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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 15 december 2018

            Rivers leads Chargers

            to last-second comeback

            win over Kansas City

            By DAVE SKRETTA              Mahomes  and  the  NFL’s
             AP Sports Writer            highest-scoring    offense,
            KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —  and  Rivers  led  a  tense  fi-
            Arrowhead  Stadium  was  nal  drive  that  included  a
            already  emptying  by  the  fourth-down  dart  to  Travis
            time Chargers quarterback  Benjamin to keep it alive.
            Philip  Rivers  jogged  to  the  That  crucial  penalty  on
            locker  room,  triumphantly  Kendall  Fuller  in  the  back
            waving  his  hand  as  a  sat-  of  the  end  zone  gave  the
            isfying  cascade  of  boos  Chargers the ball at the 1,
            washed over him.             and  Rivers  found  Mike  Wil-
            He  had  finally  beaten  the  liams along the sideline on
            Kansas City Chiefs.          the  next  play.  And  when
            It sounded perfect.          his TD catch with 4 seconds
            Rivers  led  Los  Angeles  on  left  was  confirmed,  coach   Los Angeles Chargers wide receiver Mike Williams (81) runs into the end zone between Kansas
            a  feverish  fourth-quarter  Anthony  Lynn  sent  his  of-  City Chiefs defensive back Daniel Sorensen, right, and safety Ron Parker, left, during the second
            comeback  Thursday  night,  fense back onto the field.    half of an NFL football game in Kansas City, Mo., Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018.
            capped  by  a  debatable  Williams hauled in the con-                                                                           Associated Press
            pass-interference      call,  version  to  end  five  years’  snapped  their  nine-game  in place of the injured Mel-  Hyped by the return of star
            a  tense  video  review  of  worth of frustration.        losing streak against Kansas  vin Gordon and Austin Ekel-  safety  Eric  Berry,  it  looked
            the  last  touchdown  and  “We  didn’t  come  here  to  City.                          er.                          for  a  while  as  if  the  Chiefs
            the  gutsy  decision  to  try  a  tie. We came here to win.  They  hadn’t  beaten  the  Mahomes  was  held  to  just  would  simply  resume  their
            2-point conversion. And for  So to me it was a no-brain-  Chiefs  since  2013,  the  last  243  yards  and  two  touch-  vexation  of  Rivers  at  Ar-
            the first time in years against  er,” said Lynn, whose team  year  they  made  the  play-  downs for Kansas City, and  rowhead.  Steven  Nelson
            Kansas    City,   everything  became the first since Min-  offs.                       his inability to pick up a first  leaped  to  snag  a  jump
            turned out perfectly for Riv-  nesota  in  Week  15  of  the  “Oh,  it’s  satisfying,”  Benja-  down in the closing minutes  ball  for  a  pick  on  the  sec-
            ers  and  the  Chargers  in  a  2002  season  to  win  with  a  min said. “We talked about  proved  costly.  The  Chiefs  ond play of the game, and
            29-28 victory that clinched  2-point  conversion  in  the  it. We knew it had been a  forced  the  Chargers  to  Rivers  tossed  another  just
            their playoff spot.          final 10 seconds of regula-  couple years and we want-    burn  two  timeouts  on  their  before  halftime.  Mahomes
            “This  was  big.  Here  or  at  tion.                     ed to go into this game and  last  drive,  but  Mahomes  and  Co.  took  advantage
            home,  whatever,”  Rivers  The  comeback  allowed  change that and we did.”            was  sacked  by  Isaac  Ro-  of their early momentum.
            said,  “we  needed  to  beat  Los Angeles to forge a first-  Rivers  threw  for  313  yards  chell  and  Kansas  City  had  Kansas City breezed down-
            these guys.”                 place tie in the AFC West,  and  two  touchdowns  with  to punt.                       field  after  Nelson’s  inter-
            The  Chargers  (11-3)  trailed  though  the  Chiefs  (11-3)  two interceptions, and Wil-  The  Chiefs  never  got  the  ception,  and  the  young
            28-14  when  Justin  Jack-   hold  the  tiebreaker  with  liams  had  seven  catches  ball back on offense.         MVP  candidate  threw  a
            son’s  touchdown  run  with  a  better  division  record.  for 76 yards and two scores  “They  found  a  way  to  win  dart  to  Demarcus  Robin-
            3:49  to  go  gave  them  a  More  satisfying  was  the  while  adding  another  on  and  we  didn’t,”  Mahomes  son — while in the grasp of
            chance.  They  quickly  got  simple fact that Rivers and  the ground. Jackson ran for  said.  “You  have  to  find  a  Chargers safety Adrian Phil-
            the  ball  back  from  Patrick  the  Chargers  had  finally  58 yards and a touchdown  way in this league.”         lips — for a 7-0 lead.q

