P. 4
Monday 10 June 2019
Trump still hangs tariff threat over Mexico despite deal
By JILL COLVIN Monday, but he warned portant trading relationship
Associated Press Mexico that, “if for some that the United States of
STERLING, Va. (AP) — Presi- unknown reason” cooper- America has.”
dent Donald Trump on Sun- ation fails, “we can always Another 2020 candidate,
day dangled the prospect go back to our previous, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Ver-
of renewing his tariff threat very profitable, position of mont, chastised Trump for
against Mexico if the U.S. Tariffs.” The tweets came using tariffs as a threat and
ally doesn’t cooperate on amid questions about just operating a “trade policy
border issues, while some how much of the deal — based on tweets.”
of his Democratic chal- announced with great “I think what the world is
lengers for the White House fanfare Friday — was re- tired of and what I am tired
said the last-minute deal to ally new. It included a of is a president who con-
avert trade penalties was commitment from Mexico, sistently goes to war, verbal
overblown. for instance, to deploy its war with our allies, whether
In a series of tweets, Trump new National Guard to its it is Mexico, whether it is
defended the agreement southern border with Gua- Canada,” he said.
A Mexican Army soldier walks on the highway, near an heading off the 5% tax on temala. Mexico, however, “This is the first time we’ve
immigration checkpoint in Tapachula, Chiapas state, Mexico, all Mexican goods that he had already intended to heard anything like this
Saturday June 8, 2019. had threatened to impose do that before Trump’s lat- kind of number of law en-
Associated Press
est threat and had made forcement being deployed
that clear to U.S. officials. in Mexico to address migra-
Mexican officials have de- tion, not just at the south-
scribed their commitment ern border but also on the
as an accelerated deploy- transportation routes to
ment. the northern border and in
The U.S. also hailed Mex- coordinated patrols in key
ico’s agreement to em- areas along our southwest
brace the expansion of a border,” he said, adding
program implemented ear- that “people can disagree
lier this year under which with the tactics” but “Mex-
some asylum-seekers are ico came to the table with
returned to Mexico as they real proposals” that will be
wait out their cases. But U.S. effective, if implemented.
officials had already been Trump echoed the same in
working to expand the his tweets, insisting the deal
program, which has led to was being misrepresented.
the return of about 10,000 “We have been trying to
people to Mexico, without get some of these Border
Mexico’s public embrace. Actions for a long time, as
“The president has com- have other administrations,
pletely overblown what he but were not able to get
reports to have achieved. them, or get them in full,
These are agreements that until our signed agreement
Mexico had already made, with Mexico,” he wrote.
in some cases months “Mexico was not being
ago,” said Democratic cooperative on the Border
presidential candidate in things we had, or didn’t
Beto O’Rourke, speak- have, and now I have full
ing on ABC’s “This Week.” confidence, especially af-
‘’They might have accel- ter speaking to their Presi-
erated the time table, but dent yesterday, that they
by and large the president will be very cooperative
achieved nothing except and want to get the job
to jeopardize the most im- properly done.”q