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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 18 september 2019

            APNewsBreak: Army revamps recruiting, hits enlistment goal

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  goal  to  help  meet  expec-
            year  after  failing  to  meet  tations.  Instead,  they  said
            its  enlistment  goal  for  the  they plan to gradually grow
            first  time  in  13  years,  the  the  Army  from  476,000
            U.S. Army is now on track to  members last year to about
            meet  a  lower  2019  target  490,000  by  2024,  seeking
            after  revamping  its  recruit-  more  high-quality  recruits
            ment effort.                 who will be less likely to fail
            Army leaders tell The Associ-  or get injured in early train-
            ated Press that they expect  ing.
            to sign up more than 68,000  McConville  and  Army  act-
            active duty soldiers for the  ing Secretary Ryan McCar-
            fiscal  year  that  ends  Sept.  thy said that it took time to
            30, as the largest branch of  institute changes in the re-
            the U.S. military increasingly  cruiting over the past year
            turns  to  social  media  and  but  that  the  shifts  have
            other  new  online  methods  started  to  show  promise.
            to find potential recruits.  Already recruiters have an
            Last year, the Army brought  additional  13,000  recruits
            in about 70,000 new active  under  contract  to  join  the
            duty  recruits,  well  below  service  in  the  fiscal  year
            the 76,500 it needed amid  that  begins  Oct.  1,  giving
            low  unemployment  and  them a jump on next year's        In this June 4, 2017, file photo. nNew Army recruits take part in a swearing in ceremony before a
            tough  competition  from  totals.                         baseball game between the San Diego Padres and the Colorado Rockies in San Diego.
            higher-paying civilian com-  They   said   the   recruit-                                                                       Associated Press
            panies.  Meeting  the  lower  ing  goal  for  next  year  will
            2019  figure  is  considered  be  between  68,000  and  up when recruiters brought  while  limiting  waivers  and  tion for next year is going to
            a victory for a service that  69,000.                     in more youth with histories  raising standards, the Army  be the in the virtual recruit-
            has  struggled  to  compete  After  a  massive  buildup  to  of  misconduct,  drugs  and  increased  the  number  of  ing station."
            for young people who are  fight  the  wars  in  Iraq  and  crime,  which  led  to  disci-  recruiters  and  targeted  22  For  example,  he  said,  a
            less familiar with the military  Afghanistan,   the   Army  pline  and  behavior  prob-  cities  that  had  historically  traditionally  top  recruit-
            and that was criticized last  in  recent  years  slashed  lems in the units.           been  challenging  areas.  ing  event  like  the  Houston
            year  for  using  more  bad  more  than  50,000  soldiers  Now Army leaders say they  And,  Muth  said,  "we  have  rodeo   would    generate
            conduct waivers and other  as  those  conflicts  scaled  have reduced waivers and  changed from the industri-       about 350 leads for recruit-
            waivers to meet enlistment  back. Now, to meet military  improved the quality of re-   al age into the digital age  ers to follow up. At the Salt
            goals.                       demands, the Army needs  cruits.                          in how we're recruiting."    Lake  City  gaming  tourna-
            "We're    smoothing    out  to grow again.                Maj.  Gen.  Frank  Muth,  Historically,  the  top  meth-  ment last July recruiters got
            the  Army's  growth,"  Gen.  But  in  the  effort  to  enlist  head  of  Army  Recruiting  od  of  getting  recruits  has  about 1,400 leads over one
            James  McConville,  chief  more soldiers, Army leaders  Command, said there were  been in person. But young  weekend, he said.
            of staff of the Army, said in  faced  criticism,  including  3.4% fewer waivers this year  people are now more inter-  Two  years  ago,  McCarthy
            an AP interview.  "What we  from Congress, over the ex-   and that includes the low-   ested in connecting online  said,  the  Army  spent  half
            want  to  do  is  have  mod-  panded  use  of  waivers  for  est percentage of conduct  than face to face.q         of its marketing budget on
            est  growth  over  the  next  recruits  with  previous  mari-  waivers  in  two  decades.                           television  ads  and  half  on
            couple of years. And we're  juana  use,  bad  conduct  He  said  that  about  12%  of  As a result, Muth said, "the  digital  ads.  Now,  he  said,
            trying to make sure that the  and health problems.        the recruits in 2019 needed  numbers  point  to  the  fact  90 percent is on digital.
            end  strength  we  have  is  The  use  of  waivers  trig-  a waiver to get in, and less  that  for  the  first  time  the  "We're embracing the digi-
            high quality."               gered worries that the ser-  than  9  percent  this  year  paradigm  shift  is  about  to  tal  age,"  he  said,  adding
            Army  leaders  dispute  the  vice would repeat mistakes  needed one.                   occur  and  our  No.  1  pros-  that officials are learning as
            idea that they lowered the  made during the war build-    To meet the recruiting goal  pecting  and  lead  genera-  they go along. q
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