P. 16
Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
Dyslexia Awareness Month
ARUBA ― Being able to dolph Berlin 6 years later.
read and write with ease is Berkhan discovered the
something most of us sim- existence of the develop-
ply take for granted. But mental reading disorder
imagine what it would be later named dyslexia while
like to look at a page of studying the case of a
text and see distorted let- young boy who had severe
ters swirling before your problems learning to read
eyes, or not seeing the dif- and write properly, despite
ference between the letters being overall bright and in-
“b” and “d”, etc. Sounds tellectually and physically
pretty awful, doesn’t it? capable.
However, this is a problem Since dyslexia was discov-
that affects from 5% to 10% ered, physicians the world
of the world’s population, over have been working on
making their lives more dif- different ways to help the
ficult each and every day. dyslexic manage their dis-
Dyslexia Awareness Month order, and a special dyslex- would be to do your best extent of dyslexic people’s places that anyone wishing
is the perfect time to think ia font has been invented to see for yourself what be- hardships. to support the cause may
about how much harder to help those afflicted to ing dyslexic means, and attend and encourage
dyslexic people’s lives are read more easily. Dyslexia just how much it can impair Another thing you could do others to attend as well.
than our own and try to Awareness Month was Cre- your abilities to do differ- is take part in the various There are also numerous
be more understanding of ated by The International ent things you usually nev- Dyslexia Awareness events workshops you can attend
their situation. Dyslexia Association and er think twice about, like organized worldwide to that will teach you what
takes place over the entire reading your favorite mag- help people become more you can do to make the
The History of Dyslexia course of October each azine or billboards. Many aware of the disorder. lives of those with dyslexia
Awareness Month year. images and videos have These include exhibitions of around you a bit easier—
Dyslexia was first identified been made to help people art created by the dyslexic even something as small as
in German physician Os- How to Celebrate Dyslexia understand how dyslexia that are visual representa- a bit more patience and
wald Berkhan in 1881 and Awareness Month works, so take the time to tions of how they see the understanding can go a
officially named “dyslexia” The best way to celebrate go through some of them world. There are also danc- long way.q
by ophthalmologist Ru- Dyslexia Awareness Month in order to understand the es organized in various
Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk in Aruba
restaurants or taverns to George Vaselakos: Be-
share their images and ex- cause he usually travels to
periences over food. In ad- Aruba in the fall, he has
dition to the event, photo only participated in three
walkers will be able to up- Worldwide Photowalks over
load their favorite picture the last 10 years in his home-
to our popular Photowalk town of Chicago. This year,
contest for a chance to win as they were scheduled to
prizes like a DSLR, gift cards, be in Aruba the date of the
apps, and camera bags. Worldwide Photowalk, he
We will also name a Grand decided to sponsor a walk
Prize winner and 10 finalists in Aruba.
to be selected by Scott Kel-
by himself! He is an amateur photog-
rapher, but one who loves
Every year, we encour- photography immensely.
age every photo walker to So, put him in a beautiful
help support the initiative island like Aruba, and it is
to “Walk with a Purpose” a match made in heaven.
by donating to the Springs You can contact George
of Hope Orphanage in Ke- by email at george@geor-
nya! The event is free, but
pre-registration is required.
ORANJESTAD — Scott Kel- social photography event, The concept of a Pho- Register at worldwidepho- Walk will start at the Renais-
by announces the official has grown immensely in towalk is simple. Photow-, locate your sance Market place and
date of his 11th Annual size and popularity since alks are created by Walk city, and complete the free will end by the Royal Plaza.
Worldwide Photowalk, the the inaugural walk in 2007. Leaders in cities all over sign up form. Additionally, From 9 AM till 12 PM. There
world’s largest Photowalk. Last year, more than 24,000 the world. Walkers meet participants can connect will be plenty to photo-
The event is happening Oc- photographers of all walks up at a pre-designated socially before, during and graph along the way. More
tober 6, 2018 in thousands of life and skill level con- location to spend a few after the event using the information can be found
of cities all over the world. verged to explore their cor- hours socializing, capturing hashtag #WWPW2018 hash on the website https://
ners of the world through images, and sharing with tag on Twitter, Facebook
The Scott Kelby Worldwide photography and social like-minded people. At the and Instagram. walk/downtown-oranjes-
Photowalk, dubbed the community. end of the Photowalk, most tad-aruba/. q
world’s largest global and groups convene at local Walk Leader for Aruba