P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 18 september 2019

            South Korea culls pigs after confirming African swine fever

            By KIM TONG-HYUNG                                                                                                   decimated  pig  herds  in
            Associated Press                                                                                                    China  and  other  Asian
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                           countries  before  reaching
            South Korea is culling thou-                                                                                        the Koreas. It is harmless to
            sands of pigs after confirm-                                                                                        people but for pigs is highly
            ing  African  swine  fever  at                                                                                      contagious and fatal. There
            a farm near its border with                                                                                         is no known cure.
            North Korea, which had an                                                                                           "We will invest maximum ef-
            outbreak in May.                                                                                                    fort to prevent the disease
            Kim  Hyun-soo,  South  Ko-                                                                                          from  spreading  ...  we  be-
            rea's  agricultural  minister,                                                                                      lieve the first week (follow-
            said the country's first case                                                                                       ing the outbreak) would be
            of  the  highly  contagious                                                                                         most dangerous," consider-
            disease   was    confirmed                                                                                          ing incubation periods, Kim
            Tuesday in tests on five pigs                                                                                       said during a news confer-
            that died Monday evening                                                                                            ence in Sejong City.
            at  the  farm  in  the  city  of                                                                                    "We  will  quickly  complete
            Paju.                                                                                                               monitoring  inspections  at
            His ministry later said it was                                                                                      the  6,300  farms  (nation-
            looking  into  a  suspected                                                                                         wide) ... checking each pig
            second case from a farm in                                                                                          to see whether it has fever
            the  nearby  town  of  Yeon-                                                                                        or not and testing on even
            cheon, where the owner re-   A quarantine official wearing protective gear places a barricade as a precaution against African   the  slightest  of  symptoms,"
            ported the death of a pig,   swine fever at a pig farm in Paju, South Korea, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019.               he said.
            and  that  test  results  were                                                                     Associated Press  South   Korean   President
            expected  by  Wednesday                                                                                             Moon Jae-in called for fast
            morning.                     two other farms run by the  dered  a  48-hour  standstill  disease,  which  threatens  and stern quarantine mea-
            Officials  were  planning  to  same  family.  The  govern-  on  all  pig  farms,  slaugh-  a  massive  industry  that  in-  sures to prevent the disease
            complete  by  Tuesday  the  ment also strengthened ef-    terhouses  and  feed  facto-  volves  6,000  farms  raising  from  wreaking  havoc  on
            culling  of  some  4,000  pigs  forts to disinfect farms and  ries  across  the  country  to  more than 11 million pigs.  the pork industry, the presi-
            raised at the Paju farm and  transport  vehicles  and  or-  prevent  the  spread  of  the  African  swine  fever  has  dential Blue House said.q
            20 dead as truck falls off cliff in southern Philippines

            Associated Press             to death. Five other victims  it  ran  out  of  control.  They
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —  later died in hospitals, Lim-  were  scattered  on  the
            Twenty villagers were killed  son said.                   mountainside,"  del  Car-
            and 14 others were injured  Police, Red Cross volunteers  men,  who  was  among
            when  the  truck  they  were  and  villagers  retrieved  the  those  who  retrieved  the
            riding  in  lost  control  and  15  bodies  from  the  wreck-  dead, said by phone.
            fell  off  a  cliff  Tuesday  in  a  age  at  the  bottom  of  the  Video posted by witnesses
            remote  mountain  village  ravine.  Some  of  the  dead  online  showed  the  upland
            in  the  southern  Philippines,  included children returning  road  where  the  accident
            police  and  the  Red  Cross  from a family reunion at a  happened  has  no  steel  or
            said.                        beach  resort,  Limson  said  concrete railing. Below, the
            Provincial police chief Joel  by phone.                   mangled wreckage of the
            Limson  said  the  truck  was  Red  Cross  leader  Erwin  truck is seen lying on its side.
            negotiating   a    downhill  Rommel  del  Carmen  said  Deadly  road  accidents
            road in Tboli town in South  several   passengers   sur-  are  common  in  the  Philip-  In this photo provided by the Philippine Red Cross, Red Cross
            Cotabato  province  when  vived  by  jumping  off  the  pines because of weak en-      volunteers retrieve the bodies of victims following a road ac-
            its brakes apparently failed  wayward bus.                forcement  of  traffic  laws,   cident Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019, in a remote village in the Tboli
            and  plummeted  down  a  "Majority  of  the  survivors  rickety  vehicles  and  inad-  township, South Cotabato in the southern Philippine.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            ravine,  pinning  15  people  jumped  out  of  the  bus  as  equate road safety railings
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