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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 18 september 2019

            'Bridgegate' asking Supreme

            Court to toss case

            By DAVID PORTER              wire fraud and federal pro-  officials  for  acting  without
            NEWARK,  N.J.  (AP)  —  The  gram  fraud  for  realigning  revealing  an  ulterior  politi-
            so-called Bridgegate fraud  lanes  at  the  busy  George  cal motive would give pros-
            case  was  merely  "bare-    Washington    Bridge   into  ecutors free rein "to charge
            knuckle  New  Jersey  poli-  New York in 2013, ostensibly  and convict officials for all
            tics,"  attorneys  wrote  Tues-  for a traffic study.     manner  of  political  deals,
            day  in  a  filing  to  the  U.S.  The  true  reason,  prosecu-  favors, and rebukes, unless
            Supreme Court as two one-    tors  contended  at  their  those  officials  are  brutally   In this Jan. 11, 2014 file photo, traffic crosses the George Wash-
            time  allies  of  former  New  2016  trial,  was  to  create  candid about their true po-  ington Bridge, in Fort Lee, N.J. Convicts in Associated Press
            Jersey  Gov.  Chris  Christie  gridlock in the town of Fort  litical motivations.
            seek to overturn their con-  Lee to punish its Democrat-  "Bridge  gate  is  a  case  of  pected  to  hear  oral  argu-  bridge.  Kelly  was  Christie's
            victions.                    ic mayor for not endorsing  bare-knuckle  New  Jersey  ments in January.               deputy  chief  of  staff  and
            Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly,  the reelection of Christie, a  politics,  not  graft,"  Levy  Baroni was the Christie-ap-  authored   the   infamous
            once  Christie's  close  asso-  Republican.               wrote.                       pointed  deputy  executive  "time for some traffic prob-
            ciates,  have  accused  the  Even if that were true, Bar-  The  government  has  until  director of the Port Author-  lems  in  Fort  Lee"  email  a
            government  of  overreach-   oni  attorney  Michael  Levy  Nov. 22 to file its brief, and  ity  of  New  York  and  New  month  before  the  lane  re-
            ing  in  charging  them  with  argued, criminalizing public  the  Supreme  Court  is  ex-  Jersey, which operates the  alignment began.q

            U.S. court: Media should be able to hear Arizona executions

            By JONATHAN J. COOPER        Wood,  who  was  given  15                                                             Corrections to divulge oth-
            PHOENIX (AP) — Journalists  doses  of  a  lethal  two-drug                                                          er  information  about  ex-
            are entitled to hear and not  combination  and  repeat-                                                             ecutions.
            just  see  the  entire  process  edly  gasped  and  snorted                                                         The   death-row    inmates
            of  executing  condemned  during a two-hour ordeal.                                                                 and  the  First  Amendment
            inmates  in  Arizona,  a  U.S.  The case was filed by sev-                                                          Coalition  argued  the  state
            appeals court said Tuesday  en  condemned  inmates                                                                  should  be  required  to  re-
            in  a  ruling  that  criticized  and  the  First  Amendment                                                         veal information about the
            Arizona's  "checkered  past  Coalition  of  Arizona.  They                                                          source  and  quality  of  ex-
            with executions."            argued the information on                                                              ecution  drugs  —  including
            In the case stemming from  drugs  and  executioners                                                                 the manufacturer, supplier,
            what  a  lawyer  called  a  would  help  the  public  de-                                                           lot  number  and  expira-
            botched  execution,  the  termine whether the death                                                                 tion date — as well as the
            9th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap-  penalty  is  carried  out  hu-  In this July 23, 2014 file photo, a fence surrounds the state prison   training of execution team
                                                                      in Florence, Ariz., where the execution of Joseph Rudolph Wood
            peals  also  ruled  that  the  manely.                    took place.                                               members responsible for in-
            media  and  death-row  in-   The state's procedures cur-                                           Associated Press  serting IV lines.
            mates are not entitled to in-  rently allow journalists, law-                                                       "Given Arizona's checkered
            formation about the origins  yers and family members to  ministered.                   deprives  the  media  of  ac-  past  with  executions,  we
            of  execution  drugs  or  the  witness  executions,  first  on  A microphone is turned off  cess  to  governmental  pro-  are  troubled  by  the  lack
            qualifications of execution-  a  video  monitor  while  the  after  the  IV  line  is  placed,  ceedings.           of  detailed  information  re-
            ers.                         inmate is strapped to a ta-  according to the ruling.     They  were  not  convinced,  garding  execution  drugs
            The  case  challenges  pro-  ble and an intravenous line  The  judges  found  that  the  however,  that  the  First  and   personnel,"   Judge
            cedures  created  after  the  is  inserted,  then  through  a  process  violates  the  First  Amendment  requires  the  Paul J. Watford wrote in the
            2014  execution  of  Joseph  window  as  drugs  are  ad-  Amendment  because  it  Arizona        Department    of  court's opinion.q
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