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A24     HEALTH
                Wednesday 9 January 2019

                                                                                         Starting with Gratitude

                                                                      functions  to  maintain  a  stable,  constant  tions to maintain a stable, constant condi-
                                                                      condition right now; not later.            tion  it  needs  to  be  able  to  adapt  to  dif-
                                                                      You do not tell your subconscious that later  ferent  conditions  you  are  asking  of  your
                                                                      you will need a faster heartbeat because  body. Some people, not having done the
                                                                      you will be taking a fast walk. Instead of  best for their body have lost the ability to
                                                                      saying “this year I am going to stop smok-  walk up a flight of stairs, since their lungs
                                                                      ing; which, by the way, is the greatest thing  and heart are now inflexible in their ability
                                                                      you  can  do  to  improve  your  health,  you  to handle more work. We can all learn the
                                                                      say “I am full of gratitude that I no longer  secret of the success attitude of our sub-
                                                                      smoke!” When you feel the urge, because  conscious,  which  is  its  ability  and  willing-
                                                                      your subconscious has been programmed  ness to change. Adaptability is a powerful
                                                                      to  flood  your  midbrain  with  nicotine  at  tool and being ready, able, and willing to
                                                                      intervals, you say “Ah, how thankful I am  change is firm footing for us to move for-
                                                                      that I am no longer a smoker”.  Or “Every  ward.
                                                                      day, in every way,  I do what is necessary  When  you  give  gratitude  for  allowing
                                                                      to have a healthy mind, body and spirit”   adaptability  and  balance  to  come  into
                                                                      Now  here  are  decisions  and  new  com-  your life as a wonderful New Year’s reso-
                                                                      mands which your subconscious can use  lution  it  opens  the  door  for  inner  calm-
                                                                      to reset your body.                        ness and allows unconditional respect for
                                                                      If you are getting a sense that homeosta-  others.  Being  ready,  able,  and  willing  to
                                                                      sis is all about balance, you would be cor-  change is to start living you life intelligently.
                                                                      rect.  The  ability  to  balance  is  one  of  our  Get The Point! We invite you to make 2019
                     By: Dr Carlos Viana                              physiological  senses.  It  allows  us  to  walk  your  personal  “Year  of  Healing”,  a  time
                                                                      without falling. Some animals are better in  in which you can make the small lifestyle
                                                                      this than humans, for example allowing a  changes that can make a big difference
            Social  researchers  tell  us  that  less  than  three  percent   cat to walk on a thin fence.       in  your  level  of  vitality,  health  and  well-
            of  New  Year’s  resolutions  are  accomplished.  These  are   In the metaphysical or conceptual sense,  being. In our clinic we provide holistic as-
            odds that are not exciting and reflect a weak charac-     balance is used to mean a point between  sessment  and  life-balance  program  de-
            ter of most people, or the lack of information on how to   two opposite forces that is desirable over  signed  to  help  you  gain  personal  insight
            accomplish  your  wishes.  Both  Phyllis  and  I  believe  most   purely  one  state  or  the  other,  such  as  a  into your state of physical, emotional, and
            resolutions that are not accomplished are due to how we   balance between the metaphysical Law  spiritual wellness. Our program then offers
            make our resolutions.                                     and  Chaos  —  law  by  itself  being  overly  guidance and tools to transform this new
            The first setback is that our resolutions are usually made   controlling,  chaos  being  overly  unman-  awareness  into  lasting  changes  in  your
            in the future. We say “this year I am going to …” Unfortu-  ageable,  balance  being  the  point  that  life, and a renewed sense of health and
            nately, your subconscious, the strongest part of you lives   minimizes  the  negatives  of  both.  It  could  wellbeing.q
            in  “the  now” and  does  not understand the future, only   be  as  simple  as  the  equilibrium  between
            the present moment. There is a good reason for this. Stop   yin and yang energy. “Being in balance”  CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D.  is an Oriental Medi-
            and think for a moment. Your breathing, heartbeat, di-    means “health” for us Traditional Chinese  cal  Doctor  (O.M.D.)  having  studied  in
            gestion of food, repairing your body, who is doing all of   Medicine physicians.                     Shanghai,  China;  a  Board  Cert.  Clinical
            these things? Certainly not the “you” that is reading this   Only  when  we  have  our  balance  does  Nutritionist  (C.C.N.),  a  fellow  member  of
            article, you are much too busy living your life. However,   this stability allow us to leap forward. Can  the Board Certified Association of Addic-
            these activities that are taking place in your body, that   you  take  a  jump  when  you  feel  like  you  tion Professionals (C.Ad.), the Chairperson
            you think are automatic are generously provided for you   are  falling?  Similarly,  no  matter  how  bad  of  the  Latin  American  Committee  of  the
            by your subconscious.                                     your habits, your vices, how badly you feel  International  Academy  of  Oral  Medicine
            Your subconscious works under the principle of homeo-     about yourself, take a moment to accept  and  Toxicology  (IAOMT),  a  Rejuvenating
            stasis. This wonderful word was developed in 1932 by Wal-  yourself and start where you are when you  Cell Therapist and specializes in Anti-Ag-
            ter Cannon from the Greek homoios (same, like, resem-     make this New Year’s resolutions. Remem-   ing Medicine, has a weekly radio program,
            bling) and stasis (to stand, posture). You computer and   ber, what you think about yourself is how  writes and lectures extensively.  For infor-
            electronics geeks will understand “default setting”, which   your subconscious also views you.       mation: VIANA NATURAL HEALING CENTER
            is the “same posture” or position as it came out of the fac-  Of  course,  for  your  subconscious  to  be  NV, Kibaima 7, Aruba, TEL: 585-1270, Web
            tory. Thus, you subconscious regulates your internal body   able to regulate your internal body func-  Site:
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