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               Saturday 15 december 2018

            Cowboys can prove they are real by grabbing NFC East title

            By BARRY WILNER              Angeles  Chargers’  29-28  left  was  overturned  on  loss.                            QB  Deshaun  Watson  has
            AP Pro Football Writer       comeback  victory  at  Kan-  review.  Officials  ruled  the  New Orleans has struggled  thrown at least one TD pass
            If  the  Dallas  Cowboys  are  sas City.                  catch  did  not  “survive  the  offensively  the  past  two  in 18 straight games, while
            for  real,  they  will  win  their  Philip  Rivers  led  the  Char-  ground;”  James  jostled  it  weeks, but this is a match-  top  target  DeAndre  Hop-
            sixth  straight  game  and                                                                                          kins  has  caught  at  least
            clinch  the  NFC  East  at  In-                                                                                     one TD pass in five straight
            dianapolis on Sunday.                                                                                               road games. He and Wat-
            If the Colts are for real, they                                                                                     son  have  connected  for
            will knock off the Cowboys                                                                                          16  TD  passes  in  20  games
            and  stamp  themselves  as                                                                                          they’ve played together.
            true  contenders  for  the                                                                                          New  York  got  back  rookie
            AFC playoffs.                                                                                                       quarterback  Sam  Darnold
            With  three  games  remain-                                                                                         and he put together his first
            ing, Dallas (8-5) is in control                                                                                     fourth-quarter  comeback
            of  its  division,  thanks  to  a                                                                                   to  beat  Buffalo  last  week
            staunch defense and a re-                                                                                           and end a five-game slide.
            vived air game with the ad-                                                                                         Tennessee  (7-6)  at  New
            dition of Amari Cooper. Has                                                                                         York Giants (5-8)
            any  veteran  been  more                                                                                            The  other  weekend  game
            worth  a  first-round  draft                                                                                        at  MetLife  Stadium;  notice
            pick in a midseason trade?                                                                                          the neutral end zones.
            “I didn’t know we were go-                                                                                          New  York  once  was  1-7,
            ing  to  get  all  that,  honest-                                                                                   yet  has  a  very  long  shot
            ly,’” says NFL rushing leader                                                                                       at  making  the  playoffs.  A
            Ezekiel  Elliott  about  Coo-                                                                                       retooled  offensive  line  has
            per,  acquired  from  Oak-                                                                                          provided  time  for  Eli  Man-
            land. “But when I finally saw                                                                                       ning  to  show  he  isn’t  over
            him  in  person,  when  I  saw   In  this  Sunday,  Dec.  9,  2018,  file  photo,  Dallas  Cowboys  running  back  Ezekiel  Elliott  (21)  runs   the hill, and for rookie run-
            him  catch  the  ball,  I  saw   against the Philadelphia Eagles during the first half of an NFL football game in Arlington, Texas.    ning  back  Saquon  Barkley
            him run around and run af-                                                                         Associated Press  to go wild.
            ter  the  catch,  that’s  when                                                                                      Tennessee has had at least
            I  really  realized  he’s  truly  gers  to  a  pair  of  touch-  after  stretching  across  the  up  Drew  Brees  enjoys.  The  400  yards  in  each  of  the
            special.”                    downs in the final minutes,  goal line.                   Saints  beat  the  Panthers  past two games, and hasn’t
            A  Cowboys  win  does  the  then  hit  Mike  Williams  for  So  the  league  amended  three  times  last  season,  in-  managed  three  straight
            trick  in  the  NFC  East,  as  the   go-ahead   2-point  the rule in the offseason to  cluding  the  playoffs.  Brees  since Oct. 1-16, 2000. It has
            would  losses  by  Philadel-  conversion  with  4  seconds  allow  some  movement  by  has  completed  76.7  per-   allowed  the  fewest  touch-
            phia and Washington. Dal-    remaining.  The  Chargers  the ball if a receiver main-   cent of his passes for 2,714  downs  in  the  league  this
            las  has  almost  no  chance  (11-3)  trailed  28-14  before  tains possession.        yards  with  21  touchdowns  season, 27.
