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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 15 december 2018

            Japanese boat owners charged

            with helping smuggle shark fins

            By  JENNIFER  SINCO  KELLE-  charged.                     supervision  of  the  captain,
            HER                          Last  month,  10  Indonesian  and at the direction of the
             Associated Press            fishermen  who  were  work-  fishing master and first engi-
            HONOLULU  (AP)  —  U.S.  ing  on  the  longline  tuna-    neer,” prosecutors said in a
            prosecutors  in  Hawaii  are  fishing vessel were arrested  news release.
            accusing  the  owners  and  in Hawaii and charged with  A  Hamada  representative
            officers of a Japanese fish-  trying  to  smuggle  nearly  in  Japan  said  Friday  that
            ing  boat  of  helping  Indo-  1,000 shark fins from the U.S.  the Indonesian crew mem-
            nesian  fishermen  smuggle  to Indonesia.                 bers had shark fins without
            nearly  1,000  shark  fins,  Four of the fishermen plead-  the captain’s knowledge.
            worth about $58,000 on the  ed guilty Friday to a lesser,  “Our  tuna  boats  are  for
            black market.                misdemeanor  charge  of  catching  tuna.  They  are
            It’s  against  U.S.  law  to  re-  knowingly  attempting  to  not to be used to smuggle
            move  the  fins  of  sharks  at  export  shark  fins,  court  re-  shark fins,” said a man who
            sea. Prosecutors say the fish-  cords  show.  A  judge  sen-  answered  the  phone  at
            ermen  harvested  fins  from  tenced  them  to  time  they  Hamada Suisan in Kagoshi-
            some  sharks  that  were  still  already  served  in  jail.  The  ma,  Japan,  who  declined
            alive,  then  discarded  their  other  six  are  expected  to  to provide his name. “This is
            carcasses  into  the  ocean.  plead  guilty  to  the  same  our company’s policy.”
            Fins  are  a  pricey  delicacy  charge  and  receive  the  JF  Zengyoren,  which  is
            often used in soups          same sentence later Friday.  known  as  Japan  Fisheries
            The  boat’s  owner,  Japa-   They  were  headed  home  Cooperatives  in  English,
            nese    business   Hamada  via  Honolulu  when  airport  said  in  a  statement  that  it
            Suisan  Co.  Ltd.,  and  JF  security   workers   found  declined  to  comment  be-
            Zengyoren,  a  Japanese  shark  fins  in  their  luggage,  cause it hadn’t received a   This Nov. 28, 2018 photo provided by the United States Attorney’s
                                                                                                   Office and introduced as evidence in court in Honolulu shows
            fishing  cooperative  that  according  to  court  docu-   copy of the complaint and    some  of  the  hundreds  of  shark  fins  seized  from  a  Japanese
            the vessel belongs to, were  ments.                       was still finding out informa-  fishing boat.
            charged  with  aiding  and  The  fishermen  harvested  tion.                                                                    Associated Press
            abetting the trafficking and  fins from hundreds of sharks  Prosecutors say they could  ened  species  under  the  “Shark  finning  is  unlawful
            smuggling of 962 shark fins,  “in  some  instances  while  face fines of up to $5.5 mil-  Endangered  Species  Act,  and takes a very real toll on
            the  U.S.  attorney’s  office  the  sharks  were  stunned  lion.                       prosecutors said. Other fins  our  precious  ocean  eco-
            in Hawaii said.  The boat’s  but  still  alive,  and  discard-  Some of the fins were from  were  from  silky  sharks  and  system,” Kenji Price, U.S. at-
            captain, fishing master and  ed the finless carcasses into  oceanic  whitetip  sharks,  bigeye   thresher   sharks,  torney for Hawaii, said in a
            first  engineer  were  also  the  ocean,  all  under  the  which are listed as a threat-  which are also protected.  statement.q

            California mandates 100-percent zero-emission bus fleet

             SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  free by 2029. Environmental  creating demand for thou-     powered by hydrogen fuel  is  something  other  states
             — California moved Friday  advocates project that the  sands  of  clean  buses  will  cells.                       could pursue.
             to eliminate fossil fuels from  last  greenhouse-gas-emit-  bring  down  the  price  of  “Every  state  could  do  a  Existing  state  and  federal
             its fleet of 12,000 transit bus-  ting buses will phase out by  those buses and eventually  strategy  like  this,”  said  subsidies  are  available  to
             es,  enacting  a  first-in-the-  2040.                   other  heavy-duty  vehicles  Adrian  Martinez,  an  at-   help  transit  agencies  ab-
             nation  mandate  that  will  While  clean  buses  cost  like trucks.                  torney  for  Earthjustice,  an  sorb  some  of  the  higher
             vastly increase the number  more  than  the  diesel  and  California  has  153  zero-  environmental  legal  group  costs of carbon-free buses,
             of  electric  buses  on  the  natural gas vehicles they’ll  emission buses on the road  that supports the rule. “This  along  with  money  from
             road.                       replace, advocates of the  today with hundreds more  is something that California  the  state’s  settlement  with
             The California Air Resources  mandate  say  they  have  on order. Most of them are  did  first  because  we  have  Volkswagen  over  the  Ger-
             Board voted to require that  lower  maintenance  and  electric,  though  technol-     major  air  quality  and  pol-  man automaker’s emission-
             all  new  buses  be  carbon-  fuel costs. Supporters hope  ogy  also  exists  for  buses  lution  problems,  but  this  cheating software.q
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