P. 9
WORLD NEWS Wednesday 18 september 2019
Mediterranean migrant rescues, deaths; French camp emptied
By RENATA BRITO With Europe's policy toward
Associated Press migrants in flux, the Ocean
ABOARD THE OCEAN VI- Viking went out for another
KING (AP) — At least two search and rescue mission
people died and 14 were off Libya after disembark-
missing Tuesday after a ing 82 people on the small
boat filled with people Italian island of Lampedu-
hoping to reach Europe sa. On Tuesday, less than
capsized near Tunisia. 24 hours after setting sail,
Elsewhere in the Mediterra- the crew of the humanitar-
nean, a rescue ship picked ian rescue ship spotted a
up 109 people from two small wooden boat with 48
flimsy boats off the coast people on board. Among
of Libya within hours of the passengers were five
each other. And in north- women and nine children,
ern France, police cleared including a newborn.
a gym and makeshift tent Within hours, a spotter
camp filled with migrants plane alerted them to
waiting to go to Britain. a second boat, this one
The number of people seek- made of blue plastic, with
ing international protection a total of 61 people on
in 30 European countries Women and children sit on a rescue boat some 53 nautical miles (98 kilometers) from the coast of board. The Ocean Viking
rose by a monthly 26% in Libya in the Mediterranean Sea, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019. has a capacity of about
July, according to figures Associated Press 300.
Tuesday from the Europe- North Africa is both a source
an Union's asylum office. The latest migrant deaths ing for the 14 missing pas- against illegal migration of migrants and a transit
The European total for the in the Mediterranean oc- sengers. came as Tunisia mobilized poin t for other migrants
year so far is about 400,500, curred off the Tunisian He said Tunisian coast more than 100,000 security seeking to reach Europe.
higher than the same pe- coastal city of Sfax. Tunisia's guard patrols have de- agents around the coun- Once there, their future is
riod last year but still much national guard spokesman, tained 192 people and try for Sunday's presidential uncertain as governments
lower than the levels re- Houssameddine Jbabli, stopped 10 boats bound election . argue over how to handle
corded in 2015-2016, when told The Associated Press for Europe over the last two Many migrants launch off the newcomers. Many
well over 1 million migrants that authorities rescued days. All those detained the coast of Tunisia and hoping to move northward
entered Europe, most of nine people from a boat are Tunisian, except for neighboring Libya, usually from Italy and Spain end up
them fleeing conflict in Syr- Tuesday, recovered two three Iraqis. in boats too flimsy for the in tents, makeshift lean-tos
ia and Iraq. bodies, and were search- The stepped-up efforts journey. or shelters.q
Renzi splits Italy's Democrats, shaking govt coalition
ROME (AP) — Former Italian build together with others likely to boost his very low
Premier Matteo Renzi has a new house to do politics popularity ratings.
left the ruling Democratic differently," he wrote on "Around 30-32 lawmakers
Party to set up a new cen- Facebook. from both the lower house
trist force, in a risky move The former premier has re- and the Senate are expect-
that further weakens the cently regained a central ed to join Renzi's new politi-
already shaky government role in Italian politics, using cal party. Without the sup-
forged only two weeks ago his influence in parliament port of these lawmakers, it
by the center-left Demo- to push for the coalition would be nearly impossible
crats and the populist 5-Star deal between the Demo- for Giuseppe Conte's gov-
Movement. crats and their former arch- ernment to control a major-
Renzi announced his de- enemies, the 5-Stars, in a ity in both houses," said Wol-
parture with a Facebook last-ditch attempt to avert fango Piccoli, head of Lon-
post on Tuesday morning, an early election and the don-based research firm
after explaining the abrupt likely triumph of Matteo Teneo. "Renzi's past record
move in an interview with Salvini's right-wing League A graffitti by Italian street artist TvBoy shows from left former Pre- of political double-dealing
the Italian daily La Repub- party. mier Matteo Renzi, Democratic Party leader Nicola Zingaretti, casts a large shadow on
blica. Political analysts say Renzi's Premier Giuseppe Conte, and 5-Star Movement's Luigi Di Maio, his claim that his new party
"I have decided to leave U-turn has caught his en- in Rome, Friday, Sept. 6, 2019. will strengthen the govern-
the PD (Democrats) and to emies off guard, but is un- Associated Press ment," Piccoli said.q