Page 18 - aruba-today-20181215
P. 18
Saturday 15 december 2018
Salt Lake City gets go-ahead to bid for Winter Olympics
Associated Press
Salt Lake City got the green
light to bid for the Winter
Olympics — most likely for
2030 — in an attempt to
bring the Games back to
the city that hosted in 2002
and provided the back-
drop for the U.S. winter
team’s ascendance into
an international power-
The U.S. Olympic Commit-
tee said Friday it was select-
ing Utah’s capital, which
stood out as a predictable,
slam-dunk pick in a process
that also included Denver
and Reno, Nevada.
With venues still in place —
some of them upgraded In this Feb. 9, 2002, file photo, Georg Hackl, of Germany, speeds past an Olympic logo during a practice run for the men’s singles
— from the 2002 Games, luge at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in Park City, Utah.
Salt Lake claims it can host Associated Press
again at a lower cost than “It is critical to ensure that 2002 and resulted in several same cost as the revenue towns near Salt Lake City
other candidates, which we have the ability to cre- IOC members losing their that came in,” Romney preserved and improved
aligns with the International ate an incredible experi- positions for taking bribes. said. “We will not put a upon many of the venues,
Olympic Committee’s new ence for athletes while at Mitt Romney was brought in glitzy show like Sochi or Bei- and continued hosting key
blueprint for the Games. the same time managing to steer the games through jing, that are reported to international events. The
It’s almost a certain bet the sustainability and fiscal re- the scandal. The newly have cost as much $50 bil- freestyle world champion-
bid will be for 2030, though sponsibility,” Hirshland said. elected U.S. Senator for lion. We will show the world ships will be held in Park
the USOC left open the “It was clear to us when Utah told The Associated that you can produce an City in February.
possibility of other dates. we were there and in what Press after the announce- Olympics without having Utah organizers say they
There are only two bidders they presented that Salt ment that a series of pro- the government writing the could host the games for
for 2026: from Sweden and Lake City very much un- cesses put in place by the checks.” $1.35 billion, some $50 bil-
Italy, after voters in Cal- derstands the practical re- IOC will ensure no bribery In many parts of the United lion less than it cost in Russia
gary, Alberta, rejected a alities of hosting a Games, scandal happens again. States, however, the 2002 for the 2014 Sochi Games,
proposed bid. but also wants and sup- Romney said Salt Lake Games in Salt Lake City are which are the most expen-
USOC CEO Sarah Hirshland ports what they represent.” City should have a great remembered not for the sive games ever and stood
said Denver and Salt Lake The city’s selection set off chance at winning the bid bribery scandal but for a out as a blaring warning
City both presented strong celebration at the mayor’s from the IOC because it different reason. signal that the IOC needed
cases, but that the board office where local leaders has shown it can host the After never surpassing 13 to streamline its bloated
determined Utah was the who worked on the plan games without losing mon- medals at a Winter Games, Olympic structure.
better choice due in part gathered. Since 2012, Utah ey. Salt Lake City ended up the U.S. used home-turf ad- The exorbitant costs have
to the existing venues, their has said it’s ready and will- with a surplus after the 2002 vantage, an influx of new changed the dynamic of
proximity to each other, ing to host another Olym- Games, money he used to sports and the emotion of Olympic bidding. In 2002,
the city’s experience host- pics. help maintain venues it will the recent Sept. 11, 2001 cities were trying to bribe
ing the games and wide- One key hurdle for Salt Lake use again if it’s awarded terror attacks to capture 34 IOC officials to award them
spread community and City will be erasing memo- the Olympics. over three weeks in Utah. the Olympics. These days,
political support. She said it ries of the bidding scandal “We learned how to pro- In the aftermath, Park the IOC finds itself wanting
minimizes the risk. that marred the buildup to duce the Games for the City and other mountain for bidders.q
Titmus sets world record in
short-course 400 freestyle
HANGZHOU, China (AP) The 18-year-old Titmus fin- Li Bingjie, finished third in
— Australian swimmer Ari- ished in a time of 3 min- 3:57.99.
arne Titmus broke a sec- utes, 53.92 seconds on Wang set the previous
ond world record in three Friday. mark of 3:53.97 at a World
days, winning gold in the The previous world record- Cup meet in Budapest in
Gold medalist and new world record holder Australia’s women’s 400-meter free- holder, China’s Wang Ji- October.
Ariarne Titmus, right, hugs USA’s Leah Smith after the women’s style at the world short- anjiahe, took silver with Titmus broke the 200-meter
400m freestyle at 14th FINA World Swimming Championships course swimming champi- a time of 3:54.56. An- freestyle short course world
in Hangzhou, China Friday, Dec. 14, 2018.
Associated Press onships. other Chinese swimmer, record on Wednesday.q