P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 10 June 2019

            Restaurant Study Impact:

            Pressure points increase challenges within the business

            Continued from Page 14                                                                           Commitments  made  by  the  PM  in  regards  to
                                                                                                             BBO/BAVP/BAZV  in  Parliament  and  a  decision
            Sin  tax:  another  cost  for  the  operator  where                                              by  the  Minister  of  Finances  differ  and  have
            he/she  did  not  feel  that  increases  could  be                                               not  made  us  very  optimistic  to  say  the  least.
            passed  on  to  the  consumer.  In  the  mean-                                                   Dialogue  is  key!”  With  more  rooms  added  to
            time  our  customers  have  chosen  another                                                      the island’s inventory (O condominium/ Acqua,
            beverage  during  dinner:  water.  A  rum  Coke  and gentlemen with hotel expansion: This and  Embassy  Suites/  Airport  Hotel)  to  mention  just
            (Sugar Tax) combined with sin tax will make this  next year it will not get any better. Our youth is  a  few  and  more  in  the  pipe-line,  we  wonder
            a luxury drink and sodas for $5, 00 considered  not  waiting  to  work  evenings,  weekends,  and  how long our Bubali water processing plant can
            outrageous  are  becoming  closer  to  reality  holidays,  working  for  the  government  means  handle  the  current  and  new  developments,
            with the sugar tax. Consumers will not point a  that they will pay a salary to even your children  how  will  we  clean  the  additional  rooms,  how
            finger at the government but at the “greedy”  while you are set for life.                        will  we  cook  and  serve,  how  will  we  fill  the
            F&B operations not being aware of either sin or                                                  vacancies  generally  requiring  work  in  the
            sugar tax.                                      Conclusion                                       evening,  weekend  and  holidays.  Our  service
            Minimum  wage:  one  day  after  sitting  down  AGA:  “Unfortunately,  we  are  experiencing  level  as  monitored  by  ATA  has  dropped  from
            in  a  tripartite  meeting  the  Minister  of  Labor  a  business  climate  which  does  not  entice  Excellent to Very Good and Fair should not be
            unilaterally  increased  minimum  wage.  Not  investments….  And  we  need  investments.  acceptable but realistic in several enterprises,
            many employees in our sector make minimum  Investments  in  the  way  that  at  least  comply  says AGA. This may sound as a bummer at the
            wage  but  go  home  with  substantial  salaries  with government regulation and we see it in the  end of a wonderful presentation of the Economic
            twice, triple and more the minimum wage, yet it  impact study: We see more casual businesses  Impact of the UOA on the F&B Industry in Aruba,
            will have a cost increasing effect on the sector.  on the rise but worse we see more F&B initiatives  however, AGA/ AF&BA wants to ensure at the
            Other  than  the  above  the  industry  faces  red  that are driven from cars at constructions sites,  same time that at the next interval of a follow
            tape  in  almost  every  phase  of  operations  like  homes, food trucks, trailers, Facebook and we  up  study  by  the  UOA,  our  industry  has  grown
            obtaining a restaurant permit, working permits  ask  ourselves  if  these  operations  pay  their  fair  and has solved the many issues the industry is
            for functions. Arubans have no interest in filling  share as we do. Based on several letters to the  facing at this moment. It will, however, take two
            (cooks,   dishwashers,   bartenders).   Permits  PM  last  year  a  multi  ministerial  task  force  will  of us to tango and we hope that Private and
            instead  of  becoming  easier  to  obtain  are  soon  sit  down  with  AGA/  AHATA  to  see  how  Public sector together can convert the current
            tedious  and  challenging  to  say  the  least  in  these challenges can be minimized or solved.  red tape atmosphere into red carpet scenarios.
            just  every  aspect  of  Aruban  business  life.  On  We  have  to  admit  we  feel  skeptical  after  the  We ask this on behalf of the 7000 employees we
            a regular basis the fifth or the tenth permit are  installation of a tripartite caucus where decisions  now know find their daily bread and butter in
            denied with no proper replacement and ladies  were  taken  ignoring  the  entire  private  sector.  the F&B industry. q
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