P. 30

                   Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
            A very intimate quest shown in 'Private Life'

            By MARK KENNEDY,                                                                                                    bad medical news. As they
            Associated Press                                                                                                    scroll through online profiles
            The three things most cou-                                                                                          of  potential  egg  donors,
            ples  fight  about  are  said                                                                                       Rachel  cracks  that  it's  like
            to be sex, money and kids.                                                                                          "eBay for ova."
            Tamara  Jenkins  has  man-                                                                                          Others in the cast include a
            aged  to  up  the  ante  for                                                                                        terrific  Molly  Shannon  and
            one  stressed-out  husband                                                                                          John Carroll Lynch as rela-
            and  wife  by  combining  all                                                                                       tives facing their own crises,
            of them in her latest movie.                                                                                        and a simply perfect Denis
            "Private  Life  "  is  a  deeply                                                                                    O'Hare as a slightly creepy
            personal  —  perhaps  even                                                                                          and  blithe  fertility  doctor.
            invasive — look at the chal-                                                                                        "OK,  let's  get  pregnant,
            lenges  facing  one  privi-                                                                                         shall  we?"  he  says  more
            leged, artsy New York cou-                                                                                          than once.
            ple:  Rachel  and  Richard,                                                                                         Jenkins'  music  is  inspired.
            played  perfectly  by  Kath-                                                                                        A character suspects  she's
            ryn  Hahn  and  Paul  Gia-                                                                                          "a broken toy" and soon a
            matti,  who  are  hoping  to                                                                                        version  of  "Nobody  Wants
            get  pregnant  via  assisted                                                                                        a  Broken  Toy"  plays.  The
            reproduction.                                                                                                       varied soundtrack has Mo-
            They're  trying  to  have  a                                                                                        town,  Johann  Sebastian
            child  late  in  life  and  do                                                                                      Bach,  Brian  Eno,  Billie  Holi-
            virtually  everything  —  IUI,   This image released by Netflix shows Kayli Carter in a scene from "Private Life."   day  and  also  includes  a
            IVF,  egg  donation,  sperm                                                                        Associated Press  brilliant sequence that uses
            boosts and adoption. That                                                                                           Steve  Miller's  "Quicksilver
            means     tests,   injections,  11  years  and  she  has  said  thetic humor pervades the  ume on clinic-offered porn  Girl."
            probes, pills, more tests and  it  was  inspired  in  part  by  film,  with  shots  of  anxious  while  exam  table  paper  is  At times, Rachel and Rich-
            more  injections.  It  takes  its  her  own  struggles  to  have  couples marooned in doc-  stuck to his bottom.    ard's  quest  for  children
            toll,  both  emotionally  and  a  child.  That  has  clearly  tor  waiting  rooms,  bumpy  Hahn's Rachel is both glee-  seems to be an end in and
            financially. One of their rel-  informed  her  wonderful  New York taxi rides or quiet  fully  neurotic  and  deeply  of  itself.  They  offer  no  real
            atives  derisively  calls  them  knack  for  capturing  the  moments  with  Rachel  and  anguished,  and  Giamatti's  overt  adoration  of  chil-
            "fertility junkies."         various  absurdities  when  Richard  padding  around  Richard  is  resigned  and  dren, no cooing over baby
            Jenkins  ("Slums  of  Beverly  cold  medicine  meets  inti-  in  those  ridiculous  hospi-  exhausted. Both are word-  onesies. They haven't even
            Hills"  and  "The  Savages")  mate biology.               tal  gowns.  One  fabulous  lessly  wonderful  as  they  worked out where they will
            both  wrote  and  directed  Though at times meander-      scene has Richard trying in  fight  to  remain  optimistic  deliver, if they get so lucky.
            "Private Life," her first film in  ing, a knowing and sympa-  vain  to  turn  down  the  vol-  in  the  face  of  repeatedly  q

                                                                      Nile Rodgers returns with

                                                                      Chic to make us boogie

                                                                                                   tively  into  the  camera  fid-  Elton John, Hailee Steinfeld
                                                                                                   dling  about  with  whistles?  and  Craig  David  —  and
                                                                                                   For  those  old  enough  to  added elements of hip-hop
                                                                                                   know,  it's  the  promise  of  to craft a bubbly, infectious
                                                                                                   boogie.                      album that seems old and
                                                                                                   A  similar  magazine  cover-  new at the same time.
                                                                                                   inspired  photo  graced  the  The  first  song  —  "Till  the
                                                                                                   debut  album  of  Chic  in  World  Falls,"  co-written  by
                                                                                                   1977  and  co-creator  Nile  Anderson .Paak — is a wel-
                                                                                                   Rodgers  signals  his  intent  come hit of pure Rodgers,
                                                                                                   to go back to his roots and  employing  his  trademark
                                                                                                   yet update his sound by re-  funky,  choppy  guitar  work
                                                                      This cover image released by   interpreting  that  old  cover  that  fueled  such  disco  hits
                                                                      Virgin EMI Records shows "It's
                                                                      About Time," a release by Nile   for  "It's  About  Time,"  the  as  "Le  Freak"  and  "Good
                                                                      Rodgers & Chic.              cheekily  titled  first  Chic  al-  Times." The new song clocks
                                                                                  Associated Press  bum since 1992.             in at over five minutes but it
                                                                                                   If  you  doubted  Rodg-      should be three times that
                                                                      By MARK KENNEDY              ers  wants  to  get  down  in  length for the sheer happi-
                                                                      Associated Press             2018,  just  look  at  some  of  ness  it  delivers.  "The  world
                                                                      Nile  Rodgers  &  Chic,  "It's  the  song  titles  —  "Do  You  has  gone  mad,"  the  lyrics
                                                                      About Time" (Virgin EMI)     Wanna Party," ''Dance With  go, "we might be safer on
                                                                      The cover of the new Chic  Me,"  ''I  Dance  My  Dance"  the dance floor."
                                                                      album  might  be  familiar.  and "Boogie All Night."      In  these  days  when  EDM
                                                                      Does anyone else vaguely  Rodgers  has  invited  a  is  all  over  the  pop  charts,
                                                                      recognize  the  image  of  bunch  of  well-known  sing-   Rodgers' blast of disco-funk
                                                                      two models gazing seduc-     ers — including Lady Gaga,  fits perfectly. q
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