Page 14 - aruba-today-20181215
P. 14
Saturday 15 december 2018
Christmas Lights
ORANJESTAD — Christmas If you are lucky enough you
in Aruba would not be com- might hear Christmas car-
plete without a visit to see ols and “gaitas” at any of
the Christmas Lights around these locations but also at
the island. By just driving the malls and stores. Gaita skin generally is used for Song themes range from The map shown here will
around on the main roads is a style of Venezuelan folk the membrane of the furro humorous and love songs give you an overview of the
you can enjoy a variety of music from Maracaibo in instrument (kind of tambu- to protest songs. The local most popular decorated
creativity with colorful lights Zulia State. ra with stick). Other instru- gaita bands are composed places around the island.
being displayed on vari- ments used in gaita include mostly of a group of la- So hop into your car or call
ous Aruban homes. Also It is possibly derived from maracas, cuatro, charras- dies who sing with angelic a taxi driver to go around
the majority of the round- gaits, the Gothic word for ca and tambora (Venezu- voices while they dance in and enjoy the spectacular
abouts are decorated. goat, the animal whose elan drum). a choreographic manner. Christmas scenes.q
The adventures of Jasmira
children books, says a rep- This is Mrs. Tina Causey-
resentative of the library. Bislick first Children’s book
but Jasmira will most prob-
This story is about Jasmira, ably have more adven-
an eight year old and her tures. Vanessa Paulina has
brother, Joey, in search of illustrated children’s books
a special sea turtle named before and is a contribu-
Streya. When things get re- tor to the annual Children’s
ORANJESTAD –The National is illustrated by visual artist pressed. Such a beautiful ally scary Opa and Chico books Festival of the library.
Library is very happy with and fashion designer, Van- and rich children’s book by are there to help out. For children who would like
a new Children’s book by essa Paulina. both a professional writer The book will soon be avail- to do a presentation at
award winning writer and and illustrator. This is just a able for the young library school about Sea turtles we
Blogger Mrs. Tina Cau- We went through the pub- wonderful production and members to read and is have information, also see
sey-Bislick ‘The search for lication by Tina and Van- a welcome addition to the also for sale at local book- the page on Facebook of
Streya’. This colorful book essa and were very im- collection of Caribbean stores. TurtugAruba. q