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Saturday 15 december 2018
U.S., Canada look to ease strains amid 3-way spat with China
Associated Press
United States and Canada
moved Friday to ease ten-
sions between them over
the case of a top Chinese
technology executive
whose arrest by Canadian
authorities has sparked a
diplomatic crisis entangling
the three countries.
Meng Wanzhou, the chief
financial officer of Chinese
telecommunications gi-
ant Huawei, was arrested
in Canada on Dec. 1 at
the request of the United
States, which wants her ex-
tradited to face charges
that she and her company
misled banks about the
company’s business deal-
ings in Iran.
China detained two Cana-
dians this week in apparent
retaliation for Meng’s de-
tention. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, second from left, and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis right, and their Canadian counterparts
The case has set off a Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland, second from right, and Canadian Minister of Defense Harjit Sajjan, left,
three-way diplomatic spat leave the Benjamin Franklin Room as they conclude their news conference following a U.S.-Canada 2+2 Ministerial at the State
in which Canada is stuck Department in Washington, Friday, Dec. 14, 2018.
in the middle. The dispute Associated Press
threatens to complicate Donald Trump compli- U.S. trade agreement with Chrystia Freeland and De- poses.”
ties between the U.S. and cated matters by saying China — much to the con- fense Minister Harjit Sajjan. On Friday, Canada’s Glob-
Canada, which were al- he might intervene in the sternation of Canadian of- “We ask all nations of the al Affairs department said it
ready testy. And President case if would help clinch a ficials. world to treat other citizens had just received consular
In talks at the State Depart- properly, and the deten- access to Michael Kovrig,
ment on Friday, the U.S. tion of these two Canadian one of the Canadians de-
and Canadian foreign and citizens in China ought to tained in China.
defense ministers put on a end.” They continue to press for
united front, speaking of Trump’s comment on Meng access to Michael Spavor.
historically deep ties and alarmed many in Canada Both were arrested Mon-
cooperation on issues such who saw it as evidence the day.
as Iraq, Ukraine, Syria and case has been politicized Canada is increasingly un-
Russia. and that the U.S. is loosen- easy about its once rock-
U.S. Secretary of State Mike ing its commitment to the solid relationship with the
Pompeo called for China rule of law and indepen- United States.
to release the Canadians, dent judiciary. In years past, the U.S. would
saying their detention was Trump has previously at- have been counted on to
“unlawful” and “unaccept- tacked Canada and Prime defend Canada when it
able” in comments aimed Minister Justin Trudeau over came under attack and
at calming concerns in Ot- trade, and his suggestion other countries would know
tawa that the Trump ad- that he could intervene in the U.S. had Canada’s
ministration might aban- the Meng case contradict- back. That is no longer a
don it in pursuit of a deal ed Canadian officials who certainty, particularly after
with Beijing. said the arrest was not po- Trump’s jabs at Trudeau
He also tried to downplay litical. and persistent complaints
Trump’s suggestion that the Freeland made clear sev- about the Canadian gov-
Meng case could be con- eral times in Friday’s news ernment’s policies.
nected to U.S.-China trade conference that Canada is In August, Saudi Arabia ex-
negotiations. a “rule of law” nation and pelled Canada’s ambas-
“The unlawful detention of expects others, especially sador to the kingdom and
two Canadian citizens is un- the United States, to up- withdrew its own ambassa-
acceptable. They ought to hold that standard. dor after Canada’s foreign
be returned,’ Pompeo told “Canada follows the rule of ministry tweeted support
reporters at a joint news law. Canada follows rules,” for an arrested Saudi ac-
conference after the talks she said. “It is also very im- tivist. The Saudis also sold
he and Defense Secre- portant for Canada that Canadian investments and
tary Jim Mattis hosted with extradition agreements are ordered their citizens study-
Canada’s Foreign Minister not used for political pur- ing in Canada to leave.q