            Eagles’ Wentz has stress fracture in back; no surgery needed

            By ROB MAADDI                                                                          bly have on anybody that  brace.  This  guy  is  playing
             AP Pro Football Writer                                                                has a stress fracture or stress  through a lot.” Foles hasn’t
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Car-                                                            injury,” Pederson said.      taken  a  snap  in  a  game
            son  Wentz’s  back  injury                                                             “If  we  put  him  out  there,  since Week 2. He took over
            means  Nick  Foles  gets  an-                                                          there  has  to  be  100  per-  in Week 14 last season after
            other opportunity to rescue                                                            cent that there’s no risk of  Wentz  tore  two  ligaments
            the Philadelphia Eagles.                                                               anything further.” The team  in  his  left  knee  during  a
            Eagles coach Doug Peder-                                                               isn’t  certain  when  Wentz  comeback win on the road
            son  said  Friday  that  Wentz                                                         got hurt and Pederson said  against the Rams. Foles led
            does not require surgery for                                                           the  injury  developed  over  Philadelphia  to  its  first  NFL
            a stress fracture in his back                                                          time. A test on Tuesday re-  title since 1960 and started
            and  the  injury  could  take                                                          vealed his condition. “He’s  the first two games this sea-
            up to three months to heal.                                                            one of the toughest dudes  son, going 1-1.
            The  quarterback  is  listed                                                           I  know,  but  of  course  it’s  “Nick  is  a  Super  Bowl  MVP
            as  “doubtful”  for  Sunday                                                            going to affect him,” wide  quarterback  for  a  reason
            night’s  game  against  the   In this Sept. 23, 2018, file photo, Philadelphia Eagles quarterback   receiver  Jordan  Matthews  and  we’ve  got  a  ton  of
                                         Carson  Wentz  (11)  and  quarterback  Nick  Foles  (9)  throw
            Rams in Los Angeles and is   before an NFL football game against the Indianapolis Colts, in   said  after  Thursday’s  prac-  confidence that he’s going
            scheduled to travel with the   Philadelphia.                                           tice. “You have to be able  to  give  it  his  all  like  he  al-
            team.  Foles  wasn’t  avail-                                          Associated Press  to  twist,  you  have  to  be  ways does,” said tight end
            able to speak to reporters,  separation  for  him  or  if  he  Pederson is optimistic about  able to turn. Carson is prob-  Zach Ertz, who caught the
            but teammates expect the  gives  me  an  opportunity  Wentz’s recovery.                ably  the  best  quarterback  winning  touchdown  pass
            Super Bowl MVP to start.     and I am covered, go get  “The  fact  that  he  doesn’t  also throwing off the run, so  from Foles in Philadelphia’s
            “He’s  the  guy  and  it’s  my  it,”  wide  receiver  Nelson  need  surgery  on  this  is  the  that  affects  your  running,  41-33  win  over  New  Eng-
            job  to  create  as  much  Agholor said after practice.   best news you could possi-   too.  He’s  wearing  a  knee  land in February. q
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