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Saturday 15 december 2018
Spit spot! Blunt’s a practically perfect Poppins
By JOCELYN NOVECK piece scene mixing live
Associated Press action and animation?
In the half-century since They’re literally hand-paint-
the original “Mary Poppins” ed, to delectable effect.
debuted, we’ve learned Blunt’s star power is com-
a lot about refined sugar, plemented here by ap-
frankly none of it good. pealing turns from Lin-Man-
Doctors tell us it can lead to uel Miranda as the afore-
obesity, heart disease and mentioned Jack, a kind-
all sorts of other detriments hearted lamplighter who
to our health. once worked for Bert the
But let’s face it, there are chimney sweep (aka Dick
times when a little sugar — Van Dyke); Ben Whisham
oh what the heck, let’s say and Emily Mortimer as the
a spoonful — is just what elder Banks children, a
we need, if not for health slimy Colin Firth as the bank
then for happiness. So it’s chief, and, for icing on
sweet news indeed that the cake, a flame-haired
“Mary Poppins Returns,” a Meryl Streep as Mary’s
sequel 54 years in coming, vaguely Eastern European
provides just that spoonful cousin Topsy (“Vat do you
of happiness in the form VANT?”).
of Emily Blunt, practically The setting is Depression-
perfect in every way as the era London, where wid-
heir to Julie Andrews. This image released by Disney shows Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins in “Mary Poppins Returns.” owed Michael lives with
“Spit spot!” ‘’Pish Posh!” Associated Press his three young children at
‘’Jigetty Jog!” (Did we spell sing, and dance, with part- everybody else had better loon-filled spring fair at the 17 Cherry Tree Lane, strug-
that right?) These Poppins- ners both live and animat- stand aside. end. And Sandy Powell’s gling to stay afloat. Sister
isms slip effortlessly off ed. And she’s funny — wit- There’s further happy news costumes are fabulous, es- Jane, a labor organizer,
Blunt’s tongue. It’s also no ness her priceless indigna- here: It’s not just Blunt that’s pecially the reds and blues lives in a flat across town.
simple feat to gaze at one’s tion when a child asks how at the top of her game in and stripes and polka dots As we begin, Michael
reflection and say “practi- much she weighs. But then this thoroughly delightful that adorn Mary, from her learns he’s behind on loan
cally perfect in every way” she can spin on a dime and enterprise by director Rob straw-hatted head to her payments, and the bank
and not seem egotistical, convey that steely Poppins Marshall and a crack team turned-out feet (What we wants to take his house.
but Blunt’s easy warmth nerve, that sense that in of artists devoted to both wouldn’t give for one of He’s given five days to find
and charm shine through. a crisis, she knows exactly honoring a time-worn clas- those slender-waisted, proof that his father owned
Of course she can also what must be done, and sic and finding something caped overcoats, or polka- shares there, which could
new to say. dot bow ties). And those save the home. Search-
The visuals are lovely, from candy-hued clothes that ing desperately, he comes
the oil paintings in the Mary, Jack and the Banks across an old kite but tosses
opening credits to the bal- kids wear in the center- it in the trash.q
Royals reveal the images on their
Christmas cards
Associated Press
LONDON (AP) — British of-
ficials have released the
photos chosen by mem-
bers of the royal family for
their Christmas cards.
Prince William and his wife
Kate are shown outside in
casual clothes, their three
young children in tow.
Prince Harry and Meghan
chose a black and white
motif that shows the new-
lyweds admiring a fireworks
display at their evening
wedding reception in May. This photo released by Kensington Palace on Friday Dec. 14,
2018, shows the photo taken by Matt Porteous of Britain’s Prince
For ardent gardener Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge with their children
Charles and his wife Camil- Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis at Anmer
la, the choice was a photo Hall in Norfolk, east England, which is to be used as their 2018
that showed them gazing Christmas card.
lovingly at one another Associated Press
while sitting on a bench sur- Buckingham Palace offi- card used by the queen
rounded by greenery. cials say there are no plans and her husband, Prince
And Queen Elizabeth II? to release an image of the Philip.q