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                     Saturday 6 May 2017

                Puerto Rico to close 179 public schools amid crisis

                                                                                                   problems.”                   percent  in  the  past  three
                                                                                                   Opponents    of   previous   decades,  and  an  addi-
                                                                                                   school  closures  say  that   tional  22  percent  drop  is
                                                                                                   transportation logistics and   expected  in  upcoming
                                                                                                   special  education  needs    years,  according  to  a  re-
                                                                                                   were  not  taken  into  ac-  port  that  the  Boston  Con-
                                                                                                   count.  An  estimated  30    sulting Group submitted to
                                                                                                   percent of Puerto Rico stu-  the previous administration
                                                                                                   dents  receive  specialized   to  help  restructure  Puerto
                                                                                                   education, twice the aver-   Rico’s education system.
                                                                                                   age in the U.S. mainland.    Much of the drop was the
                                                                                                   Keleher  stressed  that  spe-  result of parents moving to
                                                                                                   cial  education  needs  are   the mainland U.S. in search
                                                                                                   being  addressed  and  that   of jobs and a more afford-
                                                                                                   no  one  would  be  laid  off   able  life,  as  well  as  thou-
                                                                                                   amid  the  closures,  which   sands  of  teachers  being
                                                                                                   she  said  would  allow  the   recruited  from  the  island
                                                                                                   department to better serve   for  their  bilingual  skills.  The
                                                                                                   students  and  redistribute
                                                                                                   sources more equally.        island’s  low  birth  rate  also
                                                                                                   Several  education  officials   is expected to keep driving
                                                                                                   supported  the  move,  say-  down enrollment.
            Ana Sanchez and her 8-year-old daughter Naiyari lock the gates of her school, The Dr. Isaac Gon-  ing that previous education   The  school  closures  were
            zalez Martinez school, as part of their daily responsibilities in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Friday, May   secretaries have long been   announced just days after
            5, 2017. The school is one of 179 closing this month amid an economic crisis, and Naiyari’s second   divorced  from  the  depart-  the  governor  announced
            school to close within two years.                                                                                   that  Puerto  Rico  was  em-
                                                                           (AP Photo/Danica Coto)  ment’s  problems  and  did   bracing  a  bankruptcy-like
            By DANICA COTO               spent 10 years handing out  those schools would remain    not properly use the limited   process as it struggles to re-
                                                                                                   resources they had.
            Associated Press             nearly $3 billion in a system  open.                      Principal  Ida  Luz,  whose   structure $73 billion in pub-
            SAN  JUAN,  Puerto  Rico  that hardly has any books,”  The  school  shutdown  an-      school  in  the  municipal-  lic debt.
            (AP) — Puerto Rico is clos-  she said. “We cannot keep  nounced  Friday  will  be      ity  of  Bayamon  is  among   The  decision  to  resolve  a
            ing 179 public schools in a  doing  what  we’re  doing  the largest mass closure of    those closing, said she sup-  portion of the debt in court
            move  expected  to  save  because  we  don’t  have  schools  in  the  island’s  his-   ports the change because     is  the  largest  effort  ever
            more  than  $7  million  amid  the resources.”            tory. Officials shuttered 150   she  does  not  have  the  re-  made  by  a  U.S.  govern-
            a  deep  economic  crisis  The news about the school  schools  over  the  span  of     sources  that  her  students   ment  to  shield  itself  from
            that has sparked an exodus  closures  raised  concerns  five years from 2010 to 2015.  need.                        creditors. It’s unknown how
            to the U.S. mainland in the  it  could  speed  up  the  on-  The  announcement  an-    “We  barely  get  any  gov-
            past  decade,  officials  said  going  exodus  from  Puerto  gered  many  parents  at   ernment money,” she said,   long  the  bankruptcy-like
            Friday.                      Rico.  Nearly  450,000  peo-  one  school  who  said  they   her eyes welling with tears.   process will take, although
            An  estimated  27,000  stu-  ple  over  the  last  decade  learned  about  the  closure   “Sometimes  the  children   local  government  officials
            dents  will  be  moved  else-  have already left for Florida  through the media.       have  to  come  into  my  of-  believe  it  could  be  re-
            where  when  their  schools  and other parts of the U.S.  “This is a disaster,” said Ana   fice to ask for toilet paper. I   solved in four years.
            close  at  the  end  of  May,  mainland  to  flee  the  wors-  Sanchez,  mother  of  an   bring it from my house.”  Overall, Puerto Rico has $73
            said newly appointed Edu-    ening economic crisis.       8-year-old daughter whose    Puerto Rico currently has a   billion in public debt accu-
            cation Secretary Julia Kele-  Officials  initially  had  said  new school is closing for the   total of 1,292 public schools   mulated in part by previous
            her.                         184  schools  were  closing  second time in two years as   that serve 365,000 students.   administrations  borrowing
            “We have a fiscal crisis and  but  then  announced  at  a result of the crisis. “This is   The  island  has  seen  its   money  to  cover  budget
            few  resources  and  we’ve  the last minute that five of  causing  her  psychological   school  enrollment  drop  42   deficits.  By  comparison,
                                                                                                                                the U.S. city of Detroit had
             Brazil’s president vows to quit politics after term ends                                                           less than $20 billion in debts
                                                                                                                                when it filed for bankruptcy
                                                                                                                                in 2013, which was the big-
            SAO PAULO (AP) — Unpop-      his predecessor Dilma Rous-  of 2018.                     Temer’s   reputation   has   gest  U.S.  municipal  bank-
            ular  Brazilian  President  Mi-  seff  was  impeached  last  A recent Datafolha institute  been tainted by corruption   ruptcy ever.
            chel Temer has pledged to  year.                          poll  says  just  9  percent  of  allegations  in  the  ongoing   In  related  news  on  Friday,
            retire  from  politics  after  he  The   76-year-old   Temer  Brazilians  approve  Temer’s  probe  into  bribes  paid  by   U.S.  District  Judge  Laura
            leaves office.               vowed he will not seek re-   job performance.             the Petrobras oil company.   Taylor Swain from Southern
            Temer also insisted in an in-  election  and  will  deliver  That  figure  is  lower  than  He  still  faces  a  trial  that   District  of  New  York  was
            terview aired that Thursday  promised  austerity  mea-    Rousseff’s  was  when  she  could  remove  him  within    designated  as  the  presid-
            night that he has not made  sures before leaving office.  was forced from the presi-   weeks. q                     ing  judge  in  Puerto  Rico’s
            any mistakes in office since  His  term  ends  the  last  day  dency.                                               bankruptcy-like case.q
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