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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 15 december 2018

            Top TV moments: ‘Roseanne,’ Oprah’s speech, message funerals

            By LYNN ELBER                                                                                                       jor new voice and her work
            Associated Press                                                                                                    was  labeled  “transforma-
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — It was                                                                                           tive”  and  “game  chang-
            a   remarkably    dramatic                                                                                          ing,”  the  kind  of  awe  and
            year  on  television,  with                                                                                         admiration  granted  to  en-
            much of it unscripted.                                                                                              during comedy greats such
            While prime-series including                                                                                        as  Richard  Pryor,  George
            “This  Is  Us”  and  “Atlanta”                                                                                      Carlin  and  Dave  Chap-
            reached notable emotion-                                                                                            pelle.
            al  and  provocative  highs,                                                                                        ARETHA’S FAREWELL
            TV  impressively  fulfilled  its                                                                                    The Queen of Soul’s memo-
            role  as  witness  to  gripping                                                                                     rial  was  one  for  the  ages,
            real-life events.                                                                                                   with  preachers,  Motown
            We had the chance to see                                                                                            and  gospel  legends  and
            it all unfold: today’s barbed                                                                                       political and religious lead-
            politics  in  unlikely  settings;                                                                                   ers  offering  speeches  and
            a  woman  essentially  say-                                                                                         songs in praise of Franklin’s
            ing MeToo to U.S. senators;                                                                                         life, artistry and activism on
            the  suitably  extravagant                                                                                          behalf  of  African-Ameri-
            goodbye  to  an  American                                                                                           cans  and  women.  Stevie
            queen.                                                                                                              Wonder  sang,  and  so  did
            Here  are  some  of  the  mo-                                                                                       Smokey    Robinson    and
            ments with staying power:                                                                                           Chaka  Khan  and  Shirley
            OPRAH’S SPEECH                                                                                                      Caesar  and  Gladys  Knight
            Winfrey’s  rousing  call  for                                                                                       and  Ariana  Grande  and
            social  justice  in  the  name                                                                                      ...  plenty  of  others,  since
            of  the  MeToo  movement     This Jan. 7, 2018 image released by NBC shows Oprah Winfrey accepting the Cecil B. DeMille   the service ran eight hours.
            drew wild cheers in the ball-  Award at the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif.                Franklin’s  voice  was  stilled,
            room at the Golden Globes                                                                          Associated Press  but her spirit resonated.
            in  January  and  reverber-  by the mystery of what did  of  politics  and  culture  to-  though it remains a mystery  COLIN     KAEPERNICK’S
            ated across the land. Pun-   him in. In episodes airing in  day,  with  a  polarizing  star  who made Teddy’s cameo  STAND
            dits  and  Oprah-whisperers  January  and  February,  we  whose  character  mirrored  appearance  at  the  Em-      In his “Just Do It” TV spot for
            proclaimed  it  a  first  step  learned it was a faulty slow-  her  backing  for  President  mys).                  Nike that marked the cam-
            toward  a  presidential  run,  cooker and Jack’s bound-   Donald  Trump.  The  magic  Was the episode in April a  paign’s 30th anniversary in
            and  #oprah2020  trended.  less  sense  of  duty.  Ameri-  evaporated  in  May  after  riff  on  the  sad  life  of  a  Mi-  September,  the  sidelined-
            It’s  would  be  a  true  Holly-  ca’s  tears  flowed  even  as  Barr’s racist slam of Obama  chael  Jackson-like  celeb-  by-kneeling  NFL  quarter-
            wood  script:  an  entertain-  we  turned  a  fearful  eye  adviser Valerie Jarrett. ABC  rity? A slap at the insulting  back somberly challenged
            ment  mogul  challenges  toward  our  kitchen  appli-     called  her  tweet  “abhor-  blackface  used  by  white  viewers  to  “believe  in
            a  reality-show  host  for  the  ances.                   rent”  and  canceled  the  entertainers  past?  We’re  something, even if it means
            Oval Office. Oprah said no  THE  RISE  AND  FALL  OF  series.                          still mulling.               sacrificing   everything.”
            way; the chatter continues.  “ROSEANNE”                   “ATLANTA” IN WHITE           GADSBY’S REVOLUTION          Some  responded  with  an-
            JACK’S SACRIFICE             Three decades after it end-  Donald  Glover,  whose  rei-  The   Australian   standup  ger, cutting or burning Nike
            The  time-shifting  series  re-  ed, the comedy about the  magination of the TV com-   was  little  known  in  Amer-  gear  and  calling  for  boy-
            vealed  in  season  one  that  blue-collar  Conner  fam-  edy  challenges  viewers,  ica  when  her  Netflix  spe-  cotts.   President   Donald
            Jack Pearson (Milo Ventimi-  ily and its brassy matriarch  tested  them  with  a  truly  cial   “Hannah   Gadsby:  Trump  slammed  the  com-
            glia)  was  destined  to  die  returned  in  March  as  a  unsettling character, Teddy  Nanette”  arrived  in  June,  pany’s move, while LeBron
            young,  leaving  a  grieving  success for ABC and Rose-   Perkins,  depicted  in  mask-  dissecting  culture  and  the  James defended it, saying
            widow,  his  unmoored  chil-  anne  Barr.  The  revival  hit  like whiteface (an uncredit-  very artform she practices.  he stands for those who be-
            dren  and  viewers  tortured  the sweet — or sour — spot  ed performance by Glover,  She was heralded as a ma-      lieve in change.q

