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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 15 december 2018

            Japan begins reclamation at disputed US base despite protest

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                   deterrence  of  the  Japan-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    U.S. alliance and to remove
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japan’s                                                                                             the  risk  of  the  Futenma  air
            central  government  start-                                                                                         station, its relocation to He-
            ed main reclamation work                                                                                            noko  is  the  only  solution,”
            Friday  at  a  disputed  U.S.                                                                                       Chief  Cabinet  Secretary
            military base relocation site                                                                                       Yoshihide Suga told report-
            on  the  southern  island  of                                                                                       ers  Friday.  He  added  that
            Okinawa  despite  fierce  lo-                                                                                       the central government will
            cal opposition.                                                                                                     work toward reducing Oki-
            Construction        workers                                                                                         nawa’s  burden  of  hosting
            dumped  a  truckload  of                                                                                            U.S. troops and gaining un-
            sediment  and  bulldozed  it                                                                                        derstanding and coopera-
            into the sea at Henoko on                                                                                           tion from residents.
            Okinawa’s  east  coast  to                                                                                          Tetsuro Fukuyama, a senior
            build  a  runway  for  a  Ma-                                                                                       opposition  lawmaker  be-
            rine  Corps  base  that  will                                                                                       longing to the Constitution-
            be relocated from densely                                                                                           al  Democratic  Party,  criti-
            populated  Futenma  in  the                                                                                         cized  Abe’s  government
            southern part of the island.                                                                                        for  pushing  through  with
            The  central  government                                                                                            the base relocation.
            has  reversed  Okinawa’s     Protesters on canoes display placard as construction workers dumped a truckload of sediment on   “This  is  far  from  democra-
            earlier ban on landfill work   the ground and bulldozed it into the sea at Henoko on Okinawa’s east coast to build a runway for   cy,”  Fukuyama  said.  “The
            at the site.                 a Marine Corps base, Friday, Dec. 14, 2018.                                            Abe  government  has  no
            Opponents  of  the  reloca-                                                                        Associated Press  compassion  for  Okinawa,
            tion say it would not only be  repeatedly  visited  Tokyo,  Okinawa’s  children,”  an-  reduce  U.S.  bases  on  the  or  respect  for  the  rule  of
            an environmental debacle  urging top officials in Prime  other one read.               island,  also  visited  Wash-  law or respect for the will of
            but also ignore local wishes  Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabi-  Many  Okinawans  say  the  ington  and  New  York  last  the people.”
            to remove the base.          net to postpone the landfill  presence  of  so  many  U.S.  month  to  gain  support  for  The  plan  is  to  build  a  V-
            “I resent it strongly,” Okina-  work  and  engage  in  dia-  troops  on  the  island  is  al-  Okinawa  from  the  Ameri-  shape runway on the land-
            wa Gov. Denny Tamaki told  logue. Tamaki was in Tokyo  ready  a  heavy  burden  can public and officials.           fill  for  a  targeted  comple-
            reporters. “The central gov-  on  Thursday  for  talks  with  and  they  want  the  exist-  Washington’s  position  re-  tion  in  2022  as  a  replace-
            ernment  is  forcibly  dump-  Defense  Minister  Takeshi  ing  Futenma  air  station  mains  that  the  dispute  ment  for  Futenma  after  its
            ing  the  sediment  into  the  Iwaya.                     closed and its replacement  should  be  resolved  be-     closure.
            sea  and  it  does  not  even  Dozens of people in rubber  moved  off  the  island  en-  tween Tokyo and Okinawa.   Iwaya  said  the  plan  is  be-
            pay  the  slightest  attention  boats protested the move,  tirely.                     Officials  in  Tokyo  said  the  ing  delayed  because  of
            to the will of the Okinawan  hoisting placards.           Tamaki,  who  was  elected  Henoko plan is the only one  persistent  protests  and  a
            people.”                     “Don’t kill the ocean,” one  late September on his cam-   feasible  and  they  will  stick  planned  Futenma  closure
            Tamaki calls the one-sided  of  the  placards  said.  “No  paign promises to block the  with it despite protests.   by  the  target  date  seems
            decision  “illegal”  and  has  military  base  needed  for  Henoko  base  and  further  “In  order  to  maintain  the  difficult.q
            Sri Lankan prime minister to resign amid crisis

