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U.S. NEWS Monday 10 June 2019
Case opened: Democrats begin public airing of Mueller report
Continued from Front tion to court. Those chair- hearings are going to be
men could take legal ac- enough, for now, as they
And they will lay the tion to enforce subpoenas wait to see what happens
groundwork for an appear- in the future without a vote in court.
ance from Mueller himself, of the full House, so long “I am very satisfied that
despite his stated desire to as the chairmen have ap- things are moving in the
avoid the spotlight . proval from a five-person, right direction,” Raskin said.
The hearings will focus on bipartisan group where “And I think the American
the two main topics of Democrats have the ma- people are getting increas-
Mueller’s report, obstruc- jority. ingly educated and en-
tion of justice and Russian With Trump pledging that gaged about the lawless-
election interference. “we’re fighting all the sub- ness of the president.”
The House Judiciary Com- poenas,” Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, a Judi-
mittee plans to cover the leaders want to avoid re- ciary Committee member
first topic at a Monday peated floor votes on con- who favors an impeach-
hearing on “presiden- tempt resolutions that de- ment inquiry, took pains to President Donald Trump responds to a question from the media
tial obstruction and other tract from their legislative avoid separating himself as he walks into the White House, Friday June 7, 2019, on his
crimes.” The House Intel- agenda. from top Democrats such return to Washington.
ligence Committee on The procession of hear- as Pelosi.q Associated Press
Wednesday intends to ings and votes in the week
review the counterintelli- ahead is partly designed
gence implications of the to mollify anxious Demo-
Russian meddling. Mueller crats who have pushed
said there was not enough Pelosi, D-Calif., to begin im-
evidence to establish a peachment proceedings
conspiracy between the immediately . Pelosi has
Trump campaign and Rus- so far rejected that option
sia, but he said he could , preferring a slower, more
not exonerate Trump on methodical approach to
obstruction. investigating the president,
On Tuesday, the House including the court fights
has scheduled a vote to and hearings.
authorize contempt cases During a meeting with the
against Attorney General House Judiciary Commit-
William Barr and former tee chairman, New York
White House counsel Don- Rep. Jerrold Nadler, and
ald McGahn for failing to other committee heads
comply with subpoenas last week, Pelosi made the
from the Democratic-con- case that she would rather
trolled House. see Trump voted out of of-
Barr defied a subpoena fice and “in prison” than
to provide an unredacted merely impeached, ac-
version of Mueller’s report, cording to a report in Po-
along with underlying evi- litico. A person familiar with
dence. McGahn, who is the exchange confirmed
frequently referenced in the account to The Associ-
the report, has defied sub- ated Press.
poenas to provide docu- The latest approach ap-
ments and testify before pears to have temporarily
the House Judiciary Com- satisfied the restless House
mittee. Democrats.
Language in the resolu- Maryland Rep. Jamie
tion would make it easier Raskin, who pleaded with
for committee chairmen to Pelosi last month to start an
take the Trump administra- inquiry, said the votes and