            Eddie Palmieri’s latest will move you to dance

            By  GARY  GERARD  HAMIL-     walked  through  Washing-                                 —  “Mi  Congo”  featuring  slower ballad sang so beau-
            TON                          ton Heights on your way to                                famed guitarist Carlos San-  tifully by the esteemed Gil-
            Associated Press             the Cloisters.                                            tana,  the  title  track  and  berto Santa Rosa you’ll be
            Eddie  Palmieri,  “Mi  Luz  “Mi  Luz  Mayor,”  which                                   “Yo Soy Mulato,” an ode to  encouraged  to  play  it  for
            Mayor” (Ropeadope)           loosely  translates  into  “My                            his grandmother of African  the one you adore, even if
            It might be the winter sea-  Eternal  Light,”  is  filled  with                        descent.                     you  don’t  completely  un-
            son  for  the  U.S.,  but  Eddie  bright,  melodic  tunes  that                        Songs  like  “Chica  Ni  Lam-  derstand the Spanish lyrics.
            Palmieri brings the sunshine  are  almost  guaranteed  to                              bo,”  ‘’Abarriba  Cumbiare-  “Mi  Luz  Mayor,”  Palmieri’s
            and  warmth  with  his  latest  make you get up and salsa                              mos”  and  “Quimbombo”  second  full-length  release
            album, “Mi Luz Mayor.”       — or at least try.                                        —  the  latter  two  featuring  this  year,  was  created  in
            The  Spanish  Harlem,  New  The  eight-time  Grammy                                    a  superb  Herman  Olivera  love: The pianist, bandlead-
            Yorker  is  a  living  legend  winner recruited dozens of   This  cover  image  released   —  grab  you  and  transport  er  and  composer,  who
            and  cultural  treasure  —  renowned musicians for the    by Ropeadope shows “Mi Luz   you  into  a  tiny  Puerto  Ri-  turns  82  on  Saturday,  said
            chances are you’ve heard  album,  including  frequent     Mayor,”  a  release  by  Eddie   can cafe, where the locals  it is reminiscent of the “mu-
            his  melodies  or  tunes  in-  collaborators Jimmy Bosch,   Palmieri.                  effortlessly  glide,  spin  and  sic that my late wife, Iraida,
            fluenced  by  him  during  Luques  Curtis,  Brian  Lynch              Associated Press  twirl into the night.       and I enjoyed in our youth”
            your  last  vacation  in  the  and  Little  Johnny  Rivero.  eight  salsa  arrangements,  There’s  also  the  beautiful  (Palmieri  lost  his  wife  to
            Caribbean,  or  when  you  The  album  is  comprised  of  along  with  three  originals  “Que Falta Tu Me Haces,” a  cancer in 2014).q
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