P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018

            2 Koreas begin removing DMZ mines to ease military tensions

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                                                    South-North Korean agree-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ment that made a conces-
            SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)                                                                                          sion in our defense posture
            — North and South Korean                                                                                            before  (North  Korean)  de-
            troops  began  removing                                                                                             nuclearization is achieved,”
            some  of  the  land  mines                                                                                          Shin  Wonsik,  a  former  vice
            planted at their heavily for-                                                                                       chairman  of  the  South’s
            tified  border  on  Monday,                                                                                         Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff,  said
            Seoul  officials  said,  in  the                                                                                    last week.
            first  implementation  of  re-                                                                                      After  provocative  tests  of
            cent agreements aimed at                                                                                            three  intercontinental  bal-
            easing  their  decades-long                                                                                         listic  missiles  and  a  power-
            military standoff.                                                                                                  ful  nuclear  weapon  last
            The demining comes amid                                                                                             year,  North  Korea  entered
            resumed  diplomacy  over                                                                                            talks with the United States
            North    Korea’s   nuclear                                                                                          and South Korea earlier this
            weapons  program  after                                                                                             year,  saying  it’s  willing  to
            weeks  of  stalemated  ne-                                                                                          deal  away  its  expanding
            gotiations. U.S. Secretary of                                                                                       nuclear  arsenal.  Kim  Jong
            State Mike Pompeo is to visit                                                                                       Un has subsequently held a
            Pyongyang,  North  Korea’s   South  Korean  President  Moon  Jae-in,  center,  salutes  during  the  repatriation  ceremony  for  the   series  of  summits  with  U.S.,
            capital,  this  month  to  try   remains of 64 South Korean soldiers killed in North Korea during the Korean War, which arrived at   South Korean and Chinese
            to set up a second summit    Seoul Air Base in Seongnam, South Korea, from Hawaii on Monday, Oct. 1, 2018.          leaders  and  taken  some
            between President Donald                                                                           Associated Press  steps  such  as  dismantling
            Trump  and  North  Korean  ported demining.               Mines  dislodged  by  flood-  Moon  Jae-in  said  Monday  his nuclear test site.
            leader Kim Jong Un.          At  Arrow  Head  Hill,  where  ing and landslides have oc-  the  military  deals  will  “end  The   nuclear   diplomacy
            On Monday, South Korean  some of the fiercest battles  casionally  caused  deaths  all hostile acts on land, sea  later  came  to  a  standstill
            army  engineers  with  dem-  occurred  during  the  Ko-   in  front-line  areas  in  South  and sky between South and  amid disputes over how sin-
            ining  equipment  were  de-  rean  War,  Seoul  officials  Korea. In 2015, a land mine  North  Korea.”  In  a  speech  cere  North  Korea  is  about
            ployed to the border village  believe  there  are  remains  blast blamed on North Ko-  marking South Korea’s 70th  disarmament.  But  Trump,
            of Panmunjom and anoth-      of about 300 South Korean  rea maimed two South Ko-       Armed  Forces  Day,  Moon  Pompeo and other U.S. of-
            er frontline area called “Ar-  and U.N. forces, along with  rean  soldiers  and  pushed  also  called  for  a  stronger  ficials have recently report-
            row  Head  Hill”  where  the  an  unspecified  number  of  the  Koreas  to  the  brink  of  national  defense,  saying  ed  progress  in  denuclear-
            Koreas  plan  their  first  joint  Chinese and North Korean  war.                      “peace can continue only  ization  discussions  with  the
            searches  for  soldiers  killed  remains.                 The  agreement  to  clear  when we have power and  North.  Pompeo  is  to  make
            during  the  1950-53  Korean  The Korean War left millions  mines,  the  first  such  effort  are confidant of protecting  his third trip to North Korea
            War.                         dead or missing, and South  since  the  early  2000s,  was  ourselves.”                soon.
            The  troops  began  remov-   Korea  wants  to  expand  among a package of ten-         Moon, a liberal who aspires  Meanwhile,  on  Monday,
            ing  mines  on  the  southern  joint excavations with North  sion-easing deals struck by  to  improve  ties  with  North  South  Korea  held  a  cer-
            part  of  the  two  sites.  Later  Korea  for  remains  at  De-  the Koreas’ defense chiefs  Korea,  is  a  driving  force  emony marking the recent
            Monday, the South Korean  militarized  Zone  areas.  The  on  the  sidelines  of  a  lead-  behind  U.S.-North  Korean  return of the remains of 64
            military detected North Ko-  Koreas  remain  split  along  ers’  summit  last  month  in  nuclear  diplomacy.  Critics  South  Korean  soldiers  miss-
            rean  soldiers  engaged  in  the 248-kilometer (155-mile)  Pyongyang.  Aiming  to  re-  of  his  engagement  policy  ing  from  the  Korean  War.
            what it believed was dem-    -long  DMZ  that  was  origi-  duce conventional military  have lambasted the recent  They  were  earlier  found  in
            ining  on  the  northern  part  nally  created  as  a  buffer  threats, they also agreed to  inter-Korean  military  deals,  North  Korea  during  a  joint
            of the sites, a South Korean  zone at the end of the Ko-  remove 11 front-line guard  saying  a  mutual  reduction  1996-2005 excavation proj-
            defense  official  said  on  rean  War.  About  2  million  posts by December and set  of  conventional  military  ect  between  the  United
            condition  of  animosity,  cit-  mines  are  believed  to  be  up buffer zones along their  strength  would  weaken  States and North Korea. Fo-
            ing department rules.        scattered  in  and  near  the  land  and  sea  boundaries  South  Korea’s  war  readi-  rensic identification tests in
            The  official  refused  to  pro-  DMZ, which is also guarded  and  a  no-fly  zone  above  ness  because  the  North’s  Hawaii confirmed they be-
            vide  more  details.  North  by  hundreds  of  thousands  the  border  to  prevent  ac-  nuclear  program  remains  long  to  South  Korean  war
            Korea’s state media didn’t  of  combat  troops,  barbed  cidental clashes.             largely intact.              dead, according to Seoul’s
            immediately  confirm  its  re-  wire fences and tank traps.  South   Korean   President  “I  think  it’s  the  worst-ever  Defense Ministry.q
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