P. 22

             Wednesday 18 september 2019
            Ozuna has 4 RBIs, Cardinals beat Nationals 4-2

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             tel Marte hit an RBI double
            ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  Marcell                                                                                        and Eduardo Escobar hit a
            Ozuna  drove  in  four  runs                                                                                        solo  homer  for  his  35th  of
            and threw out a runner at                                                                                           the season.
            home  plate  from  left  field,                                                                                     Yoshihisa   Hirano    (5-5)
            leading the St. Louis Cardi-                                                                                        pitched a scoreless inning,
            nals  over  the  Washington                                                                                         and Kevin Ginkel got three
            Nationals  4-2  on  Monday                                                                                          straight outs for his first big
            night.                                                                                                              league save. Tayron Guer-
            St.  Louis  retained  its  two-                                                                                     rero  (1-2)  gave  up  three
            game  lead  over  the  sec-                                                                                         runs,  two  hits  and  a  walk
            ond-place  Chicago  Cubs                                                                                            without getting any outs.
            in  the  NL  Central.  Wash-                                                                                        CUBS 8, REDS 2
            ington  is  one-half  game                                                                                          CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Kyle
            ahead of the Cubs for the                                                                                           Schwarber  hit  a  three-run
            top NL wild card.                                                                                                   homer and made a diving
            Nationals  manager  Dave                                                                                            catch  in  left  field,  helping
            Martinez  missed  the  game                                                                                         Chicago win its fifth straight.
            following  a  heart  proce-                                                                                         Nicholas  Castellanos  add-
            dure  in  Washington,  and                                                                                          ed a two-run double in the
            bench  coach  Chip  Hale                                                                                            eighth  inning  as  the  Cubs
            was in charge of the dug-                                                                                           moved  a  season-high  14
            out.  Dexter  Fowler  walked                                                                                        games  above  .500.  Chi-
            against Sean Doolittle (6-5)   Washington Nationals' Asdrubal Cabrera (13) is tagged out at home by St. Louis Cardinals catcher   cago has outscored its op-
            with one out in the seventh,   Yadier Molina during the fourth inning of a baseball game Monday, Sept. 16, 2019, in St. Louis.   ponents 59-18 during its win
            Hunter  Strickland  walked                                                                         Associated Press  streak.  The  Cubs  (82-68)
            Paul Goldschmidt with two                                                                                           pulled  within  a  half-game
            outs  and  Ozuna  doubled  games  back  for  the  sec-    10.15 ERA in three starts at  The  Diamondbacks,  cling-  of  Washington  for  the  top
            just inside the left-field line,  ond  NL  wild  card  with  12  Coors Field.          ing  to  slim  postseason  spot in the wild-card stand-
            just the second hit in 11 at-  games to play.             Charlie  Blackmon  singled  hopes,  remained  5  1/2  ings and stayed two games
            bats for the Cardinals with  Brandon  Nimmo,  batting  with one out, Ryan McMa-        games  back  of  the  Chi-   back of NL Central-leading
            runners in scoring position.  leadoff  for  the  first  time  hon  walked  and  Garrett  cago Cubs for the second  St. Louis, which held off the
            Dakota Hudson (16-7) won  since May 17, opened the  Hampson  hit  an  RBI  single  NL wild card with 11 to play  Nationals for a 4-2 win.
            for  the  sixth  time  in  seven  game with a home run off  with two outs.             and  also  would  have  to  Steve Cishek, Alec Mills (1-
            starts.  Carlos  Martínez  got  Senzatela  (10-10).  Starting  Matz  (10-9)  allowed  seven  leapfrog  Milwaukee,  Phila-  0), Rowan Wick, Kyle Ryan
            his 20th save in 23 chances.  their  last  road  trip  of  the  runs, six hits and two walks  delphia and the New York  and  David  Phelps  com-
            ROCKIES 9, METS 4            regular  season,  the  Mets  in four innings.             Mets.                        bined  for  5  2/3  scoreless
            DENVER (AP) — Pitcher An-    built a 4-1 lead on Jeff Mc-  Senzatela gave up four runs  At 52-98, the NL-worst Mar-  innings  in  relief  of  an  inef-
            tonio Senzatela hit a tying,  Neil's two-run homer in the  and eight hits in six innings.  lins matched their loss total  fective Cole Hamels. It was
            two-run  single  that  ended  third that stopped an 0-for-  DIAMONDBACKS  7,  MAR-     of  last  year  and  appear  Mills' first major league win
            a year-long 0-for-44 slide at  13 slump and Amed Rosa-    LINS 5                       headed to their first 100-de-  in  his  17th  big  league  ap-
            the  plate,  Trevor  Story  fol-  rio's RBI double in the fourth.  PHOENIX  (AP)  —  Robbie  feat season since 2013.  pearance.
            lowed  three  pitches  later  Matz,  who  allowed  Ian  Ray  pitched  5  2/3  innings  Trailing  5-3,  Arizona  sent  Kevin   Gausman     (3-9)
            with  a  three-run  homer  of  Desmond's  second-inning  of no-hit ball, Jake Lamb hit  eight  batters  to  the  plate  pitched two innings for the
            Steven  Matz  to  cap  a  six-  homer, needed 42 pitches  a  crucial  three-run  double  in the seventh, punctuated  Reds  in  his  first  start  since
            run fourth inning and Colo-  to  get  through  the  fourth  and Arizona rallied to beat  by  Lamb's  two-out  double  he was claimed off waivers
            rado  drop  New  York  five  and dropped to 0-2 with a  Miami.                         down the right-field line.Ke-  from the Braves last month.

             Russia sending 29 athletes to

             track worlds on neutral team

             MOSCOW  (AP)  —  The  sus-   her last five events.       lete who was not allowed
             pended Russian track fed-    Other  medal  contenders  to go.
             eration  is  sending  a  team  include Sergei Shubenkov,  With  29  Russian  neutral
             of  29  competitors  to  the  the  2015  world  champion  athletes,  there  will  be  10
             world  championships  in  in  the  110-meter  hurdles,  more than at the last world
             Qatar,  where  they  will  and  high  jumpers  Mikhail  championships  two  years
             compete  as  neutral  ath-   Akimenko and Ilya Ivanyuk.  ago. The squad includes 16
             letes.                       Many Russian athletes with  women, compared to just
             High  jumper  Mariya  Las-   past doping bans were not  seven in 2017.                Mariya  Lasitskene  competes  in  the  women's  high  jump  final
             itskene is the only reigning  cleared  to  compete,  in-  Russia  has  been  suspend-  during the Match Europe against USA athletics competition on
             world  champion  among  cluding race walker Elena  ed from international track        the Dinamo stadium in Minsk, Belarus, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019.
             the  group  announced  by  Lashmanova,  the  world  and  field  since  2015  over                                            Associated Press
             the  federation  Tuesday.  leader  in  the  20-kilometer  widespread  doping,  but
             Lasitskene  has  jumped  a  event  this  year.  Lashman-  131  athletes  have  since  drug testing to a panel set  team do not wear nation-
             world  leading  2.06  meters  ova  is  a  former  Olympic  been cleared to compete  up by track's world govern-   al colors and if one wins a
             this  season  but  has  failed  gold  medalist,  as  is  Anna  as neutrals. They must pres-  ing body, the IAAF.  gold  medal,  the  IAAF  an-
             to clear 2 meters at four of  Chicherova,  another  ath-  ent  evidence  of  thorough  Athletes  from  the  neutral  them is played.q
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