P. 24
Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
Can wireless challenge cable for home internet service?
By MAE ANDERSON And while Verizon says the
AP Technology Writer new network will be able
NEW YORK (AP) — Cellular to handle lots of devices
companies such as Verizon at once, anyone who's
are looking to challenge tried to use a phone during
traditional cable compa- concerts and conferences
nies with residential internet will know that the airwaves
service that promises to be can get congested quickly.
ultra-fast, affordable and What Verizon's service
wireless. won't do is extend high-
Using an emerging wireless speed internet access
technology known as 5G, to rural America, where
Verizon's 5G Home service many households can't get
provides an alternative broadband at all, let alone
to cable for connecting competition. Cable and
laptops, phones, TVs and other companies haven't
other devices over Wi-Fi. It found it profitable to ex-
launches in four U.S. cities tend wires to remote parts
on Monday. of the country. But Verizon
Verizon won't be matching will face the same problem,
cable companies on pack- given that its short-range
ages that also come with TV This April 23, 2018, file photo shows the logo for Verizon above a trading post on the floor of the signal will require several
channels and home phone New York Stock Exchange. wireless towers closer to-
service. But fewer people Associated Press gether. That's feasible only
have been subscribing to in densely populated areas.
such bundles anyway, as ter to a customer are how cellphones or residential tually, Verizon projects 30 That's not good enough,
they embrace streaming fast it is and how reliable it broadband. million homes in the U.S. will said Harold Feld, senior vice
services such as Netflix for is," longtime telecom ana- Sprint tried to introduce be eligible, though there's president of the advocacy
video and cellphone ser- lyst Dave Burstein said. In residential wireless service no timeline. group Public Knowledge.
vices instead of landline. tests of Verizon's 5G so far, before, using a technology For now, Verizon isn't plan- He said internet service at
"That's the trend that cable he said, "reliability is proving called WiMax, but it failed ning to hit markets where reasonable prices is "funda-
has been having problems out quite nicely." to gain many subscribers it already has its cable- mental" for all Americans
with for several years, and Verizon could also capi- as LTE trumped WiMax as like Fios service. Verizon — not just those who live in
a trend that phone com- talize on many people's the dominant cellular tech- stopped expanding Fios populated areas. T-Mobile
panies can take advan- frustration with their cable nology. This time, Verizon around 2010, in part be- and Sprint want to jointly
tage of," Gartner analyst Bill companies. Consumer Re- is using the same 5G tech- cause it was expensive create a 5G network that
Menezes said. ports magazine says cus- nology that will eventually to dig up streets and lay would also offer residen-
That's if the wireless com- tomers have long been make its way into 5G cellu- fiber-optic lines. Verizon tial wireless broadband,
panies can offer a service unhappy with perceived lar networks. can build 5G more cheap- but not for a few years.
that proves affordable and weak customer service, The Verizon service will start ly because it can use the In seeking regulatory ap-
effective. high prices and hidden in parts of Houston, India- same towers available for proval, the companies say
T-Mobile and Sprint are fees. napolis, Los Angeles, and cellular service. That said, 20 percent to 25 percent
also planning a residential The residential 5G service is Sacramento, California. Verizon might not recoup of subscribers will be in ru-
5G service as part of their part of a broader upgrade "These are small areas but its costs if it ends up draw- ral areas that have limited
merger proposal, though in wireless technology. significant," said Ronan ing only customers who access to broadband. But
few details are known. Verizon has spent billions Dunne, president of Verizon stand to save money over the companies offered no
Verizon's broadband-on- of dollars for rights to previ- Wireless. "Tens of thousands cable, said John Horrigan, details on how they would
ly service will cost $70 a ously unused radio waves of homes, not hundreds of a broadband expert at the do so. T-Mobile and Sprint
month, with a $20 discount at the high end of the fre- thousands of homes." Even- Technology Policy Institute. declined to comment.q
for Verizon cellular custom- quency spectrum. It's a
ers. According to Leicht- short-range signal, ideal
man Research Group, the for city blocks and apart-
average price for broad- ment buildings, but less so
band internet is about $60, for sprawling suburbs or ru-
meaning only some cus- ral communities. That's why
tomers will be saving mon- Verizon is pushing residen-
ey. tial service first, while AT&T is
Even so, Verizon can try to building a more traditional
win over some customers cellular network for peo-
with promises of reliability. ple on the go, using radio
Verizon says its service will waves at the lower end.
be much faster than cable. AT&T is aiming to launch
That means downloading its 5G mobile network this
a two-hour movie in high year in 12 cities, includ-
definition in two minutes ing Atlanta and Charlotte,
rather than 21. The service North Carolina. Dish also
promises to let families play has plans for a 5G network,
data-intensive games and but it's focused on con-
watch video on multiple necting the so-called "In-
devices at once, with little ternet of Things," everything
or no lag. from laundry machines to
"The things that really mat- parking meters, rather than