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Tuesday 18 april 2017
Space and Nature Aruba over the Moon with their First Activity
ORANJESTAD - On Friday, enthusiast our youth and
7 of April 2017 Space and the general public in As-
Nature Aruba had their tronomy, Astrophotogra-
first stargazing night at phy, Nature, Meteorology
the Arikok National Park. and General Science.
Space and Nature Aruba On that Night the Group
is a group in formation with members introduced
the aim to educate and themselves to the public
and used the opportunity
that Jupiter was in opposi-
tion to entertain the public
by giving them the chance
to enjoy Jupiter through a
telescope. Also the Group
gave short lectures about
reading star maps, astro-
photography, the moon
and Jupiter.
Space and Nature Aruba
would like to give a special
thanks to: Arikok National
Park, DOC-opleiding and
Selfie Billboard Aruba for
their collaboration and the
public for their presence.
Because of the great inter-
est in the activity we would
like to invite everybody to
like our Facebook page:
Space and Nature Aruba
or visit our website www.
for more information of our
next activities. q