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Wednesday 17 July 2019 HEALTH
Transformation through Dreams
cate the presence of disease or abnormality. them through standard and cutting edge sci-
Symptoms, like dreams are letters or messages ence where their physical risks are. I then offer
from our subconscious and unconscious mind, choices for eliminating toxins. This is the first step
telling us something is different. If the message is of my 3 step protocol to good health. We then,
something our conscious mind doesn’t want to teach you to nourish your body in the healthi-
hear or “deal with”, we try to ignore, cover up est way available. Step 3 includes balancing all
or “kill” it. Sigmund Freud, one of the develop- aspects of your life, not only your body, but also
ers of psychotherapy considered shooting the your mind and spirit. Our bodies are complex
messenger a classic case of denial of what is and each aspect is not separate, but part of
distressing or unbearable. In 1482, the fortress the “Whole”.
town, Alhama was taken from the Moorish Some say, that I am a master at reading not
Sultanate Boabdil by the Catholic Monarchs. only signs, but also “hidden symptoms.” There
When King Boabdil received the news of the fall is no secret to this. I have spent many years
of his city, he felt that the loss meant the end of studying body chemistry including evaluating
his rule. But he could not “let it be true”....”He medical tests and physical signs. My logical or
threw the letters in the fire and killed the mes- left brain and training gives me tools to quickly
senger”. Did that change the facts? analyze this information. However, my creative
Similarly many people do not want to listen to or “right” brain allows me to reach deeper not
Dr. Carlos Viana their dreams. Frightened by a dream with a only listening to my own messages, but “tuning-
death theme, they take painkillers, sleeping in” to symptoms or feelings of those around me.
Imagine receiving a letter addressed to you pills or alcohol to forget convinced the death I then use this information to find answers to cas-
that had a return address with your grandmoth- dream is prophesying bad things to come. In es or problems in my work or life. Dream work
er’s name on it. The letter is remarkable be- fact a death in the dream of a young adult is is a way of tapping into these unconscious or
cause your grandmother passed on before you a message that the youth is “dying” to allow hidden secrets.
were born. Would you be motivated to open the adult to be “born” in the same body. Sym- There are different paths to understanding our
and read the letter? There are people who bolically, you as a baby had to die so the child dreams, which come from our unconscious,
would find this situation too weird and would could be born, then the child had to die so the physical science; where it is possible to measure
be afraid to open the letter. Other people, in- teenager could evolve, then the student must brain activity, psychology; the most famous still
trigued would want to know what one of their die and a working adult, who can start taking used today are Freud and Jung, or supersti-
ancestors had to say to them to them and im- care of them self is emerges. Overwhelmingly, tion; “Dreams are dangerous” or Dream books.
mediately rip it open. Still others would open the cultural myths honor the butterfly as a symbol Dispelling the myths and learning to develop-
envelope very slowly, being caught between of transformation because of its impressive pro- ing the communication skills with our “uncon-
fear, excitement and wanting the experience cess of metamorphosis. Interestingly, in many scious” or hidden brain and our conscious or
to last. Dreams are like this. Dreams are a clear cultures the butterfly is also associated with the waking brain, should not be feared. It allows
indication that the sleeping brain is working on soul. As we mature and take more responsibility us to understand our whole selves better, there-
information about your body, mind and spirit, for our own lives, our soul evolves. fore grow and heal.
including ways that will directly improve your Dreams and symptoms, as messages are not Get The Point! A letter from grandparent could
life quality; if you listen. good or bad. During times of crisis and trau- contain valuable genetic information about
ma, as well as transition, beginning or ending your family’s health. Information you and your
In our clinic, I often discuss dreams with patients a relationship, facing illness, changing jobs, doctor can use to help prevent potential illness-
during their healing process. People come to leaving home, dealing with loss, all stressful oc- es. Similarly, you symptoms are vitally important
clinic because they have symptoms that could currences, and dreams can be a valuable re- to identify any potential problems that could
include, pain, dizziness, numbness, lighthead- source for problem solving. Actively working at be developing. The process you go through to
edness, fatigue, ringing ears, depression, prob- learning how to better understand your dreams heal your body and mind enriches and evolves
lems sleeping and difficulties relating to sex. and symptoms will enhance your ability to inter- your soul. Dreams show us what our soul wants.
A symptom is a “feeling” that only the person pret your inner feelings and resolve major chal- Call us for Dream counseling or to help with
in that body can describe. Symptoms could lenges, turning the difficult passages of life into unwanted symptom relief. We can help your
come with signs that can be seen or measured, opportunities for growth and success. butterfly transform to its greatest potential.
such as fluctuations in breathing or heart rate, In our clinic, instead of covering up symptoms, DREAMS: THE HIDDEN SECRETS TO ABUNDANCE
instability in walking, pale skin, facial expression our patients embark on a journey with me to - a 4 week workshop starting Wed., 07 Nov, call
changes. Symptoms or Signs could both indi- identify the source of their problems. I show for reservations.q