Page 19 - aruba-today-20181215
P. 19
SPORTS Saturday 15 december 2018
Harden has 50 in triple-double,
Rockets beat Lakers 126-111
By The Associated Press Rudy Gay added 21 points three straight and eight
HOUSTON (AP) — James and DeMar DeRozan had of 10, made only 5 of 33
Harden had 50 points, 10 14 points and seven assists 3-pointers.
rebounds and 11 assists, for San Antonio. Jamal Crawford added 17
scoring 11 points during a The Spurs held an opponent points and Josh Jackson
big fourth-quarter run to under 100 points for the 14 for the Suns. Trevor Ari-
lead the Houston Rockets third straight game while za had 13 points, eight re-
to a 126-111 victory over winning the first four games bounds and five assists. Houston Rockets’ James Harden, right, goes up for a shot as Los
the Los Angeles Lakers on of a six-game homestand. MAGIC 97, BULLS 91 Angeles Lakers’ Josh Hart (3) defends during the second half of
Thursday night. Tobias Harris had 17 points MEXICO CITY (AP) — Nikola an NBA basketball game Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018, in Houston.
Harden grabbed his 10th for Los Angeles and Danilo Vucevic scored 26 points, The Rockets won 126-111.
rebound with less than 90 Gallinari and Avery Bradley including a tiebreaking Associated Press
seconds left to give him his added 15 apiece. The Clip- jumper with 28 seconds
second triple-double this pers have lost two straight remaining, and Orlando
season and the 37th of his and four of five. snapped a three-game los-
career. SUNS 99, MAVERICKS 89 ing streak in its first of two
LeBron James finished with PHOENIX (AP) — T.J. War- games in Mexico.
29 points for the Lakers, ren scored a season-high Vucevic shot 11 for 21 from
who had won their previ- 30 points and Phoenix the field and grabbed 10
ous two games. snapped a 10-game losing rebounds, while D.J. Augus-
It was the first meeting be- streak by beating Dallas. tin added 15 points for the
tween these teams since The Dallas loss came in the Magic.
Chris Paul and Rajon Rondo season debut of Dirk Nowit- Zach LaVine scored 23
got into a fight on Oct. 20 zki, who hadn’t played yet points but the Bulls (6-23)
that led to suspensions for while recovering from ankle lost for the 10th time in
both players and Brandon surgery. When he entered their last 11 games and re-
Ingram. There wasn’t an al- the game late in the first mained with the worst re-
tercation this time around quarter, it marked his 21st cord in the Eastern Confer-
in a game where Rondo season with the Mavericks, ence.
sat out as he recovers from most by a player with one After Lauri Markkanen tied
surgery to repair a broken team in NBA history. it at 91 with 1:06 left to play,
right hand. But there was Phoenix beat the Maver- Vucevic nailed a 15-foot
a spate of technical fouls icks for the seventh straight jumper to put the Magic
late in the third quarter that time. The Suns have just five ahead and Augustin iced
led to the ejection of Nene. wins this season and two the game with four free
SPURS 125, CLIPPERS 87 have come against Dallas. throws in the final seconds.
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — La- The Mavericks were beat- The game was the NBA’s
Marcus Aldridge scored en in the season opener 27th in Mexico, and Orlan-
27 points and San Antonio 121-100, also in Phoenix. do will play Utah on Satur-
won its fourth straight, top- Both games were late tips day. Only the United States
ping Los Angeles for its larg- on national television. and Canada have hosted
est win of the season. Dallas, which had won more.q
The NFL draft is heading
to Las Vegas for 2020
DALLAS (AP) — The NFL dous experience for the “We remain committed
draft is heading to Las Ve- NFL and its fans,” Davis to hosting an NFL draft in
gas for 2020. added. Northeast Ohio and will
It almost certainly will arrive The NFL began to bring the continue to work closely
before the Raiders do. draft to different cities in with the NFL to identify
“We believe the draft will 2015, when it was in Chi- the ideal opportunity for
be the kickoff to our inau- cago. our fans, our city and the
gural season,” said Raid- It was held there in 2016, league,” the Browns said in
ers owner Mark Davis, who too, then went to Philadel- a statement.
is moving the team from phia in 2017. Last April, the “There are many teams
Oakland. Cowboys hosted it in their and cities across the NFL
The league announced stadium in Arlington, Texas, who are capable of cre-
Wednesday at an own- and next year it will be in ating an exceptional draft
ers meeting that the city Nashville. experience for fans, includ-
where the Raiders will be- Other cities in the running ing the Titans and Raiders,
gin play in September 2020 for 2020 were Kansas City and we are still hopeful we
will host the draft that April. and Cleveland, which was may ultimately share that
“Las Vegas is the entertain- partnering with the Pro honor in the future.”
ment capital of the world Football Hall of Fame in April 23-25 will be the dates
and will provide a tremen- nearby Canton, Ohio. for the Las Vegas draft. q