P. 6
Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
In this July 23, 2018 file photo, the duck boat that sank in Table
Rock Lake in Branson, Mo.
Company wants some
Missouri boat death
lawsuits dropped
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, right, speaks as Lara Trump, left, listens during a news confer- KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — more difficult to receive a
ence for the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., Monday, Oct. 1, 2018. The company that owns new trial.
Associated Press the Ride the Ducks op- "The facts show that Defen-
Republican convention set eration in Branson asked a dants had an impeccable
judge Monday to dismiss safety record with vessels
some of the lawsuits filed certified by the U.S. Coast
for August 2020 in Charlotte after one of its boats sank Guard as in full compliance
with applicable regula-
in a Missouri lake in July, kill-
tions," Ripley Entertainment
ing 17 people.
Ripley Entertainment said in says in its motions.
By TOM FOREMAN Jr. cultural experience for the courage anybody who its motions that the boat's Andrew Duffy, a Philadel-
Associated Press city's school children to see has even the slightest no- sinking on Table Rock Lake phia attorney representing
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — the political process in their tion of coming in simply to was "an unforeseeable and some of the lawsuit plain-
The Republican National midst. cause trouble, simply to be unintentional occurrence" tiffs, said he will "vehement-
Convention will be held A divided Charlotte City a disruption and to call at- and that the company's ly oppose" the motions that
in North Carolina's largest Council voted 6-5 in July tention to themselves and amphibious vehicle tours seek to dismiss the lawsuits.
city in August 2020 and to approve a bid to host their cause, as opposed to complied with U.S. Coast "We stand by our well-pled
party leaders said Monday the Republican conven- the benefit of the city, the Guard regulations, The complaints and nothing
they'll gather with an eye tion. Charlotte had been county, the state and the Kansas City Star reported . in the motions to dismiss
on nominating President considered a front-runner, nation, they need to stay The boat went down on will prevent these mat-
Donald Trump for a second although published re- away," Hayes said. July 19 when a strong thun- ters from moving forward,"
term. ports showed several cities Toni Anne Dashiell, national derstorm blew in shortly Duffy said. The motions for
Party chairwoman Ronna thought to be up for the GOP committeewoman for after it headed out on the dismissal were over lawsuits
McDaniel announced at a convention didn't actually Texas and chair of the par- lake near Branson with 31 filed by John Coleman,
news conference that the submit bids. ty's committee on arrange- people on board. brother of drowning victim
convention will be held in Moments after the vote ments, said previous experi- Survivors and relatives of Ervin Coleman; Lisa Berry
Charlotte on Aug. 24-27. was taken, Lyles issue a ences have shown her host those who died have filed and Marlo Rose Wells, suing
Mayor Vi Lyles said Char- plea to the city for unity. cities were welcoming de- several lawsuits against Rip- on behalf of the estates of
lotte has a chance to show But a host of people who spite the political scene. ley and five other compa- Belinda Coleman, Angela
it can host both major po- spoke at the meeting that "We will always be there nies involved with the man- Coleman and Maxwell Ly;
litical parties. Charlotte led up to the vote made and we will always be re- ufacture and operation of and Tia Coleman, who sur-
hosted the Democratic Na- it clear they didn't want spectful and engage with the tourist attraction. They vived the sinking and also
tional Convention in 2012. the convention in the city. whomever, and make sure contend the boat's opera- sued on behalf of some
"We are actually very excit- Many of them cited Trump's it's a positive experience," tors should not have put the of her relatives who died
ed about the opportunity," statements denigrating mi- Dashiell said. boat on the lake because on the boat, Glenn Cole-
Lyles said. norities, Muslims, women The 2020 Democratic Na- of the weather. They also man, Reece Coleman,
"People say why. One, we and the LGBTQ population. tional Convention is sched- contend that the manu- Evan Coleman and Arya
are a democratic nation, There's also the issue of uled for July 13-16 in a city facturers ignored warnings Coleman. It is unclear how
and so it just gets to be an factions who support and to be determined. Pub- for years that the boats' de- the lawsuits will proceed.
opportunity for Charlotte oppose Trump clashing in lished reports show eight sign should be changed to The U.S. attorney for the
to brag about being one Charlotte. cities are in the running, reduce the risk of sinking. Western District of Missouri
of the cities to host both "The door is wide open. including Atlanta, Miami Ripley also asks the judge has asked a federal judge
the Republican and Dem- Glad to listen. Listening is Beach, Milwaukee and to strike what it calls hy- overseeing the lawsuits to
ocratic conventions. That a great healing power," Houston. Both conventions perbolic and inflammatory halt most of the discovery
puts us on the map." North Carolina GOP chair- were scheduled to avoid language from the law- in the civil cases while it in-
Lyles also noted that the man Robin Hayes said. coinciding with the Sum- suits, which the company vestigates whether criminal
convention will provide a "But I would greatly dis- mer Olympic games.q contends would make it charges are warranted.q