P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
            Yelich, Brewers beat Cubs 3-1 for NL Central title

            By JAY COHEN                                                                                                        for his 12th save.
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    Rizzo had one last chance
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Chris-                                                                                            for Chicago, but he flied to
            tian Yelich's easy smile and                                                                                        right  with  Baez  on  second
            champagne-soaked  T-shirt                                                                                           for  the  final  out  .  When  it
            said it all.                                                                                                        was  over,  Hader  wrapped
            A division title is much more                                                                                       his  arms  around  catcher
            fun than a Triple Crown.                                                                                            Erik Kratz as the rest of the
            Yelich collected three more                                                                                         Brewers  poured  out  of  the
            hits as the Milwaukee Brew-                                                                                         dugout.
            ers won their first NL Central                                                                                      A  sizable  portion  of  Mil-
            title since 2011, beating the                                                                                       waukee  fans  in  the  crowd
            Chicago Cubs 3-1 on Mon-                                                                                            of 38,450 chanted "Let's go
            day in a tiebreaker game.                                                                                           Brewers!  Let's  go  Brewers!"
            The  silky-smooth  slugger                                                                                          —  a  rarity  at  Wrigley  over
            stalled  in  his  bid  for  the                                                                                     the past few years.
            league's  first  Triple  Crown                                                                                      "We  could  hear  'em,  we
            in decades, but he starred                                                                                          could really hear them and
            once  again  as  the  Brew                                                                                          we  fed  off  of  that,"  Yelich
            Crew captured the biggest                                                                                           said.  "We  wanted  to  bring
            prize of the day.                                                                                                   this home for them."
            "I know how hard it is to get                                                                                       Yelich  also  heard  repeat-
            to this point and I'm proud                                                                                         ed "MVP!" chants when he
            to be a part of this group,"                                                                                        singled  in  each  of  his  first
            Yelich  said  as  Milwaukee's                                                                                       three  at-bats.  He  drove  in
            boozy party swirled around                                                                                          Arcia with his two-out hit in
            him,  filling  every  inch  of                                                                                      the third.
            the  cramped  visitors'  club-                                                                                      Jhoulys  Chacin  sailed  into
            house at Wrigley Field.                                                                                             the  fifth  inning  with  the
            Lorenzo  Cain  hit  a  go-                                                                                          lead,  retiring  11  of  his  first
            ahead single in the eighth                                                                                          12 batters. But Rizzo led off
            inning to help Milwaukee to                                                                                         with a massive drive to right
            its  eighth  straight  win  and                                                                                     for his 25th homer, tying it 1.
            home-field      advantage                                                                                           The  crowd  roared  as  Rizzo
            throughout the NL playoffs.                                                                                         rounded  the  bases  and
            The  Brewers  will  host  the                                                                                       then  popped  out  of  the
            wild-card  winner  starting                                                                                         dugout for a curtain call.
            Thursday in the best-of-five                                                                                        Chicago had a chance to
            Division Series.             Milwaukee Brewers players celebrate after defeating the Chicago Cubs 3-1 at the end of a tie-  grab  the  lead  in  the  sixth,
            Chicago  stays  at  Wrigley   break baseball game on Monday, Oct. 1, 2018, in Chicago.                              but  Joakim  Soria  escaped
            for  Tuesday  night's  wild-                                                                       Associated Press  the  threat  by  striking  out
            card  game  against  Colo-                                                                                          Baez  with  runners  on  first
            rado. The Rockies lost 5-2 to  homer  counted  in  the  to-  mance for the Brewers.    a  pinch-hit  double  and  and second.
            the Los Angeles Dodgers in  tals.                         "All  the  guys  in  the  'pen,  Cain greeted Steve Cishek  "That was the big moment,"
            Monday's second tiebreak-    Joe  Medwick  in  1937  was  they're  attacking  the  zone  with  a  single  back  up  the  Counsell said.
            er for the NL West title.    the  last  NL  player  to  win  and  putting  us  in  a  good  middle.                 Chacin  allowed  one  hit
            "It's no fun. Of course we'd  the  Triple  Crown.  Miguel  position to win ballgames,"  After  Yelich  struck  out  in  5  2/3  innings,  setting  up
            prefer  the  other  route,"  Cabrera did it for Detroit in  Hader said.                swinging  —  a  rare  occur-  Milwaukee's  bullpen  quite
            manager     Joe   Maddon  2012.                           Jose Quintana pitched six-   rence  during  an  extraordi-  nicely.  The  right-hander
            said.                        Milwaukee     trailed   Chi-  hit ball into the sixth inning,  nary stretch for the NL MVP  struck out three and walked
            It's a quick turnaround after  cago  by  as  many  as  five  but  Chicago's  bullpen  fal-  favorite — Ryan Braun got  two in another solid effort in
            falling  short  in  their  bid  for  games  in  September,  but  tered  at  a  key  moment.  the  Brewers  an  insurance  a career year.
            a third straight division title,  manager  Craig  Counsell's  Rizzo,  Baez  and  Daniel  run with a run-scoring single  Quintana  kept  the  Cubs
            but the Cubs will have ace  club  pushed  the  season  Murphy accounted for the  to center.                         in  the  game  with  another
            left-hander  Jon  Lester  on  to an extra day with a furi-  Cubs' three hits.          It  was  more  than  enough  stingy performance against
            the mound for the elimina-   ous finish and then used its  The game was tied at 1 be-  for  Milwaukee's  vaunted  Milwaukee,  allowing  one
            tion game.                   deep lineup and bullpen to  fore Milwaukee opened the  bullpen.  Corey  Knebel  (4-    run in five-plus innings. The
            "We'll  be  ready.  This  team  outlast  the  playoff-tested  eighth  with  three  straight  3)  extended  his  scoreless  left-hander is 4-1 with a 2.13
            has  responded  all  year,"  Cubs.                        hits. Arcia singled on a 0-2  streak to 16 1/3 innings with  ERA in seven starts against
            said  Anthony  Rizzo,  who  "It just shows the heart and  pitch from Justin Wilson (4-  a  perfect  seventh,  and  the Brewers this year.q
            homered for Chicago's run.   the mentality that this team  5),  Domingo  Santana  had  Hader  worked  two  innings
            Yelich  singled  home  Mil-  has," Cain said. "Never give
            waukee's first run and won  up. Continue to fight each
            the  NL  batting  title  with  a  and every day in each and
            .326  average.  He  had  110  every  at-bat.  We're  going
            RBIs, one behind the Cubs'  to  continue  to  do  that  in
            Javier  Baez,  and  finished  the playoffs."
            with  36  home  runs,  two  Orlando  Arcia,  batting  in
            shy  of  Colorado's  Nolan  the  eighth  slot,  had  a  ca-
            Arenado.  The  tiebreakers  reer-high four hits, and Josh
            were game 163 of the reg-    Hader  closed  out  another
            ular season and Arenado's  dominant       relief   perfor-
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