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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018

            VEGAS MEMORIAL               that followed.
            Continued from Front         "When  the  sun  rose  the
            As  dawn  broke  over  the  next  morning,  grief  turned
            city  Monday,  a  flock  of  to  anger,  anger  turned  to
            doves  were  released  at  a  resolve and resolve turned
            ceremony,  with  each  bird  to action," Lombardo said.
            bearing  a  leg  band  with  Many  who  were  cheering
            the name of one of the 58  Jason Aldean's headline set
            people slain.                on at the Route 91 Harvest
            "Today  we  remember  the  Festival  late  Oct.  1,  2017  ,
            unforgettable.  Today,  we  said later they thought the
            comfort  the  inconsolable,"  rapid   crack-crack-crack
            Nevada       Gov.     Brian  they  heard  was  fireworks
            Sandoval  gathered  told  —  until  people  fell  dead,
            several  hundred  survivors  wounded, bleeding.
            ,  families  of  victims,  first-  From  across  Las  Vegas
            responders  and  elected  Boulevard,      a    gambler-
            officials  who  gathered  at  turned-gunman         with
            the dawn ceremony at an  what  police  later  called
            outdoor amphitheater.        a  meticulous  plan  but
            He added: "Today, we are  an  unknown  reason  fired
            reminded  of  the  pain  that  assault-style  rifles  for  11
            never really goes away."     minutes  from  32nd-floor
            The sunrise ceremony kicked  windows  of  the  Mandalay
            off  a  day  of  memorials,  Bay  hotel  into  the  concert
            prayer    services,   blood  crowd  below.  Police  said
            drives  and  dedications  to  he then killed himself.
            commemorate  the  lives  Medical  examiners  later        People visit a makeshift memorial for victims of the Oct. 1, 2017, mass shooting in Las Vegas, Sun-
            lost  in  the  Oct.  1,  2017,  determined  that  all  58   day, Sept. 30, 2018, in Las Vegas.
            shooting.  The  giant  casino  deaths were from gunshots.                                                                       Associated Press
            marquees  were  set  to  go  Another  413  people  were
            dark  in  unison  Monday  wounded, and police said  habits made him a sought-
            night with the names of the  at  least  456  were  injured  after  casino  patron.  Over
            victims  to  be  read  shortly  fleeing the carnage.      several  days,  Mandalay
            after.                       Lombardo  declared  the  Bay  employees  readily  let
            The  festival  venue  that  police investigation finished  him  use  a  service  elevator
            became  a  killing  ground  in  August,  issuing  a  report  to  take  suitcases  to  the
            has  not  been  used  in  the  that  said  hundreds  of  $590-per-night suite he had
            year  since  the  shooting.  interviews and thousands of  been provided for free. The
            MGM Resorts International,  hours  of  investigative  work  room  had  a  commanding
            the  owner  of  the  property  could not provide answers  view  of  the  Strip  and  the
            and  Mandalay  Bay  hotel,  to  what  made  Stephen  Route  91  Harvest  Festival
            has not said if or when it will  Craig Paddock unleash his  concert grounds across the
            reopen.                      hail of gunfire.             street.
            Company            officials  That  has  left  unanswered  After breaking out windows,
            redirected  curious  people  the   question    of   why  Paddock  fired  1,057  shots
            on  Monday  to  a  nearby  a      64-year-old    former  in  11  minutes,  police  have
            Catholic    church     that  accountant,  real  estate  said.
            offered  a  spot  for  "quiet  investor,  small  plane  pilot  Jim   Murren,   the   chief
            reflection."   They    also  and  high-limit  video  poker  executive and CEO of MGM
            reminded  people  about  player        assembled     his  Resorts International, issued
            an   evening    dedication  arsenal  and  attacked  the  a  statement  calling  the
            scheduled at the downtown  concert crowd.                 shooting "an unforgettable
            Las Vegas Healing Garden,  Paddock                  was  act of terror."
            which became a memorial  characterized  by  police  "Oct. 1 will forever be a day
            for victims of the shooting.  as a loner with no religious  of remembrance, reflection
            Clark  County  Sheriff  Joe  or  political  affiliations  who  and   mourning   as   we
            Lombardo  recalled  the  became  obsessed  with  struggle  to  comprehend
            chaos and confusion of the  guns, spent more than $1.5  the  incomprehensible  —
            shooting, and the prayers to  million  in  the  two  years  the senseless act of evil that
            "heal broken hearts," blood  before  the  shooting  and  caused such a tragic loss of
            banks  filled  with  donors  distanced  himself  from  his  life, along with the suffering
            and  "acts  of  kindness  that  girlfriend and family.    that  we  know  continues,"
            comforted  the  suffering"  Paddock's         gambling  Murren said.q
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