P. 8

                      Monday 10 June 2019

            G-20 finance officials pledge to protect global growth

            By ELAINE KURTENBACH                                                                                                try-to-country  basis.  While
            Associated Press                                                                                                    there is no sign Beijing and
            FUKUOKA, Japan (AP) — Fi-                                                                                           Washington  are  ready  to
            nance  ministers  and  cen-                                                                                         resume  trade  talks  that
            tral  bank  chiefs  from  the                                                                                       stalled  last  month  after  11
            Group of 20 major econo-                                                                                            rounds of negotiations, U.S.
            mies wrapped up a meet-                                                                                             Treasury  Secretary  Steven
            ing  in  Japan  on  Sunday                                                                                          Mnuchin  said  he  had  a
            with a pledge to use all the                                                                                        constructive  meeting  Sun-
            policies  they  can  to  pro-                                                                                       day  with  China’s  central
            tect  global  growth  from                                                                                          bank Gov. Yi Gang on the
            disruptions  due  to  trade                                                                                         sidelines of a financial lead-
            and other tensions.                                                                                                 ers’ meeting in Fukuoka.
            The  G-20  finance  leaders                                                                                         In  a  Twitter  post  that
            said in a joint communique                                                                                          showed  the  two  clasping
            that  risks  from  trade  and                                                                                       hands,  Mnuchin  said  he
            geopolitical  tensions  were                                                                                        and  Yi  “had  a  candid  dis-
            “intensifying.” They did not                                                                                        cussion on trade issues.” He
            refer  directly  to  the  tariffs                                                                                   gave no details.
            war  between  the  United    Japan’s Finance Minister Taro Aso, center right in front, and Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko   Mnuchin told reporters that
            States  and  China,  though   Kuroda, center left in front, pose with other ministers and central bank governors during a family   he expected that any ma-
            leaders participating in the   photo session of the G20 meeting Sunday, June 9, 2019, in Fukuoka, western Japan.    jor progress in resolving the
            meetings  indicated  it  was                                                                       Associated Press  impasse would likely come
            the No. 1 concern.           But  there  was  an  evident   “So  it’s  high  time  that  we  emphasized  that  the  first  at a meeting of Presidents
            “We  will  continue  to  ad-  rift  between  most  partici-  put  an  end  to  those  ten-  priority should be to resolve  Donald  Trump  and  Xi  Jin-
            dress these risks, and stand  pants  in  the  meeting  and   sions and we should avoid  the  current  trade  tensions  ping  during  the  G-20  sum-
            ready  to  take  further  ac-  the  U.S.,  which  has  shifted   trade  wars  which  would  — including eliminating ex-  mit  in  late  June  in  Osaka,
            tion,”  the  statement  said.  away  from  support  for   have  real  deep  negative  isting  tariffs  and  avoiding  Japan.
            “We  reaffirm  our  commit-  tackling issues in multilater-  impact  and  long-term  im-  new ones — while we need  Trump  has  yet  to  decide,
            ment to use all policy tools  al forums such as the World   pact on global growth,” he  to continue to work toward  Mnuchin  said,  on  whether
            to  achieve  strong,  sustain-  Trade Organization in favor   said.                    the modernization of the in-  to  impose  more  25%  tariffs
            able, balanced and inclu-    of  a  country-by-country    He  urged  China  and  the  ternational  trade  system,”  on $300 billion worth of Chi-
            sive growth, and safeguard  “America First” approach.     U.S. to resolve their disputes  Lagarde said.             nese  exports.  That  would
            against downside risks.”     French  Finance  Minister    through the WTO, saying it  Japanese  Finance  Minis-     be on top of tariffs of up to
            Global  growth  appears  Bruno  Le  Maire  said  the      “is only within the multilater-  ter  Taro  Aso  appeared  to  25%  on  $250  billion  in  Chi-
            to  be  stabilizing  and  is  ex-  current  global  slowdown   al  framework  that  we  can  have  wearied  of  the  issue  nese goods. Together they
            pected to pick up later this  was  linked  to  political  is-  find  long-term  solutions  for  by the end of the meetings.  would  encompass  almost
            year  and  next  year,  the  sues, “especially trade ten-  present trade tensions.”    “The  China-U.S.  issue  is  all  everything  China  exports
            statement said.              sions.”                      Christine Lagarde, manag-    you  ask  about.  We  have  to the U.S.
                                                                      ing director of the Interna-  plenty  of  other  issues  that  At  the  meeting  of  trade
                                                                      tional Monetary Fund, like-  we  need  to  consider,”  he  and  economy  ministers  in
                                                                      wise  was  blunt  in  warning  said.                      Tsukuba,  a  government
                                                                      of  the  potential  toll  from  While  they  urged  the  U.S.  research  hub,  the  officials
                                                                      the tit-for-tat tariff hikes and  to stick to the international  endorsed  a  similar  set  of
                                                                      other   retaliatory   moves  rules that it spent decades  recommendations,     while
                                                                      between  Washington  and  promoting  before  Presi-       also  issuing  a  mild  call  to
                                                                      Beijing  with  talks  on  re-  dent  Donald  Trump  took  “handle trade tensions and
                                                                      solving  their  dispute  in  a  office,  the  officials  both  in  to  foster  mutually  benefi-
                                                                      stalemate,  saying  that  the  the southern Japanese city  cial trade relations.”
                                                                      “road  ahead  remains  pre-  of Fukuoka and at parallel  “We strive to realize a free,
                                                                      carious.”                    talks on trade and the digi-  fair,   non-discriminatory,
                                                                      “The principal threat stems  tal  economy  in  Tsukuba,  transparent,    predictable
                                                                      from continuing trade ten-   near Tokyo, said  there is  a  and  stable  trade  and  in-
                                                                      sions,”  said  Lagarde,  add-  consensus  on  the  need  to  vestment  environment,  to
                                                                      ing  that  the  IMF  estimates  revamp  the  WTO  to  bring  keep  our  markets  open,”
                                                                      the tariffs could reduce the  it more in line with the digi-  they  said.  “We  recognize
                                                                      level of global GDP by 0.5  tal economy realities of the  our  business  community’s
                                                                      percent  in  2020,  or  about  21st century.              call for the G20 to continue
                                                                      $455 billion.                Trump  has  said  he  prefers  supporting  the  multilateral
                                                                      “To  mitigate  these  risks,  I  deal-making  on  a  coun-  trading system.”q
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