            By KRISHAN FRANCIS                                                                     two  no-confidence  votes  suggestions  that  he  reap-
            Associated Press                                                                       against  Rajapaksa,  but  he  point  Wickremesinghe,  but
            COLOMBO,  Sri  Lanka  (AP)                                                             held  on  to  office  with  Siris-  may now be compelled to
            — Supporters say disputed                                                              ena’s  backing.  Parliament  do  so  since  Wickremesing-
            Sri  Lankan  Prime  Minister                                                           also  voted  to  block  funds  he  has  shown  he  has  the
            Mahinda  Rajapaksa  has                                                                for him and his Cabinet.     support  of  117  lawmakers,
            decided to resign in an at-                                                            Lawmakers opposing Raja-     a majority of the 225-mem-
            tempt to end the country’s                                                             paksa took the fight to the  ber Parliament.
            political crisis.                                                                      Court of Appeal, which sus-  Reappointing         Wick-
            Rajapaksa’s  decision  Fri-                                                            pended Rajapaksa and his  remesinghe  would  allow
            day came a day after the                                                               Cabinet  from  functioning  a  functioning  government
            Supreme Court delivered a                                                              in their positions until it con-  and  Parliament.  It  would
            blow by ruling that a deci-  Supporters  of  ousted  Sri  Lankan  Prime  Minister  Ranil  Wick-  cludes the case. Rajapaksa  also allow lawmakers to dis-
            sion by President Maithripa-  remesinghe  celebrate  outside  the  supreme  court  complex  in   asked  the  Supreme  Court  solve Parliament by a two-
            la Sirisena to dissolve Parlia-  Colombo, Sri Lanka, Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018.          to end the suspension, but  thirds  vote  and  hold  new
            ment was unconstitutional.                                            Associated Press  it  rejected  the  request  on  elections.
            Sirisena’s  opponents  and  na sacked then-Prime Min-     in  Parliament  but  failed.  In  Friday.                 Lawmakers  could  also  at-
            rule-of-law  activists  hailed  ister  Ranil  Wickremesinghe  response, Sirisena dissolved  ___                     tempt  to  impeach  Sirisena
            the unanimous ruling, but it  and   appointed    former  Parliament  and  ordered  WHAT COULD HAPPEN                on the basis of the Supreme
            did not end a months-long  strongman Rajapaksa in his  new  elections,  but  those  A  pro-Rajapaksa  lawmak-       Court  ruling  that  his  order
            political stalemate that has  place.                      actions  were  put  on  hold  er,  Lakshman  Yapa  Abey-  to  dissolve  Parliament  vio-
            kept  Sri  Lanka  without  a  Wickremesinghe said Sirise-  by the Supreme Court until  wardena,  said  Rajapaksa  lated  the  constitution.  But
            functional government.       na didn’t follow the consti-  it heard the case and deliv-  decided in a meeting with  it  may  be  difficult  to  ob-
            ___                          tution in removing him and  ered its judgment Thursday.  Sirisena  to  resign  Saturday  tain the required support of
            HOW IT CAME ABOUT            claimed to still be the lawful  After  the  court  suspended  to  allow  the  president  to  two-thirds  of  Parliament’s
            The  conflict  began  when  prime  minister.  Rajapaksa  the  dissolution,  Parliament  appoint  a  new  govern-    members  to  approve  an
            President Maithripala Sirise-  sought to secure a majority  reconvened  and  passed  ment.  Sirisena  has  resisted  impeachment motion.q
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