010,  according  to   Washington.                                                                           of  Bernhardt  earlier  this
            the political money website                                                                        Associated Press  year  after  receiving  seven
            Open  Secrets.  Trump  also                                                                                         separate ethics allegations
            has  pulled  in  hefty  contri-  firmation  hearing  before  ing lobbyists from being ap-  of  business  interests  chal-  against  him.  A  complaint
            butions from industries with  a  GOP-controlled  Senate  pointed to a post at a fed-   lenging labor and financial  filed by the nonprofit Cam-
            business  before  his  admin-  committee is scheduled for  eral agency they'd lobbied  regulations. Scalia, the son  paign Legal Center alleged
            istration, and his hotel near  Thursday  and  Democrats  within  the  last  two  years.  of  the  late  Supreme  Court  that  shortly  after  joining
            the White House has been  are expected to grill him on  While  this  "cooling  off"  pe-  Justice   Antonin   Scalia,  the  department  in  August
            a magnet for lobbyists and  his long record of opposing  riod was cast aside, Trump's  served for a year as the La-  2017 Bernhardt became in-
            foreign  interests  since  he  federal regulations .      order continued to bar for  bor  Department's  top  law-  volved in matters that were
            was elected.                 A seventh ex-lobbyist, Dan  two  years  lobbyists-turned-  yer  during  the  George  W.  the focus of his lobbying for
            "An  administration  staffed  Coats, resigned as  Trump's  government-employees  Bush administration.               California's  Westlands  Wa-
            by former industry lobbyists  intelligence chief in August.  from  participating  in  par-  His  financial  disclosure  re-  ter  District  that  lasted  until
            will  almost  certainly  favor  President  Barack  Obama  ticular  matters  that  they'd  port lists 49 clients who paid  mid-November 2016.
            industry  over  the  general  had  five  former  lobbyists  lobbied on during the two  him $5,000 or more for legal  Westlands has federal con-
            public,  because  that's  the  in  his  Cabinet  during  two  preceding years.         services,  including  e-ciga-  tracts  to  provide  irrigation
            outlook  they're  bringing  to  terms  in  office  and  Presi-  "Without the cooling off pe-  rette giant Juul Labs, Face-  water to 700 family-owned
            the job," said Lee Drutman,  dent  George  W.  Bush  had  riod,  these  Cabinet  heads  book,  Walmart  and  Bank  farms in the fertile San Joa-
            a senior fellow in the politi-  three,  also  during  eight  appear  to  be  serving  their  of  America.  Disclosure  re-  quin Valley. The complaint
            cal reform program at the  years  in  the  White  House,  former  employers'  and  cli-  cords show Scalia was reg-  said  Bernhardt  had  "lob-
            think  tank  New  America  according to lobbying and  ents' special interests," said  istered in 2010 and 2011 to  bied on discrete provisions
            and  author  of  the  book  foreign agent disclosure re-  Virginia Canter, chief ethics  lobby for the U.S. Chamber  of a law directing Interior to
            "The Business of America is  cords.  The  review  was  lim-  counsel  of  the  watchdog  of Commerce.               maximize water supplies to
            Lobbying."                   ited to the Trump, Obama  group  Citizens  for  Respon-   Pizzella  has  been  the  act-  his clients, and to minimize
            Former  lobbyists  run  the  and  Bush  administrations  sibility  and  Ethics  in  Wash-  ing  secretary  since  Alex-  Endangered  Species  Act
            Defense  and  Interior  de-  because prior to 1995 there  ington.                      ander Acosta resigned the  protections in that region."
            partments,  Environmental  was  no  central  database  The White House did not im-     post in July amid renewed  Then,  after  joining  Interior,
            Protection Agency and of-    of  federal  lobbying  regis-  mediately respond to a re-  criticism  of  how,  as  a  fed-  Bernhardt  breached  his
            fice of the U.S. Trade Rep-  trations  and  the  law  was  quest for comment.          eral  prosecutor,  he  han-  ethics  pledge  by  directing
            resentative. The acting La-  hazy  about  who  was  sup-  Trump's  Cabinet  includes  dled  a  2008  secret  plea  government  officials  un-
                                                                      the heads of the 15 execu-   deal  with  wealthy  finan-  der  him  "to  advance  the
                                                                      tive  departments  and  sev-  cier  Jeffrey  Epstein.  In  the  particular  matters  he  had
                                                                      en other senior-level posts,  late 1990s and early 2000s,  previously lobbied on," ac-
                                                                      such  as  EPA  administrator  Pizzella  lobbied  for  clients  cording to the complaint.
                                                                      and director of national in-  that  ranged  from  Micro-  "It is very hard to tell where
                                                                      telligence.  Obama's  Cabi-  soft Corp. to the Mississippi  Bernhardt's  lobbying  ca-
               Weekly special on Cars $169.00                         net had the same number  Band  of  Choctaw  Indians.  reer  ended  and  where  his
                 We Deliver & Pick Up the car for FREE                of  members  and  Bush's  He also worked on several  public service begins," said
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                                       Cabinet had two fewer.       accounts  with  disgraced  Brendan  Fischer,  director
                                                                      Scalia,  the  Labor  Depart-  lobbyist Jack Abramoff, al-  of  the  Campaign  Legal
                                                                      ment  nominee,  has  spent  though  Pizzella  was  never  Center's   federal   reform
                                                                      much  of  his  career  as  a  accused  of  any  miscon-   program.q
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