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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 15 december 2018
            Trump picks budget head Mulvaney to be next chief of staff

            Continued from Front                                                                                                gan  suggested  he  would
                                                                                                                                be  a  good  fit  in  an  op-ed
            One senior White House of-                                                                                          for  “The  Daily  Mail,”  while
            ficial said there was no time                                                                                       former  major  league  slug-
            limit  on  the  appointment                                                                                         ger Jose Canseco tweeted
            and  that  Mulvaney  would                                                                                          his interest to Trump. Spec-
            fill the role of chief of staff                                                                                     ulation  has  swirled  around
            indefinitely,  regardless  of                                                                                       an  array  of  Trump  associ-
            the “acting” title.                                                                                                 ates,  prompting  some  to
            Key  to  his  selection:  Mul-                                                                                      distance  themselves  from
            vaney  and  the  president                                                                                          the job.
            get  along  and  Trump  has                                                                                         When former House Speak-
            appreciated how the bud-                                                                                            er Newt Gingrich visited the
            get  director  briefs  him,                                                                                         White  House  this  week,  he
            according  to  the  official.                                                                                       insisted it was merely to see
            Additionally,  Trump  prized                                                                                        the Christmas decorations.
            the  former  congressman’s                                                                                          The wild process was hard-
            knowledge  of  Capitol  Hill                                                                                        ly  a  novelty  for  the  Trump
            and  political  instincts  as                                                                                       administration,  which  has
            the  White  House  prepares                                                                                         struggled  with  high  staff
            for  both  a  Democratic-                                                                                           turnover and attracting top
            controlled  House  and  the                                                                                         talent,  but  it  underscored
            president’s  upcoming  re-   White House Chief of Staff John Kelly listens as President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting   the tumult of Trump’s Wash-
            election campaign.           with newly elected governors in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018, in   ington.  In  past  administra-
            Unlike  with  Kelly’s  ap-                                                                         Associated Press  tions,  chief  of  staff  was  a
            pointment,  Mulvaney  re-    —  but  that  decision  was   Ayers, who had cited fam-   the West Wing and curtail-   sought-after  job,  typically
            ceived  the  news  before    made by the president, the   ily  concerns  as  a  reason  ing  access  to  the  undisci-  awarded  after  a  careful
            the  president  tweeted  his   first official said. The source   why  he  didn’t  accept  the  plined president. But Trump   process.
            announcement.        Trump   added that Kelly was hap-    post,  tweeted  Friday:  “The  grew  weary  of  the  restric-  Now, many view the job as
            and  Mulvaney  met  face     py with the choice of Mul-   right  father  of  triplets  got  tions  and  Kelly’s  influence   a  risky  proposition,  given
            to  face  Friday  afternoon   vaney and plans to stay on   the job...Congratulations @  waned as the two men fre-   Trump’s  propensity  for  dis-
            and  spoke  by  phone  in    through the end of the year   MickMulvaneyOMB!”  Both  quently clashed.                order and his resistance to
            the evening, according to    to assist with the transition.  men  are,  coincidentally,  As the search dragged on   being managed.
            a  second  White  House  of-  A  former  Tea  Party  con-  fathers of triplets.        after Ayers bowed out, the   Author  Chris  Whipple,  an
            ficial.  Both  officials  spoke   gressman,  Mulvaney  was   For some months, Kelly had  void  had  been  filled  with   expert  on  chiefs  of  staff,
            on  condition  of  anonym-   among  a  faction  on  the   success  streamlining  the  Trump’s specialty: drama.     had called the search pro-
            ity because they were not    hard right that pushed GOP   decision-making process in  British  journalist  Piers  Mor-  cess “sad to watch.”q
            authorized  to  discuss  the   leaders into a 2013 govern-
            personnel matter on the re-  ment shutdown confronta-
            cord.                        tion  by  insisting  on  lacing
            Mulvaney,  who  will  be     a  must-pass  spending  bill
            Trump’s third chief of staff,   with  provisions  designed
            will  now  take  on  his  third   to cripple President Barack
            job  in  the  administration.   Obama’s  signature  health
            He is head of the Office of   care law.
            Management and Budget,       The  appointment  of  the
            and for a time had simulta-  affable,  fast-talking  South
            neously  led  the  Consumer   Carolinian came just hours
            Financial  Protection  Bu-   after  another  candidate
            reau.  Russell  Vought,  Mul-  for  the  post,  former  New
            vaney’s  deputy,  is  to  take   Jersey  Gov.  Chris  Christie,
            over at OMB.                 took himself out of conten-
            The  first  senior  official  dis-  tion for the job. Christie cit-
            puted  reports  that  Mul-   ed family reasons in a state-
            vaney  wasn’t  interested  in   ment  saying  that  he  was
            the  chief  of  staff  job  and   asking  Trump  to  remove
            said  the  president  didn’t   him  from  consideration.
            need  to  change  Mul-       He had met with Trump on
            vaney’s  mind,  though  the   Thursday to discuss the job,
            budget  director  had  pre-  according  to  a  person  fa-
            viously  signaled  disinter-  miliar with the meeting who
            est.  A  person  close  to  him   was  not  authorized  to  dis-
            had  told  reporters  that   cuss it publicly.
            Mulvaney had made clear      The  president’s  hunt  for
            in  recent  months  that  he   a  new  chief  reverted  to
            would  be  more  interested   square  one  last  weekend
            in  taking  over  at  the  Trea-  when Nick Ayers, Vice Pres-
            sury or Commerce Depart-     ident Mike Pence’s chief of
            ment.                        staff, took himself out of the
            It  was  unclear  why  Mul-  running  and  decided  that
            vaney’s  appointment  was    he would instead leave the
            announced  as  temporary     White House.
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