Page 12 - aruba-today-20181215
P. 12

               Saturday 15 december 2018
            Nicaraguan police raid NGO offices, seize records

            By LUIS MANUEL GALEANO                                                                                              cado by authorities.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Ortega  reversed  the  so-
            MANAGUA,        Nicaragua                                                                                           cial  security  changes,  but
            (AP)  —  Nicaraguan  police                                                                                         the  protests  continued  un-
            have  raided  the  offices                                                                                          til  students  were  cleared
            of  five  nongovernmental                                                                                           from  university  campuses
            organizations  and  an  in-                                                                                         they had been occupying
            dependent  media  outlet,                                                                                           and  the  public  was  fright-
            alleging  that  they  partici-                                                                                      ened  into  curtailing  public
            pated  in  seeking  the  gov-                                                                                       demonstrations.     Mean-
            ernment’s overthrow.                                                                                                while,  police  pursued  and
            The  raids  were  the  latest                                                                                       arrested  many  of  the  al-
            strong-arm  actions  taken                                                                                          leged  leaders  of  the  pro-
            by  the  government  of                                                                                             tests  —  in  some  cases  just
            President  Daniel  Ortega.                                                                                          people who had occupied
            Since  popular  street  pro-                                                                                        neighborhood  roadblocks
            tests  destabilized  his  gov-                                                                                      —  and  brought  terrorism
            ernment  in  April,  Ortega                                                                                         charges against them. Car-
            has  reconsolidated  power                                                                                          los  Fernando  Chamorro
            and  methodically  pursued                                                                                          said  police  knew  perfectly
            perceived  enemies.  Police                                                                                         well  that  the  offices  of  his
            on  Thursday  forced  open                                                                                          media outlet were not part
            doors and carried off doc-                                                                                          of  his  nonprofit  Center  for
            uments  and  computers       An employee walks through a ransacked office of the non-governmental organization Popol Na   Communication  Research,
            from the Nicaragua Center    Foundation, in Managua, Nicaragua, Friday, Dec. 14, 2018.                              but they came anyway.
            for Human Rights, Segovias                                                                         Associated Press  “They  came  to  take  com-
            Leadership  Institute,  River  Center  for  Communica-    attempt against Ortega.      curity  forces  and  paramili-  puters,  cameras,  docu-
            Foundation, the Center for  tion  Research.  There  was  Vilma  Nunez,  president  of  taries  since  street  protests  ments  and  papers  of  busi-
            Communication  Research  no  official  comment  from  the  human  rights  center,  began in April after chang-      nesses  that  are  not  (the
            and  the  Foundation  for  the  police  or  government  had sent a desperate plea  es to the country’s social se-   communication  research
            Municipal  Promotion  and  about  the  raids.    They  for  help  Thursday  evening  curity system. The seizure of  center), but rather produc-
            Development.  Police  also  came  after  National  As-    before the raid, saying the  their  records  could  poten-  ers  of  the  website  Confi-
            raided  the  offices  of  the  sembly  lawmakers  loyal  to  offices were surrounded by  tially  expose  many  victims  dencial  and  the  programs
            media outlet Confidencial,  Ortega voted earlier in the  police. “Riot police entered  to  further  persecution  by  “Tonight” and “This Week,””
            which  is  run  by  Carlos  Fer-  week to cancel the organi-  the office like thieves, they  the government. Protesters  Chamorro said. “They know
            nando  Chamorro,  the  son  zations’ legal status. At that  came in through the roof,”  and family members came  where  the  (center)  offices
            of former President Violeta  time, Sandinista lawmakers  Nunez said Friday.            to the human rights offices  are, and what they did was
            Barrios  de  Chamorro.  Car-  said  the  groups  had  pro-  Her organization has been  to file reports about torture,  affect  the  work  of  inde-
            los  Fernando  Chamorro  is  moted and financed what  critical     in   documenting  disappearances and cases  pendent  media  outlets  to
            also  the  president  of  the  they say was a failed coup  abuses by government se-    of people held incommuni-    silence us.”q

            Brazil faith healer wanted by police as abuse cases mount

            Associated Press                                                                       the ages of 10 and 14. She  ers from around the world,
            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  A                                                           said  that  he  stopped  rap-  all looking for spiritual guid-
            celebrity  faith  healer,  ac-                                                         ing her when she got preg-   ance or cures for afflictions.
            cused  of  sexual  violence                                                            nant by one of his employ-   He  gained  international
            by  hundreds  of  women                                                                ees.  Teixeira  said  she  was  exposure  in  2012,  when
            throughout  Brazil,  was  be-                                                          beaten  so  severely  by  her  Oprah  Winfrey  visited  his
            ing sought by police Friday                                                            father  that  she  suffered  a  retreat to interview him for
            after a warrant was issued                                                             miscarriage. “My father is a  her  talk  show.  In  a  since-
            for his arrest.                                                                        monster,” she said.          deleted column on oprah.
            The  U.S.  Embassy  in  Brazil                                                         “In  most  sexual  abuse  com,  Winfrey  wrote  that
            put out an alert telling peo-                                                          cases,  victims  will  come  she  was  overwhelmed  by
            ple to contact Brazilian au-                                                           forward  gradually  as  the  the  experience  of  seeing
            thorities if they had suffered                                                         investigation develops, but  him  cut  into  the  breast  of
            abuse at the hands of Joao                                                             in  this  instance,  we  were  a woman without anesthe-
            Teixeira de Faria.           In this handout photo released by Agencia Brasil, spiritual healer   flooded  from  the  start,”  sia and that she left feeling
            The  allegations  against  de   Joao Teixeira de Faria, better known as John of God, arrives to   Luciano  Miranda  Meire-  “an overwhelming sense of
            Faria  surfaced  last  week   the Dom Inacio Loyola House in Abadiania, Brazil, Wednesday,   les, one of the prosecutors  peace.”
            when  several  individuals   Dec. 12, 2018.                           Associated Press  assigned  to  a  task  force  Many of the de Faria’s ac-
            appeared on a Globo Tele-                                                              created  to  investigate  de  cusers  say  they  were  mo-
            vision  show  claiming  that  became  famous  for  con-   Faria’s adult daughter, Dal-  Faria,  told  The  Associated  lested  while  children.  A
            he  had  been  sexually  vio-  ducting “psychic surgeries”  va Teixeira.               Press.                       court dismissed a  2010  suit
            lent with them or relatives.  that he said could cure dis-  In  an  interview  published  Representatives for the law  involving an alleged sexual
            De Faria had worked as a  eases, including cancer.        Friday  by  Brazilian  maga-  office representing de Far-  molestation  of  a  16-year-
            faith healer for the last four  Since  the  first  allegations,  zine Veja, Teixeira said that  ia  said  that  they  were  not  old  girl  by  Faria  after  the
            decades  in  a  small  town  more than 300 people have  under the pretense of mys-     making  statements  on  the  defense argued that there
            in  central  Brazil  under  the  contacted authorities, and  tical treatments he abused  case at the time.          was not enough evidence
            name  Joao  de  Deus.  He  the  accusers  include  de  and  raped  her  between  De  Faria  attracted  follow-      to prosecute the case. q
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