            at a first-round playoff bye,  Justin  Jackson  scored  with  New England can clinch its  and four interceptions in the  Green  Bay  (5-7-1)  at  Chi-
            though. So what? The Cow-    3:49 to go.                  10th  straight  AFC  East  title  past 10 NFC South games,  cago (9-4)
            boys  were  3-5  and  sinking  Not  only  did  the  Chargers  with a win or tie and a Mi-  and has 46 TDs and 20 INTs  Chicago’s last-to-first climb
            and  now  look  where  they  clinch a playoff berth, they  ami loss or tie.            vs. the Panthers, who have  in the NFC North could be
            are.  Talking  about  sinking,  forged a first-place tie with  Baltimore,  meanwhile,  will  lost  their  past  five  overall.  finalized against its biggest
            Indianapolis  was  1-5  two  the Chiefs (11-3) in the AFC  sit  the  now  healthy  Joe  But Carolina is 5-1 at home.  rival. A win over Green Bay,
            months ago. Then the Colts  West  while  ending  a  nine-  Flacco  behind  first-round  With  the  Rams  coming  off  which  leads  the  NFL’s  lon-
            (7-6)  won  five  straight  be-  game losing streak to their  pick  Lamar  Jackson,  who  the   lowest-scoring   per-  gest  series  97-94-6,  gets  it
            fore that string ended with  longtime division rivals.    has  won  three  of  his  four  formance   under   Sean  done. So does a Minnesota
            an  awful  performance  at  New England (9-4) at Pitts-   starts with Flacco (hip) side-  McVay,  a  15-6  loss  to  the  loss or tie.
            Jacksonville.  So  they  went  burgh (7-5-1)              lined.  The  Ravens’  ground  Bears, they try to avoid fall-  The  Bears  lead  the  NFL  in
            to AFC South leader Hous-    Tampa  Bay  (5-8)  at  Balti-  game has been sensation-   ing  in  consecutive  games  turnover  differential  (plus
            ton, winner of nine in a row,  more (7-6)                 al  with  the  rookie  behind  with  McVay  in  charge.  In-  13) and interceptions (25).
            and won.                     The AFC North has become  center:  Jackson  has  336  deed, he has won at least  Green  Bay,  under  interim
            In  his  comeback  from  a  a  jumble  with  Pittsburgh’s  yards rushing over the past  two straight after all seven  coach  Joe  Philbin,  must
            2017 season lost to a shoul-  slump  (three  successive  four  games,  the  most  by  of his career defeats.        win out for any chance to
            der injury, Andrew Luck has  defeats)  and  Baltimore’s  any NFL quarterback in his  Eagles QB Carson Wentz is  play in January. The Pack-
            been  sensational,  working  resurgence.  These match-    first four starts during the Su-  battling  a  back  injury.  He  ers have won eight in a row
            behind  an  offensive  line  ups don’t bode well for the  per Bowl era. Baltimore also  tore up his knee at LA last  at Soldier Field and nine of
            that  has  gone  from  sieve  Steelers,  especially  if  Ben  is allowing an NFL-low 18.5  year and missed his team’s  the past 10 meetings over-
            to  sturdy.  Luck  has  been  Roethlisberger’s  rib  and  points per game.             run to the championship.     all. But with a win, Chicago
            sacked  16  times,  second  James  Conner’s  ankle  are  Philadelphia  (6-7)  at  Los  Houston  (9-4)  at  New  York  would finish 7-1 at home for
            fewest in the league.        factors.                     Angeles Rams (11-2)          Jets (4-9), Saturday         the first time since 2005.
            Indy is in a four-way tie for  The  Patriots  have  won  New Orleans (11-2) at Car-    Despite  flopping  at  home  Miami  (7-6)  at  Minnesota
            the  second  AFC  wild-card  the  past  five  meetings.  Of  olina (6-7), Monday       against Indy, the Texans are  (6-6-1)
            slot with Baltimore, Tennes-  course,  the  2017  version  Top seed in the NFC is what  in  solid  position,  closing  in  Miami’s stunning “Drake Es-
            see and Miami.               is  unforgettable:  Roethlis-  it’s  all  about  for  the  Saints  on the division crown, with  cape” victory against New
            “Most  people  call  this  the  berger  threw  an  intercep-  and Rams, who lost to New  a playoff berth almost cer-  England  kept  it  viable  in
            dash  for  cash,”  Colts  tight  tion  in  the  end  zone  with  Orleans this season.  tain  at  the  least.  Houston  the AFC playoff chase. The
            end  Eric  Ebron  says.  “So  5  seconds  remaining  after  The Rams and Saints each  also has an outside chance  Dolphins are second in the
            you just try to win.”        tight end Jesse James’ ap-   clinch a first-round bye with  at a first-round playoff bye,  NFL  with  19  interceptions
            The weekend began Thurs-     parent  go-ahead  touch-     a win and a Chicago loss or  but probably needs to win  and  tied  for  third  with  25
            day  night  with  the  Los  down  with  29  seconds  tie, or a tie and a Chicago  out and get some help.            takeaways.q
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