P. 21
SPORTS Wednesday 18 september 2019
A's waste late lead
to Royals, lead over
Tampa Bay down to 1
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — ond straight start, Mitch
Brett Phillips hit a tying home Garver hit a go-ahead
run off Liam Hendricks in double and Minnesota
the ninth inning, Adalberto increased its lead to five
Mondesi followed with an games in the AL Central.
RBI double and Kansas City Seeking their first division ti-
ended Oakland's six-game tle since 2010, the Twins (92-
winning streak. 58) are assured of their best
The Athletics' lead over record since finishing 94-68
Tampa Bay for the top AL nine years ago.
wild card was cut to one Berríos (13-8) allowed two
game. Cleveland is 1 1/2 runs and five hits in 7 1/3 in-
games behind the Rays. nings with eight strikeouts
Khris Davis' RBI single off and two walks. He was re-
Kevin McCarthy (4-2) gave warded with a standing
Oakland a 5-4 lead in the ovation when he was re-
eighth. moved.
Phillips homered on a 2-0 Tyler Duffey finished the
fastball from Hendriks (4-3) eighth, Sergio Romo al-
with one out in the ninth, lowed Eloy Jiménez's hom-
Hendriks' sixth blown save er leading off the ninth
in 28 chances. before getting an out, and Kansas City Royals' Whit Merrifield, right, celebrates with Jorge Soler (12) after scoring the game-
Marcus Semien singled Taylor Rogers needed just winning run against the Oakland Athletics in the ninth inning of a baseball game Monday, Sept.
leading off the bottom half eight pitches to finish a six- 16, 2019, in Oakland, Calif.
for Oakland but Ian Ken- hitter for his 27th save in 33 Associated Press
nedy retired his next three chances.
batters for his 30th save in White Sox starter Reynaldo tween the teams with the June's amateur draft, which 1939 St. Louis Browns.
35 chances, giving the Roy- López (9-14) gave up five worst records in the major goes to the club with the Tyler Alexander (1-3), a
als' Ned Yost his 1,200th win runs and nine hits in 5 1/3 leagues. After the first series lowest winning percentage 24-year-old left-hander
in 16 seasons as a major innings. in American League his- this season. forced into the rotation by
league manager. TIGERS 5, ORIOLES 2 tory between teams in 50 Detroit needs to win one of a doubleheader last week,
TWINS 5, WHITE SOX 3 DETROIT (AP) — Jordy Mer- or more games under .500, its final six games at Comer- got his first big league win.
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — José cer hit a two-run homer in Detroit (45-104) has a 3 1/2- ica Park to avoid breaking John Means (10-11) gave
Berríos pitched into the the first inning, and Detroit game "lead" over Baltimore the major league record of up five runs and six hits in 5
eighth inning to win his sec- split a four-game series be- (49-101) for the top pick in 59 home losses, set by the 2/3 innings.q
Continued from Page 18 is not visible in the images "We take this matter, and
He was denied bond, with sent to the victim, authori- these charges in particular,
the judge saying she be- ties were able to identify extremely seriously," Pirates
lieved Vázquez was a flight him by matching tattoos president Frank Coonelly
risk, the newspaper report- in the picture against tat- said in a statement.
ed. toos of Vazquez they dis- The baseball commission-
The Florida Department covered on the internet. er's office placed Vázquez
of Law Enforcement said The victim's mother discov- on administrative leave
it began investigating the ered the communication under its agreement with
28-year-old in August after in July and texted Vazquez the players' association
learning of an alleged sex- to tell him the person he on handling domestic vio-
ual relationship between was communicating with lence, sexual assault and
Vázquez and a teenage was a minor, the affidavit child abuse. The union de-
girl living in Lee County, said. Authorities matched clined to comment.
Florida. Vázquez, who lives the evidence to Vázquez's Administrative leave is
in Saint Cloud, Florida, and phone number. not considered discipline. In this Sept. 1, 2019, file photo, Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Felipe
the victim began the rela- Authorities arrested Vázquez goes on the re- Vazquez works against the Colorado Rockies in the ninth in-
tionship when the girl was Vázquez after executing stricted list and continues ning of a baseball game in Denver.
13, authorities said. a search warrant Tuesday to receive his $4 million sal- Associated Press
The girl, now 15, allegedly morning at his Pittsburgh ary but is ineligible to play.
received a text message apartment. Police said The arrest is the latest set- ing the altercation and cludes team options for
from Vázquez in July in they seized electronic de- back in a turbulent season underwent season-ending 2022 and 2023.
which he was performing vices that will be used in for the Pirates, who are last surgery. Crick maintained "It's something that hits
a sex act. Vázquez also the investigation. Vázquez in the NL Central. Vázquez threw the first home," Pirates pitcher
texted the girl to ask if she is expected to be extradit- Vázquez and reliever Kyle punch, with general man- Chris Archer said. "I have
wanted to meet for a sexu- ed to Florida. Crick were both suspend- ager Neal Huntington con- a 14-year-old sister. In the
al encounter following the A two-time All-Star pitcher ed a game last week after demning both players for U.S., you're innocent until
end of the baseball sea- from Venezuela, Vázquez getting into a physical al- their actions. proven guilty. Until due pro-
son, according to police. is 5-1 with a 1.65 ERA and tercation in San Francisco. Vázquez is in the second cess is completely played
According to the affida- 28 saves for the Pirates this Crick injured the index fin- season of a $22 million, out, we're hoping that this
vit, while Vazquez's face season. ger of his right hand dur- four-year contract that in- stuff's not true."q