P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018

            Mickey Mouse gets African wardrobe options for 90th birthday

            By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA                                                                                              just glad that someone else
            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —                                                                                               has  the  same  problem  as
            Mickey  Mouse  is  getting                                                                                          you."
            an African look for his 90th                                                                                        Prominent artists who were
            birthday.                                                                                                           inspired  by  Mickey  Mouse
            Ten  South  African  artists                                                                                        over  the  decades  include
            each painted and adorned                                                                                            Diego  Rivera  and  Damien
            a statue of Disney's cartoon                                                                                        Hirst.  Walt  Disney  and  Sal-
            character, using styles that                                                                                        vador  Dali  also  collabo-
            reflect  the  continent's  cul-                                                                                     rated. Novelists E.M. Forster
            tural  diversity  and  giving                                                                                       and John Updike wrote es-
            him  more  wardrobe  op-                                                                                            says  about  Mickey  Mouse,
            tions  than  the  usual  white                                                                                      a  children's  favorite  and
            gloves,  red  pants  and  yel-                                                                                      commercial force for gen-
            low shoes.                                                                                                          erations.
            Mickey  Mouse  made  his                                                                                            Disney  Africa  asked  the
            debut  in  the  animated                                                                                            South African artists to stay
            film  "Steamboat  Willie"  on                                                                                       away  from  sensitive  issues
            Nov.  18,  1928  and  cente-                                                                                        such as politics and religion
            nary events are being held                                                                                          in  their  Mickey  Mouse  im-
            worldwide,  according  to                                                                                           agery,  according  to  sev-
            Disney Africa. He was black                                                                                         eral  artists.  Buthelezi  won-
            and white then, a contrast                                                                                          dered how she might have
            with the vibrant colors, pat-                                                                                       tackled the project without
            terns  and  imagery  burst-  A child poses beneath a Mickey Mouse statue at an exhibition at Sandton City in Johannesburg,   those limitations.
            ing  from  his  South  African   Sunday Sept. 30, 2018.                                                             "I don't do incriminating or
            clones.                                                                                            Associated Press  insulting  work,"  she  said.
            Disney's South African proj-                                                                                        "But  then,  I  still  had  that
            ect  was  an  opportunity  to  high-energy  street  dance  nius"  for  developing  a  cul-  ists  worked side-by-side  on  question:  What  would  I
            "make  him  African,"  said  that evolved in black com-   tural phenomenon of such  them for a week at Johan-       have  done  without  those
            artist  Phumzile  Buthelezi,  munities during white rule in  longevity.                nesburg's  Art  Eye  Gallery  restrictions?  How  would  I
            adding:  "Somehow  I  por-   South Africa.                "That's  art  for  me  —  just  and  Studio  ,  interacting  in  have approached it?"
            trayed my history."          Artist Cassius Khumalo was  send a message out there,"  a way that some found re-      Another artist, Trevor Cole-
            Buthelezi's  Mickey  Mouse  inspired by the face masks  Khumalo  said.  "But  again,  freshing in an often solitary  man,  said  he  was  drawn
            wears  the  brightly  colored  and  body  paint  of  chalk  don't forget to be playful."  line of work.             to art as a young boy after
            waistcoat  and  trousers  of  and  ochre  used  in  Ethio-  The  exuberant  mice  with  "That  was  the  highlight  for  seeing Disney's 1940 "Fanta-
            a  ceremonial  outfit  tradi-  pia's  Omo  Valley.  He  de-  outstretched  arms  are  on  me  —  working  with  other  sia" movie and, at age 82,
            tionally  worn  by  Zulu  men.  scribed  the  invitation  to  display  at  a  Johannes-  people," said Louis van den  is  "just  a  bit  younger"  than
            Artist Nika Mtwana's statue  work  on  Mickey  Mouse  as  burg shopping center and  Heever,  who  incorporated  Mickey Mouse.
            has  the  hat  and  shoes  as-  a  "gift  from  the  gods"  and  will  also  travel  to  Durban  African animal patterns into  "To  me,  Mickey  Mouse  is
            sociated with "pantsula," a  said Walt Disney was a "ge-  and  Cape  Town.  The  art-  his  Mickey  Mouse.  "You're  happiness," he said.q

            'Gone So Long' takes its time, but is worth the trip

            By ROB MERRILL                                            of  her  father,  Daniel.  At  ing  professor  even  as  she  Daniel, on his southern road
            "Gone So Long" (W.W. Nor-                                 its  heart,  "Gone  So  Long"  struggles  to  write  her  own  trip  ending  who  knows
            ton & Co.), by Andre Dubus                                is  a  meditation  on  regret  story.  In  that  time,  readers  how, pondering that fateful
            III                                                       and anger — how people  go  deep  inside  the  heads  day that changed so many
            An  Andre  Dubus  III  novel                              process  and  cope  with  it  of  the  various  characters,  lives: "(He) can still see the
            is  a  slow  burn  —  never  so                           throughout  their  lives  and  who  in  addition  to  Susan  way her chin was raised up
            searing that you can't turn                               how  destructive  it  can  be  and  Daniel  include  Lois,  like she was going to do it
            the page, but incremental-                                to keep it bottled up.       the  grandmother/mother-     with  or  without  him,  and
            ly hotter each time you do.                               Susan's  father  served  al-  in-law,  for  whom  forgive-  maybe that's when he be-
            "Gone So Long" isn't a thrill-                            most 15 years in prison and  ness  is  impossible.  There  gan  to  know  too  that  she
            er, but it's taut with tension.                           has lived a life of redemp-  are  dozens  of  flashbacks  did  not  love  him  all  the
            Dubus  manages  to  keep                                  tion  apart  from  his  fam-  as  we  learn  about  Susan's  way yet, and so everything
            readers  on  edge  despite                                ily. He drives the elderly to  promiscuous youth and her  he  did  after  that  moment
            telling a tale in which very                              doctor's appointments and  father's decade and a half  he did like a man trying to
            little  happens  in  the  pres-                           helps  a  battered  woman  in prison.                     catch and keep a dove ..."
            ent.                         This cover image released by   on the street late one night.  The  characters  are  com-  To  say  much  more  would
            The  story  begins  in  the   W. W. Norton shows "Gone So   It's  his  decision  to  find  his  plex,  but  Dubus'  writing  is  spoil  the  enjoyment  of  the
                                         Long,"  a  novel  by  Andre  Du-
            voice of Susan, a daughter   bus III.                     daughter that sets the pres-  simple  as  he  fleshes  them  novel.  "Gone  So  Long"  is
            staking out the house of her             Associated Press  ent-day plot in motion.     out.  Susan  as  she  unbur-  a  multilayered  character
            father's parole officer, then                             But  it  takes  hundreds  of  ies  her  past  on  the  page:  study,  told  in  flashbacks
            abruptly  switches  to  third  able crime.                pages  for  Daniel  to  travel  "...  she  was  beginning  to  and  memoir  excerpts  and
            person  on  page  two,  as  The  crime  isn't  the  central  from his Massachusetts sin-  glimpse something real just  present-day  prose,  slowly
            fragments  of  memories  re-  mystery  of  the  story,  and  gle-wide — "a forty-by-forty  inches  and  feet  ahead  of  revealing the strength and
            turn to Susan and we learn  Dubus  trickles  out  details  patch of ground he did not  her,  something  she  could  resilience of its two main fe-
            that the novel will hinge on  as he moves in and out of  earn"  —  to  Florida,  where  only find with words, words  male characters and end-
            a  decades-old,  unthink-    Susan's head and the head  Susan  works  as  a  writ-     that  were  not  lies."  And  ing with a hint of hope.q
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