P. 11
WORLD NEWS Monday 10 June 2019
Massive extradition bill protest fills Hong Kong streets
By CHRISTOPHER BODEEN litical systems for 50 years
Associated Press following its handover from
HONG KONG (AP) — Hun- British to Chinese rule in 1997,
dreds of thousands of pro- the so-called “one country,
testers marched through two systems” framework.
Hong Kong on Sunday to However, China’s ruling
voice their opposition to Communist Party has been
legislation that would allow seen as increasingly reneg-
people to be extradited ing on that agreement by
to mainland China where forcing through unpopular
they could face politically legal changes.
charged trials. Hong Kong currently limits
The massive demonstration extraditions to jurisdictions
took place three days be- with which it has existing
fore the semi-autonomous extradition agreements or
Chinese territory’s govern- to others on an individual
ment plans to bring the basis under a law passed
highly contentious bill to before 1997.
the full legislature in a bid China was excluded be-
to win approval by the end cause of concerns over
of the month. its poor record on legal
Police estimated the crowd independence and hu-
at 240,000, but organizers man rights. In recent years,
said more than 1 million Protesters march along a downtown street against the proposed amendments to an extradition mainland authorities have
took part. law in Hong Kong Sunday, June 9, 2019. gone after opponents by
The protest was one of the Associated Press accusing them of dubious
largest in recent Hong Kong Monday. won’t be able to say or do who was among the pro- crimes such as tax evasion,
history, underscoring fears A small group of protesters anything about it.” testers. crystalizing worries among
over China’s broadening sat with hands tied on the Alex Ng, a 67-year-old retir- Tommy Lam, a 29-year- critics and others.
footprint in the former British side of Gloucester Road, ee, said he joined the pro- old who is working on his Lam’s government argued
colony. It appeared to be surrounded by police. test because “I think that master’s degree, said: that the revisions were
even bigger than a mas- People of all ages took part there was never any public “All these people coming needed to close legal loop-
sive pro-democracy dem- in the march, some pushing consultation about this law, out and marching sends holes, while opponents say
onstration in 2003 against a strollers and others carrying and there are a lot of un- a definite message. If the that is merely an excuse to
proposed national security canes, chanting slogans certainties.” government doesn’t listen, pursue China’s agenda of
law, according to Associ- in the native Cantonese Hong Kong’s leader, Carrie there will be tension.” reducing Hong Kong’s le-
ated Press journalists who dialect in favor of greater Lam, has pushed forward The Hong Kong govern- gal independence.
covered both events. transparency in govern- with the legislation despite ment said in a statement Hong Kong’s Legisla-
Late Sunday night, a group ment. widespread criticism from late Sunday that it respect- tive Council will table the
of demonstrators broke Kiwi Wong, 27, was among human rights and business ed the right of its oppo- amendments on the bill on
through barriers at govern- the throng, a member of groups. The amendments nents to protest. Wednesday.
ment headquarters, where the younger generation have been criticized as “We acknowledge and “The people of Hong
the march had ended. The who’ve grown up enjoying eroding Hong Kong’s ju- respect that people have Kong want to protect our
crowd briefly pushed its relative prosperity but also dicial independence by different views on a wide freedom, our freedom of
way into the lobby, but po- growing insecurity about making it easier to send range of issues,” the state- speech, our rule of law, our
lice in riot gear used batons what many see as an ero- criminal suspects to main- ment said. judicial system, and also
and pepper spray to push sion of the rights Hong Kong land China, where they “The procession today is our economic foundation,
the protesters outside. Most residents have enjoyed. could face vague national an example of Hong Kong which is welcome to inter-
had dispersed by 1 a.m., “If I didn’t come out now, security charges and unfair people exercising their national investors,” activist
but police continued push- I don’t know when I would trials. freedom of expression with- Lee Cheuk-yan, a former
ing protesters away for kilo- have the chance to ex- “What can we do to get in their rights as enshrined Hong Kong legislator, said
meters over a period of two press my opinion again,” Carrie Lam to listen to us, in the Basic Law and the Sunday. “If international in-
to three hours. Wong said. “Because now how many people have Hong Kong Bill of Rights Or- vestors lose confidence in
There was still a strong po- we’ve got to this stage, if to come out to make her dinance.” Hong Kong because of this
lice presence on streets you don’t come out to try reconsider listening to the Hong Kong was guaran- evil bill, then Hong Kong,
throughout downtown to do what you can, then public?” said Miu Wong, a teed the right to retain its economically, would also
Hong Kong as of 3 a.m. it will end up too late, you 24-year-old office worker own social, legal and po- be destroyed.”q