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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 15 december 2018

            Nancy Wilson, Grammy winning jazz singer, dies at 81

            By ANDREW DALTON                                                                                                    career  on  television,  film
            HILLEL ITALIE                                                                                                       and  radio,  her  credits  in-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    cluding  “Hawaii  Five-O,”
            Nancy  Wilson,  the  Gram-                                                                                          ‘’Police  Story,”  the  Robert
            my-winning  “song  stylist”                                                                                         Townsend  spoof  “Meteor
            and  torch  singer  whose                                                                                           Man”  and  years  hosting
            polished  pop-jazz  vocals                                                                                          NPR’s  “Jazz  Profiles”  series.
            made her a platinum artist                                                                                          Active  in  the  civil  rights
            and  top  concert  perform-                                                                                         movement,  including  the
            er, has died.                                                                                                       Selma  march  of  1965,  she
            Wilson,  who  retired  from                                                                                         received an NAACP Image
            touring  in  2011,  died  after                                                                                     Award  in  1998.  Wilson  was
            a  long  illness  at  her  home                                                                                     married  twice  —  to  drum-
            in  Pioneertown,  a  Califor-                                                                                       mer  Kenny  Dennis,  whom
            nia desert community near                                                                                           she  divorced  in  1970;  and
            Joshua  Tree  National  Park,                                                                                       to  Wiley  Burton,  who  died
            her manager and publicist                                                                                           in 2008. She had three chil-
            Devra  Hall  Levy  told  The                                                                                        dren.  Born  in  Chillicothe,
            Associated Press late Thurs-                                                                                        Ohio, the eldest of six chil-
            day night. She was 81.                                                                                              dren  of  an  iron  foundry
            Influenced by Dinah Wash-                                                                                           worker and a maid, Wilson
            ington,  Nat  “King”  Cole                                                                                          sang in church as a girl and
            and other stars, Wilson cov-                                                                                        by age 4 had decided on
            ered  everything  from  jazz   In this Oct. 28, 2007 file photo, Nancy Wilson, left, and Terence Blanchard, right, perform during an   her  profession.  She  was  in
            standards  to  “Little  Green   all-star tribute concert for Herbie Hancock, in Los Angeles.                        high school when she won
            Apples”  and  in  the  1960s                                                                       Associated Press  a talent contest sponsored
            alone  released  eight  al-  She  resisted  being  identi-  Wilson’s  dozens  of  albums  mance, and she later won  by  a  local  TV  station  and
            bums  that  reached  the  fied with a single category,  included a celebrated col-     Grammys  for  best  jazz  vo-  was  given  her  own  pro-
            top  20  on  Billboard’s  pop  especially jazz, and referred  laboration with Cannonball  cal  album  in  2005  for  the  gram.  After  briefly  attend-
            charts.  Sometimes  elegant  to herself as a “song stylist.”  Adderley,  “Nancy  Wilson/  intimate   “R.S.V.P   (Rare  ing  Central  State  College,
            and  understated,  or  quick  “The  music  that  I  sing  to-  Cannonball  Adderley,”  a  Songs, Very Personal)” and  she  toured  Ohio  with  the
            and  conversational  and  a  day was the pop music of  small  group  setting  which  in 2007 for “Turned to Blue,”  Rusty Bryant’s Carolyn Club
            little naughty, she was best  the 1960s,” she told The San  understandably  could  be  a showcase for the relaxed,  Big Band and met such jazz
            known for such songs as her  Francisco Chronicle in 2010.  called  jazz;  “Broadway  —  confident  swing  she  mas-  artists as Adderley, who en-
            breakthrough “Guess Who I  “I just never considered my-   My  Way”;  “Lush  Life”;  and  tered  later  in  life.  The  Na-  couraged  her  to  move  to
            Saw  Today”  and  the  1964  self  a  jazz  singer.  I  do  not  “The  Nancy  Wilson  Show!”  tional  Endowment  for  the  New York. She soon had a
            hit “(You Don’t Know) How  do  runs  and  —  you  know.  a  best-selling  concert  re-  Arts  awarded  her  a  “Jazz  regular gig at The Blue Mo-
            Glad  I  Am,”  which  drew  I  take  a  lyric  and  make  it  cording. “How Glad I Am”  Masters Fellowship” in 2004  rocco,  and  got  in  touch
            upon  Broadway,  pop  and  mine.  I  consider  myself  an  brought  her  a  Grammy  in  for lifetime achievement.   with  Adderley’s  manager,
            jazz.                        interpreter of the lyric.”   1965  for  best  R&B  perfor-  Wilson  also  had  a  busy  John Levy.q

            Breakthrough Entertainer: ‘Insecure’ star Natasha Rothwell

            By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr.                                                                ence  felt  as  a  passionate  “Wonder  Woman  1984,”
            Associated Press                                                                       teacher  with  strong  opin-  which will arrive in theaters
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Na-                                                             ions.  Rothwell  says  both  in summer 2020.
            tasha  Rothwell  claims  she                                                           roles  helped  her  become  Rothwell  also  will  appear
            is  shy  in  real  life,  but  her                                                     more  confident  in  her  skin  alongside  Tiffany  Haddish
            scene-stealing  supporting                                                             as a woman.                  and Rose Byrne in the com-
            roles in HBO’s hit show “In-                                                           “I  get  to  put  on  someone  edy  “Limited  Partners,”  set
            secure” and the film “Love,                                                            who is truly unapologetic in  for  next  year.  She’s  also
            Simon” have proven other-                                                              every  aspect  of  life,”  said  writing  the  upcoming  film
            wise.                                                                                  Rothwell,  a  former  drama  “Bridal  Recall,”  which  fo-
            Rothwell’s  outspoken  TV                                                              teacher  in  New  York  who  cuses  on  a  woman  who
            character, Kelli, shines with                                                          used to write for “Saturday  wakes up with amnesia on
            witty  one-liners  and  brash                                                          Night Live.” She is also a co-  her wedding day.
            behavior,  sometimes  even                                                             producer on “Insecure.”      In the future, Rothwell wants
            more  than  “Insecure”  se-                                                            “As  a  black  woman,  I  feel  to play a lead in a romantic
            ries’ star Issa Rae.                                                                   like  much  of  my  young  comedy and do animation
            One  of  her  most  epic  mo-                                                          adult  life  I  was  trying  to  voiceover work.
            ments came during an epi-                                                              apologize  for  being  black  “I’m  not  afraid  to  be  a
            sode when Kelli urinates on                                                            or  being  a  woman,”  she  superhero,”  she  said  be-
            herself  after  police  used  a                                                        added.  “Kelli  is  someone  fore  bursting  into  laughter.
            stun  gun  on  her  after  get-                                                        who has never known that.  “What continues to be true
            ting kicked out of Coachel-                                                            Now,  as  a  woman,  I’m  about the projects that I’m
            la because of a fight.                                                                 proud on both sides.”        drawn  to  is:  Am  I  working
            In “Love, Simon,” Rothwell’s                                                           Rothwell,  38,  will  have  the  with  people  who  inspire
            screen  time  was  limited  in                                                         opportunity  to  grow  even  me, does the material chal-
            the  romantic  teen  come-   In this Oct. 23, 2018 photo, actress Natasha Rothwell poses for a   more.  She  will  join  the  lenge  me,  excite  me  and
                                         portrait in Los Angeles.
            dy, but she made her pres-                                            Associated Press  cast  of  the  Gal  Gadot-led  say something?”q
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