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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Wednesday 9 January 2019

            AP Exclusive: NC election fraud probed long before 2018 race

            By MICHAEL BIESECKER and                                                                                            law  that  formed  it  as  un-
            EMERY  P.  DALESIO,  Associ-                                                                                        constitutional. A revamped
            ated Press                                                                                                          board is due to be seated
            RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Long                                                                                           Jan. 31.
            before  accusations  of  ab-                                                                                        Democratic  leaders  in  the
            sentee  ballot  fraud  in  a                                                                                        U.S.  House  have  said  they
            small North Carolina county                                                                                         won’t  allow  Harris  to  take
            cast doubt on the results of                                                                                        office  because  of  the  on-
            a heated 2018 congressio-                                                                                           going  investigation.  The
            nal  race,  a  state  elections                                                                                     U.S.   Constitution   makes
            investigator  spent  weeks                                                                                          the  House  the  judge  and
            probing  whether  the  man                                                                                          final arbiter of its members’
            at  the  center  of  the  cur-                                                                                      election contests.
            rent scandal was among a                                                                                            Tutor,  the  former  elections
            group buying votes.                                                                                                 investigator,  said  he  sus-
            That 2010 investigation was                                                                                         pected  in  2010  that  po-
            one of at least a half dozen                                                                                        litical  candidates  or  their
            instances over the last nine                                                                                        supporters  were  funneling
            years that prosecutors and                                                                                          undisclosed  cash  to  Dow-
            elections  officials  received                                                                                      less  to  fund  efforts  to  influ-
            complaints of serious elec-                                                                                         ence votes.
            tions irregularities in Bladen                                                                                      “Dowless deals in cash,” Tu-
            County,  a  rural  locale  of                                                                                       tor  said.  “He  doesn’t  care
            35,000 people that has long                                                                                         about party affiliation. You
            had  a  statewide  reputa-                                                                                          show  him  the  money,  and
            tion  for  political  chicanery                                                                                     he’ll get the votes.”
            by  both  Republicans  and   In this Dec. 5, 2018 photo, Leslie McCrae Dowless Jr. poses for a portrait outside of his home in   Years  later,  evidence  sur-
            Democrats. The state’s on-   Bladenboro, N.C. ,                                                                     faced  that  at  least  some
            going criminal investigation                                                                       Associated Press  political  cash  had  been
            into  2018  voting  irregulari-  he  was  unable  to  build  Dowless  and  others,  warn-  6  vote  where  Republican  steered  to  Dowless  that
            ties  has  focused  on  Leslie  a  strong  enough  case  ing in a January 2017 letter  Mark  Harris  leads  Demo-   was  never  disclosed  in
            McCrae  Dowless  Jr.,  a  lo-  against Dowless to support  that  those  involved  in  ille-  crat Dan McCready by 905  campaign finance reports,
            cal political operative and  criminal charges.            gally  harvesting  absentee  votes, according to unoffi-  as required by state law.
            convicted felon.             “Dowless    was   throwing  ballots in Bladen would like-  cial results. State investiga-  Jeffrey  S.  Smith,  a  Bladen
            Marshall  Tutor,  who  retired  a  lot  of  money  around,”  ly do it again if they weren’t  tors are also probing Dow-  County  sweepstakes  par-
            in  March  after  15  years  as  said  Tutor,  70,  recount-  prosecuted.   Investigators  less’  work  for  Harris  for  the  lor  operator,  says  he  gave
            an investigator for the N.C.  ing  the  2010  investigation.  are  now  probing  whether  May  2018  Republican  pri-  Dowless off-the-books cash
            Board  of  Elections,  told  “There  was  no  paper  trail.  Dowless  ran  a  sophisticat-  mary, in which he narrowly  in  2014.  Smith  testified  as
            The  Associated  Press  his  Witnesses  refused  to  give  ed operation over multiple  defeated  incumbent  U.S.  part  of  a  lawsuit  that  he
            office  first  fielded  accusa-  sworn  statements  or  testify  election  cycles  to  collect  Rep. Robert Pittenger.  gave  Dowless  three  cash
            tions nearly a decade ago  in court. No one was going  absentee  ballots  from  vot-   Harris has admitted making  payments  totaling  $5,800
            that  Dowless,  now  62,  was  to admit they were paid $5  ers, potentially altering the  the decision to hire Dowless  on behalf of current Bladen
            among a group giving vot-    to  vote.  But  where  there’s  selections  or  not  turning  after  hearing  about  him  County Sheriff Jim McVick-
            ers cash to fill out ballots the  that  much  smoke,  there  them in to be counted. Un-  from  Bladen  GOP  officials,  er, a Republican.
            way he directed.             was fire.”                   der state law, it is illegal for  paying  for  the  absentee  “Everybody  will  tell  you
            Emails  obtained  by  AP  Dowless  did  not  respond  anyone other than a voter  ballot  operation  through  that  McCrae  takes  cash
            through  a  public  records  Tuesday  to  a  message  or their immediate family to  a  political  consulting  firm.  for  work,”  Smith  told  AP  in
            request detail the elections  seeking  comment.  His  at-  handle  an  absentee  bal-  Harris,  a  Baptist  minister,  an interview last month, re-
            board’s  2010  investigation  torney, Cynthia Adams Sin-  lot  before  it  is  sealed  and  has  denied  knowledge  of  counting the payments.
            in  Bladen,  which  began  gletary, issued a statement  mailed.                        any  wrongdoing.  He  filed  North Carolina’s legislature
            after  a  Democratic  candi-  last  month  asserting  that  Also  at  issue  is  whether  a  lawsuit  last  week  asking  has  repeatedly  voted  to
            date  for  county  commis-   Dowless hasn’t broken any  Dowless  was  working  part  a  state  judge  to  order  his  outlaw  so-called  sweep-
            sioner  reported  seeing  po-  campaign laws.             of  a  larger  local  political  certification  as  the  winner  stakes  games,  which  typi-
            litical  operatives  handing  The  AP  first  reported  last  machine, including wheth-  of the November election.  cally  resemble  video  slot
            voters  what  he  suspected  month  that  North  Caro-    er  he  could  have  had  im-  North Carolina’s appointed  machines.  But  many  of
            to be cash outside an early  lina’s  top  elections  official  proper  help  from  current  elections  board  was  dis-  the  operations  have  man-
            voting site.                 issued an urgent plea near-  or  former  Bladen  County  solved  earlier  this  month  aged  to  stay  open  with
            Tutor  traveled  to  Bladen  ly  two  years  ago  for  the  officials.  The  state  Board  by  a  panel  of  three  state  court  challenges,  software
            multiple  times,  but  said  Trump administration to file  of Elections refused to cer-  judges  who  in  October  tweaks and frequent politi-
            in  an  interview  Monday  criminal  charges  against  tify  the  results  of  the  Nov.  struck down the GOP-back  cal donations.q
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